See From On High A Light Divine – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Divine Revelation of Jesus in "See From On High A Light Divine." Witness the descent of a heavenly light and hear the voice proclaiming Jesus as God's beloved Son. Follow His teachings to find heavenly peace and eternal life.

See From On High A Light Divine – Hymn Lyric



See From On High A Light Divine – Hymn Lyric

See, from on high, a light divine
On Jesus’ head descend;
And hear the sacred voice from Heav’n,
That bids us all attend:

“This is My well beloved Son,”
Proclaimed the voice divine:
“Hear Him,” His heavenly Father said,
“For all His words are Mine.”

His mission thus confirmed from Heaven,
The great Messiah came,
And heav’nly taught to man,
In the Father’s name.

The path of heav’nly peace He showed,
That leads to on high,
Where all His faithful followers here
live, no more to die.

O may we then, who own Him Lord,
And His loved name profess,
By all our words and actions prove
That we His mind possess.


Meaning of See From On High A Light Divine

See From On High A Light Divine: Exploring the Divine Revelation of Jesus

In this hymn, we are invited to witness a remarkable event – the descent of a divine light upon Jesus’ head. It is not just any ordinary light but a sign from Heaven, affirming Jesus’ role as the well-beloved Son of God. The sacred voice from above beckons us to pay attention, assuring us that all of Jesus’ words are from the heavenly Father Himself.

This divine revelation marks a turning point in Jesus’ mission on Earth. It confirms His identity as the long-awaited Messiah, the one sent by God to salvation and hope to humanity. With this divine endorsement, Jesus pursued His ministry, imparting heavenly wisdom to mankind in the name of His Father.

One crucial aspect of Jesus’ teachings was the path of heavenly peace. He showed us the that leads to bliss, where His faithful followers will live forever, liberated from the bondage of death. This path leads us to a that is beyond this mortal existence, one filled with everlasting and fulfillment.

As individuals who acknowledge Jesus as our Lord, we are called to profess His name and demonstrate our allegiance to Him through our words and actions. It is not enough to simply call ourselves His followers; our lives should reflect His teachings and display His love and compassion towards others. By doing so, we truly possess the mind of Christ and become a testament to His transformative power.

The divine revelation of Jesus serves as a powerful reminder of His unique role in human history. It highlights His divine connection and authority, showcasing His teachings as the very words of God. Jesus’ words carry weight and significance, as they are not merely the product of human wisdom but are infused with the divine.

In our own lives, we too can experience moments of divine revelation. While we may not witness a physical light descending from above, we can seek God’s presence and guidance in our daily lives. Through prayer, meditation, and studying His Word, we can tap into the divine wisdom that Jesus brought to Earth and allow it to shape our thoughts, decisions, and interactions.

By embracing the revealed truths of Jesus, we can find direction, purpose, and hope. His teachings provide us with a moral compass, guiding us to make choices that align with God’s perfect will. They offer comfort and solace in times of hardship and remind us that we are not alone in our struggles.

Beyond our personal growth and transformation, the divine revelation of Jesus has broader implications for society. It challenges us to create a world that reflects His teachings of love, justice, and compassion. When we incorporate His values into our communities, we contribute to the establishment of a more just and peaceful society, where all individuals are valued and cared for.

In conclusion, “See From On High A Light Divine” is not just a beautiful hymn but a profound reminder of the divine revelation of Jesus. This hymn encapsulates the significance of Jesus’ mission on Earth – His identity as the beloved Son of God, His teachings of heavenly wisdom, and the path to eternal peace that He showed us. As His followers, we are called to live out His teachings and reflect His love to the world. May we continually seek and cherish the divine revelation of Jesus, allowing it to guide our lives and transform our world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Divine Revelation of Jesus in See From On High A Light Divine. Witness the descent of a heavenly light and hear the voice proclaiming Jesus as God's beloved Son. Follow His teachings to find heavenly peace and eternal life.


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