Why Should He Love Me So – Hymn Lyric

"Why Should He Love Me So? Discover the depth of love that sent my Savior to die for me. Explore the profound sacrifice and unconditional love that defies all logic."

Why Should He Love Me So – Hymn Lyric



Why Should He Love Me So – Hymn Lyric

sent my to die in my stead;
Why should He love me so?
Meekly to Calvary’s He was led;
Why should He love me so?

Nails pierced His hands and His feet for my sin;
Why should He love me so?
He suffered sore my salvation to win;
Why should He love me so?

O how He agonized there in my ;
Why should He love me so?
Nothing withholding my sin to efface;
Why should He love me so?

Why should He love me so?
Why should He love me so?
Why should my Savior to Calvary go?
Why should He love me so?


Meaning of Why Should He Love Me So

Why Should He Love Me So

Love is a powerful force. It can move mountains and conquer all obstacles. Love has the ability to make someone sacrifice everything for the sake of another. This is the kind of love that sent my Savior to die in my stead. But why? Why would someone love me so much that they would willingly lay down their life for me?

The asks this very question – why should He love me so? It is a question that may linger in the minds of many individuals. We often struggle to understand why someone would love us unconditionally, especially when we feel unworthy or undeserving.

The hymn goes on to describe how meekly my Savior was led to Calvary’s cross. Calvary, known as the place of crucifixion, was a symbol of suffering and sacrifice. It was where Jesus willingly carried the weight of my sins, was nailed to the cross, and died so that I may have salvation. This act of ultimate love and sacrifice is something that is difficult to comprehend, especially when we consider our own flaws and shortcomings.

The hymn reminds us that nails pierced His hands and His feet for my sin. The image of the crucifixion is a stark reminder of the pain and suffering that Jesus endured for me. It was not just a casual gesture, but a profound act of love that cost Him everything. The hymn emphasizes that He suffered sore to win my salvation. This suffering was not in vain, but rather a necessary step in the redemption of humanity.

As the hymn further reflects, He agonized there in my place. The weight of my sins, my mistakes, and my shortcomings were placed upon His shoulders. He bore the so that I may be set . This act of substitution is a testament to the incredible love that He has for me. It is a love that is beyond comprehension, yet it is a love that is freely given.

The hymn suggests that He withheld nothing to efface my sins. There was no hesitation or reservation in His sacrifice. He laid it all on the line, holding nothing back. This selflessness is a reflection of the depth of His love. It is a love that seeks to forgive, to cleanse, and to restore. It is a love that holds nothing against me, but instead seeks to redeem and reconcile.

Why should He love me so? This question may seem overwhelming, but the answer lies in the very nature of love itself. Love is not something that is based on merit or deserving. It is a gift that is freely given, without conditions or expectations. It is a love that extends grace and mercy, even when we may feel unworthy.

As the hymn repeats, why should He love me so? It is a question that may never truly be answered, but it is a question that should lead us to a place of gratitude and awe. It should remind us of the incredible love that has been poured out for us and inspire us to love others in the same selfless manner.

So, why should He love me so? The answer lies in His heart, in His love that knows no bounds. It is a love that is to go to the ends of the earth, to the depths of despair, and to the highest mountaintops. It is a love that is stronger than any sin, any mistake, or any doubt. It is a love that transforms, heals, and restores.

In conclusion, the hymn beautifully captures the essence of why He loves me so. It is a love that cannot be explained or fully understood. It is a love that surpasses all human comprehension. It is a love that is freely given, undeserved, and unconditional. It is a love that is willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of another. It is a love that is powerful, life-changing, and eternal. So, why should He love me so? Perhaps, the answer lies in the very nature of love itself – a love that knows no bounds and defies all logic.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Why Should He Love Me So? Discover the depth of love that sent my Savior to die for me. Explore the profound sacrifice and unconditional love that defies all logic.


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