God Of My Salvation Hear – Hymn Lyric

Seek refuge in the grace of God

God Of My Salvation Hear – Hymn Lyric



God Of My Salvation Hear – Hymn Lyric

of my , hear,
And help me to believe;
Simply do I now draw near,
Thy blessing to receive:
Full of sin, alas! I am,
But to thy wounds for refuge flee:

Friend of sinners, spotless ,
Thy blood was shed for me.

Standing now as newly slain,
To thee I lift mine eye;
Balm of all my grief and pain,
Thy grace is always nigh:
Now as yesterday the same
Thou art, and wilt for ever be:

Nothing have I, Lord, to pay,
Nor can thy grace procure;
Empty send me not away,
For I, thou know’st, am poor:
Dust and ashes is my name,
My all is sin and misery:

No good word, or work, or thought
Bring I to gain thy grace;
Pardon I accept unbought,
Thine offer I embrace,
Coming, as at first I came,
To take, and not bestow on thee:

Saviour, from thy wounded side
I never will depart;
Here will I my spirit hide
When I am pure in heart:
Till my place above I claim,
This only shall be all my plea:


Meaning of God Of My Salvation Hear

God of My Salvation : Find Refuge in His Grace

In times of trouble and despair, we often seek solace and guidance from a higher power. Just as the says, “God of my salvation, hear, and help me to believe,” we turn to God with our and plead for his divine intervention. As we draw near to him, we long for his and forgiveness, knowing that we are full of sin.

It is humbling to acknowledge our faults and flaws, but we find comfort in the fact that we can take refuge in the wounds of Jesus Christ, our “friend of sinners” and “spotless Lamb.” It is through his shed blood that we find redemption and salvation. We may feel overwhelmed by our sins, but his grace is always near. Just as he was the same yesterday, he remains constant in his love and mercy, forever extending his hand to us.

In our moments of despair, we lift our eyes to the Lord, knowing that he is the balm for all our grief and pain. His grace is the source of our comfort and healing. Regardless of the hardships we face, God is ever-present, offering us solace and support. We are never alone, for he stands by our side, equipping us with the strength to overcome our struggles.

When we approach God, we must remember that we have nothing to offer in return for his grace. We cannot earn it through good deeds, words, or thoughts. We come before him empty-handed, acknowledging our poverty and sinfulness. Yet, despite our unworthiness, we can trust that he will not send us away. He welcomes us with open arms, ready to pour out his love and forgiveness upon us.

We are but dust and ashes, frail and imperfect beings. Yet, God sees beyond our flaws and embraces us with his boundless compassion. Our only plea is to accept his pardon, given freely and unconditionally. We need not try to impress him with our own efforts or merits. Instead, we humbly accept his offer of salvation, knowing that he is the source of all grace and redemption.

As we accept God’s forgiveness, let us remember the of Jesus – the wounded side from which his blood flowed. It is in his wounds that we find shelter and security. We find refuge in his love, knowing that he will never forsake us. We make a solemn vow to remain steadfast, never departing from his side.

When our hearts are pure and our spirits are cleansed, we can rest assured that God is with us. In those moments of clarity and peace, we hide our in him, finding solace and protection. It is through this connection that we can claim our place above, secure in our right to inherit eternal life.

In conclusion, we find and comfort in the hymn titled “God of My Salvation .” It reminds us that no matter how sinful or unworthy we may feel, we can approach God with confidence, knowing that his grace is always near. We take refuge in the wounds of Jesus, our , whose blood was shed for our redemption. Our plea is simple – to accept his forgiveness and embrace his offer of salvation. Despite our imperfections, we trust that God will never turn us away. May we always find solace in his love and grace, knowing that he is the God of our salvation.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Seek refuge in the grace of God, the God of My Salvation. Find comfort and forgiveness in his unwavering love and embrace his offer of salvation. Trust in his constant presence and receive his blessings.


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