Resting My Soul On Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Resting My Soul On Jesus: Find peace

Resting My Soul On Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Resting My Soul On Jesus: Finding Peace and Comfort in Him In our busy and chaotic lives, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the weight of our sins and cares. Thankfully, there is a place we can turn to – the shelter of Jesus’ cross. Resting our souls on Jesus offers solace and relief from the burdens of life, providing a fresh start and a sense of peace that surpasses all understanding. Discover the rest and comfort you long for by Jesus and entrusting your worries and sins to Him.


Resting My Soul On Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Resting my soul on Jesus
With all its and care
Beneath the shelter of His cross
None may accuse me there

unto Jesus, all ye that labor
All ye that labor and are heavy laden
Come unto Jesus, all ye that labor
And He will give you rest

Resting my head on Jesus
Thro’ all the noontide heat
Thro’ all the din and turmoil here
So oft in life we meet

Come unto Jesus, all ye that labor
All ye that labor and are heavy laden
Come unto Jesus, all ye that labor
And He will give you rest

Resting my heart on Jesus
When bruised and sad and sore
He binds it up so tenderly
That it may bleed no more

Come unto Jesus, all ye that labor
All ye that labor and are heavy laden
Come unto Jesus, all ye that labor
And He will give you rest

Resting for aye on Jesus
In life or death my all
I’ll gladly rise and follow Him
Whenever He may call

Come unto Jesus, all ye that labor
All ye that labor and are heavy laden
Come unto Jesus, all ye that labor
And He will give you rest


Meaning of Resting My Soul On Jesus

Resting My Soul On Jesus: Finding Peace and Comfort in Him

In our busy and chaotic lives, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the weight of our sins and cares. We may find ourselves searching for a reprieve, a place of solace where we can find rest and be free from the burdens that weigh us down. Thankfully, there is a place we can turn to – the shelter of Jesus’ cross.

Just like in the hymn, we are invited to come unto Jesus, especially when we find ourselves laboring and heavily laden. It is a beautiful invitation, one that promises rest and relief from the struggles we face. Jesus, our compassionate , embraces us with open arms and promises to give us the rest we so desperately need.

Resting our souls on Jesus is like finding a gentle oasis in the midst of a scorching desert. It gives us a respite from the harshness of life’s trials and tribulations. Our souls seek refuge in Him, finding peace as we our worries and sins at His feet. In the shelter of His cross, none may accuse us, for He forgives our sins and washes them away, leaving us with a fresh start.

Imagine resting your weary head on Jesus, finding solace in His presence amidst the noontide heat. Life can often be noisy, overwhelming, and filled with turmoil, but in Jesus, we find a safe haven. He provides comfort and relief from the chaos that surrounds us. Amidst the bustling noise of life, Jesus extends His and invites us to lean on Him, to find rest in His love.

When our hearts are broken and we feel bruised by life’s hardships, Jesus tenderly binds up our wounds. He heals the hurts that have scarred our spirits and offers us the balm of His love. In His gentle embrace, we find a source of strength and healing. He takes our and replaces it with His peace, reminding us that His love is deeper and more powerful than any we may face.

Resting for on Jesus is the ultimate goal. Whether in life or in death, we can find our all in Him. He becomes our reason, our purpose, and our guide. When we anchor our lives in His teachings and follow His example, we discover a lasting sense of peace and contentment. We willingly surrender our plans and desires to follow Him, knowing that His path leads to true fulfillment.

So, my dear friends, let us heed the call to come unto Jesus. Let us lay down our burdens, our worries, and our sins before Him. In Him, we find the rest our souls long for. We find refuge from life’s storms, comfort in times of distress, and healing for our wounded hearts. Together, let us place our trust in Jesus and allow Him to carry us through every season of life.

As we rest our souls on Jesus, may we also learn to extend His invitation to others. Let us share the message of His love, compassion, and rest with those who labor and are heavy laden. May our lives be a testimony of the peace and joy we have found in Him, inspiring others to seek solace in the shelter of His cross.

Dear friends, may you find comfort, peace, and rest as you rest your souls on Jesus. He is always there, ready to embrace you and give you the rest you need. Don’t hesitate to come unto Him, for His love knows no bounds and His arms are always open wide. Trust in Him, follow Him, and you will discover a life filled with purpose, hope, and everlasting rest.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Resting My Soul On Jesus: Find peace, comfort, and rest in Him. Lay down your burdens, worries, and sins. Surrender to His love and discover true fulfillment. Trust and follow Him for everlasting rest.


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