I Have Found A Help Unfailing – Hymn Lyric

Discover unwavering help in your time of need with "I Have Found A Help Unfailing" hymn. Lean on the Lord for support

I Have Found A Help Unfailing – Hymn Lyric



I Have Found A Help Unfailing – Hymn Lyric

I have found a help unfailing in my time of greatest ,
I am leaning on the Lord;
Unto me he has been faithful, he has proved a indeed;
I am leaning on the Lord.

I am leaning, leaning, leaning on the Lord,
I am leaning, leaning, leaning on the Lord;
He supports me hour by hour
By his all-sustaining pow’r,
I am leaning, leaning, leaning on the Lord.

He upholds me, he supports me with his everlasting arm;
I am leaning on the Lord;
And the tho’t of his sustaining rids my soul of all alarm;
I am leaning on the Lord.


Tho’ my body and my may grow faint and sick and sore;
I am leaning on the Lord;
He refreshes me when weary, every day he helps me more;
I am leaning on the Lord.


All the frailties of this body I can surely overcome,
I am leaning on the Lord;
For I know he will sustain me, and will bear me safely home;
I am leaning on the Lord.


Meaning of I Have Found A Help Unfailing

I Have Found a Help Unfailing – Leaning on the Lord for Support

In life, we all face moments of hardship and struggle. Whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual, these challenges can leave us feeling overwhelmed and in need of support. However, amidst the chaos, there is a help unfailing that we can always turn to – the Lord. The hymn “I Have Found a Help Unfailing” beautifully captures the essence of finding solace and strength in leaning on the Lord during our times of greatest need.

The hymn starts by acknowledging the unwavering help that the Lord provides. It emphasizes the faithfulness of when we are at our weakest. Just as a close friend stands by us through thick and thin, the Lord proves to be that reliable and trustworthy companion. In this human experience, we often encounter moments of uncertainty and doubt. However, leaning on the Lord assures us that we won’t face these challenges alone. We can find comfort in knowing that His support is always available, hour by hour.

This continuous support is compared to an all-sustaining power. It visualizes God’s everlasting arm upholding and supporting us, giving us the strength to overcome even the most formidable obstacles. This imagery reflects the comforting thought that no matter how heavy the burdens we carry may be, the Lord’s sustaining presence is there to lighten our load. It’s this assurance that helps rid our of alarm and fear, as we trust in His unwavering love and .

There are moments in life when our bodies and spirits may grow weary, faint, sick, or sore. It is during these times of physical and emotional exhaustion that we can especially lean on the Lord. In recognizing our limitations and frailties, we come to understand that we cannot face these difficulties on our own. The hymn reminds us that the Lord refreshes us when we are weary and provides daily assistance. In our partnership with God, we find renewed strength and encouragement each day. Even when we feel like giving up, He renews our spirit and empowers us to continue moving forward.

This sense of empowerment is vital for us to overcome the challenges that life presents. The hymn highlights the belief that by leaning on the Lord, we can conquer the frailties of our bodies and spirits. It instills in us the confidence that we have within us the capability to surpass any obstacle that comes our . It is through our reliance on God’s support that we find the resilience and determination to rise above our circumstances. With His guidance, we can transform moments of weakness into opportunities for growth and triumph.

Ultimately, the hymn concludes with the promise of the Lord’s sustaining power leading us safely home. Regardless of the trials and tribulations we face in life, we can find solace in the fact that our journey doesn’t end here. Through our faith and leaning on the Lord, we are assured that God will sustain us and guide us safely towards our eternal destination. In placing our trust in Him, we can navigate the challenging paths of life, knowing that He walks alongside us every step of the way.

In conclusion, “I Have Found a Help Unfailing” reminds us that we don’t have to face life’s challenges alone. We have the opportunity to lean on the Lord, finding solace, strength, and unwavering support in His presence. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of relying on God’s sustaining power and serves as a powerful reminder of His faithfulness in our times of greatest need. So, no matter what you may be through, I encourage you to lean on the Lord, for He is there, ready to support and guide you through every step of your journey.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover unwavering help in your time of need with I Have Found A Help Unfailing hymn. Lean on the Lord for support, finding solace and strength to overcome life's challenges.


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