Hail To The Savior Whose Passion Is Waiting – Hymn Lyric

Hail To The Savior Whose Passion Is Waiting: A Glorious Promise of Salvation. Rejoice in the Savior's sacrifice and eagerly await His triumphant return as our Messiah and King. Sing hallelujahs to Jesus

Hail To The Savior Whose Passion Is Waiting – Hymn Lyric



Hail To The Savior Whose Passion Is Waiting – Hymn Lyric

Hail to the Saviour! whose Passion is waiting;
Who by His death,
our salvation will bring;
Sin will be conquered,
life’s day will be dawning:
Hail to the Saviour,
our tributes we bring!

Hail! all hail!
Sing hallelujahs to Jesus!
Hail! all hail!
He is our King.

Hail to our Jesus!
all heaven is singing;
Loud with His praise
all creation will ring;
After the cross and the tomb He is living:
Hail to our Jesus,
who soon may be King! [Refrain]

Hail to Messiah!
whose is coming,
Coming the day
when we crown Him as King;
Soon we may see Him in glory returning:
Hail to Messiah;
His victory we sing; [Refrain]

Hail to the day
when the tombs be opening-
Glorious day
when my Lord shall appear!
Bringing my loved ones
for whom I am :
Hail to the day
when we meet in the air!


Meaning of Hail To The Savior Whose Passion Is Waiting

Hail To The Savior Whose Passion Is Waiting: A Glorious Promise of Salvation

In this hymn, we are invited to offer our praise and adoration to the Savior, who patiently endured the world’s suffering and sacrificed His life for our salvation. The verses remind us of the joyful anticipation we feel as we await the fulfillment of His promise to return as a triumphant King.

The refrain calls us to sing hallelujahs to Jesus, expressing our excitement and gratitude for His imminent return. It serves as a reminder that He is our hope, our source of strength, and the one who will bring ultimate victory over sin and death.

The hymn begins by hailing the Savior, acknowledging His unwavering determination to carry out His divine plan. We are reminded that it is through His death that our salvation will be brought about. As we sing these words, we offer our tributes and gratitude to the Savior who willingly endured unimaginable suffering so that we may have eternal life.

The refrain our joyful exaltation, encouraging us to greet Jesus with hails of praise. We are reminded that He is not just a historical figure, but the one who will soon return as our King. As we sing hallelujahs to Him, we express our anticipation and excitement for the day when He will reign over all creation.

The hymn then shifts our focus to the heavenly realm, highlighting the immense praise that Jesus receives from all of heaven. The of angels and all creation join together in singing His , showing the magnitude of His importance and the impact of His life and sacrifice.

We are reminded that, after His crucifixion and burial, Jesus conquered sin and death by from the grave. With a renewed sense of life and purpose, He invites us to rejoice in His resurrected state. As we join in singing loud praises, we recognize that Jesus lives and is actively working in our lives, offering us hope and salvation.

The refrain once again calls us to hail our Jesus, declaring the certainty of His return. We are encouraged to eagerly anticipate the day when we will see Him in all His glory as He returns triumphantly. In this future moment, we will the fulfillment of His promise to reign as our Messiah and King.

The hymn concludes by painting a picture of the glorious day when the tombs shall be opened. A day when our Lord shall appear and us, His beloved, to be with Him. The longing for reunion with our loved ones in Heaven is expressed, evoking feelings of hope and comfort. As we await this day, we sing with anticipation, hailing the moment when we will meet our Savior in the air.

In summary, “Hail To The Savior Whose Passion Is Waiting” is a hymn that beautifully expresses our gratitude and anticipation for the Savior’s return. Through its verses and refrain, it reminds us of the Savior’s sacrifice, victory over sin and death, and His forthcoming reign as our Messiah and King. As we sing these words, we are reminded of the hope and joy that can be found in our faith, and our hearts are filled with a longing to be united with our Savior in Heaven. May we continue to hail our Jesus and eagerly await the glorious day when we will meet Him in the air. Hallelujah!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Hail To The Savior Whose Passion Is Waiting: A Glorious Promise of Salvation. Rejoice in the Savior's sacrifice and eagerly await His triumphant return as our Messiah and King. Sing hallelujahs to Jesus, our hope and source of victory over sin and death.


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