Thanks Be To Jesus His Mercy Is Free – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound meaning of Jesus' mercy in this hymn. His boundless and free mercy flows for all sinners. Come home to His loving embrace and find salvation. Jesus is seeking you with open arms.

Thanks Be To Jesus His Mercy Is Free – Hymn Lyric



Thanks Be To Jesus His Mercy Is Free – Hymn Lyric

Praise be to Jesus! His mercy is free;
Mercy is free, Mercy is free:
Sinner, that mercy is flowing for thee,
Mercy is and free.

If thou art willing on Him to believe,
Mercy is free, mercy is free:
Life everlasting soul may receive,
Mercy is boundless and free.

Jesus the Saviour is looking for thee,
Looking for thee, looking for thee;
Lovingly, tenderly calling for thee,
Calling and looking for thee.

Why on the mountains of sin wilt thou roam?
Mercy is free, Mercy is free:
Gently the Spirit is calling, ‘ home,’
Mercy is boundless and free.

Thou art in , O come to the light!
Mercy is free, mercy is free:
Jesus is waiting, He’ll save you tonight,
Mercy is boundless and free.


Think of His goodness, and patience and love;
Mercy is free, Mercy is free:
Pleading thy cause with His Father above,
Mercy is boundless and free.

Come, and repenting, O give Him thy heart!
Mercy is free, mercy is free:
Grieve Him no longer, but come as thou art,
Mercy is boundless and free.


Yes, there is pardon for all who believe;
Mercy is free, Mercy is free:
Come and this moment a blessing receive,
Mercy is boundless and free.

Jesus is waiting, O hear Him proclaim!
Mercy is free, mercy is free:
Cling to His mercy, believe on His name,
Mercy is boundless and free.


Meaning of Thanks Be To Jesus His Mercy Is Free

Thanks Be To Jesus: His Mercy Flows Freely for All


Praise be to Jesus, for His mercy is free! This beautiful reminds us of the boundless and all-encompassing mercy that Jesus offers to sinners. It is a call from the depths of the heart, inviting us to seek salvation, embrace forgiveness, and experience the love and grace of our . In this article, we will explore the powerful message conveyed in this hymn and delve into the profound meaning of Jesus’ mercy. Let us embark on this journey of faith, hope, and redemption, knowing that Jesus, our shepherd, is looking for each one of us, calling us to come home.

Verse 1: The Boundless and Free Mercy of Jesus

At the core of this hymn is the message of Jesus’ boundless and free mercy. The repetition of the words “Mercy is free, mercy is free” emphasizes the profound truth that no one is excluded from the reach of His love and forgiveness. Regardless of our past mistakes, sins, or shortcomings, Jesus’ mercy is available to all who are willing to believe in Him. It is not a gift that can be earned or deserved, but rather a gift freely given to us by the grace of God.

Refrain: Jesus, the Merciful Savior, Is Looking for You

The refrain beautifully captures the and compassionate nature of Jesus, who actively seeks out sinners and calls them to come to Him. Imagine Jesus, with gentle and tender eyes, patiently searching for each lost soul. He yearns for us to turn away from our sinful ways and find refuge in His arms. His love is relentless and unwavering, as He persistently calls and looks for us, desiring to be our guiding light in the darkness of our lives.

Verse 2: Embracing the Light and Finding Salvation

As sinners, we often find ourselves lost in the mountains of sin, feeling disconnected from God’s love and mercy. But the hymn assures us that Jesus is waiting for us to come home to Him. His light shines brightly, offering hope and salvation to all who are willing to receive it. In a world filled with darkness, Jesus’ invitation to embrace the light and experience His saving power is an opportunity we should not ignore.

Verse 3: Remembering the Goodness and Patience of Jesus

In times of doubt and despair, it is crucial to remember the goodness, patience, and love Jesus has shown us. The hymn reminds us that Jesus pleads our cause with His Father above, interceding for us and offering forgiveness. His love knows no bounds, and He longs for us to repent and surrender our hearts to Him. Let us not prolong His grief, but instead, accept His forgiveness and come to Him just as we are.

Refrain: Jesus’ Calling Rings Loud and Clear

Once again, the refrain paints a vivid picture of Jesus’ relentless pursuit of our souls. His call echoes through the depths of our being, resonating with love and . Let us cling to His mercy and believe in His name, knowing that Jesus is always waiting for us with open arms.

Verse 4: The Promise of Pardon and Blessing

For all those who believe in Jesus, there is a promise of pardon and blessing. His mercy knows no limits, and He invites us to receive His grace in this very moment. The hymn encourages us not to wait, but to grasp the opportunity to experience the life-transforming power of Jesus’ mercy. We are reminded that Jesus is ever-present, to pour out upon those who trust in Him.


Thanks be to Jesus, for His mercy is truly free! This hymn eloquently expresses a truth that must resonate in our hearts: Jesus’ love and forgiveness are boundless, available to all who seek Him. No matter what burdens we carry or mistakes we have made, His mercy calls us home, offering the light of salvation and the promise of eternal life. Let us cling to His mercy, believe in His name, and trust in His unwavering love. May the words of this hymn inspire us to actively seek Jesus, knowing that He is always looking for us, extending His hand of mercy and calling us to the ultimate joy of redemption.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound meaning of Jesus' mercy in this hymn. His boundless and free mercy flows for all sinners. Come home to His loving embrace and find salvation. Jesus is seeking you with open arms.


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