Jesus My Savior Dear Thy Loving Voice – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beautiful hymn "Jesus My Savior Dear Thy Loving Voice." Experience Jesus' invitation

Jesus My Savior Dear Thy Loving Voice – Hymn Lyric

My Savior Dear Loving Voice” is a heartfelt hymn that expresses gratitude and love towards Jesus, our savior. It explores themes like Jesus’ invitation to follow him, the struggle with sin, and the desire for a personal relationship with him. Through its beautiful verses, this hymn reminds us of Jesus’ unwavering love and sacrifice for our salvation.


Jesus My Savior Dear Thy Loving Voice – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, my Saviour dear,
Thy loving voice I hear inviting me;
And from my wanderings ‘mid earth’s embittered springs,
My trembling heart now clings, dear Lord, to Thee.

Thou hast entreated long to woo my soul from wrong,
My to blot;
And now my willing heart would fain from sin depart,
My only Thou art, me not.

How couldst Thou so to save my soul from woe,
To make me Thine?
Help me, blest Lamb, I pray, to cast my doubts away,
And to be Thine today, and call Thee mine.

O listen to my cry! Thy precious blood apply, I now implore.
My heart, blest Saviour, take and there Thy dwelling make, for .


Meaning of Jesus My Savior Dear Thy Loving Voice

Today, I would like to share with you the beautiful hymn titled “Jesus My Savior Dear Thy Loving Voice.” This hymn expresses the deep love and gratitude towards Jesus, our savior, who calls us to follow him and find comfort in his embrace. Through these verses, we can explore various themes such as the invitation of Jesus, the struggle with sin, and the desire for a personal relationship with him.

The hymn starts with the verse, “Jesus, my Savior dear, Thy loving voice I hear, Inviting me.” Here, the songwriter acknowledges the gentle and loving voice of Jesus, which extends an invitation to all who are willing to listen. This invitation reminds us that no matter how far we may have wandered or how embittered our circumstances may be, Jesus is always to welcome us back into his loving arms.

As the hymn continues, it reflects on the inner conflict many of us face between the longing to do what is right and the temptations of the world. The verse says, “Thou hast entreated long, To woo my soul from wrong, My sins to blot.” These words convey the persistence of Jesus in trying to draw us away from sin and lead us towards a life that is pleasing to him. In this part of the hymn, the songwriter recognizes the efforts made by Jesus to save our souls and remove the of our sins.

We then see the humble response of the songwriter, who acknowledges their own weaknesses and asks for guidance and strength. The verse goes on to say, “And now my willing heart, Would fain from sin depart, My only help Thou art; Forsake me not.” Here, the songwriter humbly confesses their dependence on Jesus to overcome the struggles and temptations they face. It is a plea for Jesus not to abandon them in their journey towards righteousness.

The hymn then turns its focus towards the sacrifice Jesus made to save us from eternal separation from God. It says, “How couldst Thou suffer so, To save my soul from woe, To make me Thine?” These words remind us of the immense love and compassion Jesus demonstrated through his crucifixion, where he willingly laid down his life so that we may find salvation. This sacrifice serves as a constant reminder of Jesus’ unending love for each and every one of us.

The next verse expresses a heartfelt desire to let go of any doubts or uncertainties and fully commit to following Jesus. The songwriter asks for Jesus’ help in casting away these doubts, saying, “Help me, blest Lamb, I pray, To cast my doubts away, And to be Thine today, And call Thee mine.” This plea reflects the longing to have a personal relationship with Jesus, to be his disciple, and to experience the joy and that come from surrendering our lives to him.

The hymn ends with a prayer for Jesus to listen and respond to our sincere pleas. It says, “O listen to my cry! Thy precious blood apply, I now implore. My heart, blest Savior, take, And there Thy dwelling make, For evermore.” In these final words, the songwriter recognizes the power of Jesus’ sacrifice and invites him to dwell within their heart for all eternity. It is a powerful reminder that by inviting Jesus into our lives, we can find true peace and fulfillment.

In conclusion, “Jesus My Savior Dear Thy Loving Voice” is a hymn that explores the themes of Jesus’ invitation, our struggle with sin, and the desire for a personal relationship with him. Through its beautiful verses, it reminds us of Jesus’ relentless love, his sacrifice, and the transformative power he offers to all who choose to follow him. May this hymn inspire us to seek Jesus and find solace in his embrace.

Thank you for joining me in exploring this beautiful hymn. May the words of “Jesus My Savior Dear Thy Loving Voice” resonate within your heart and remind you of the boundless love and grace of Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beautiful hymn Jesus My Savior Dear Thy Loving Voice. Experience Jesus' invitation, struggle with sin, and desire for a personal relationship. Find solace in his relentless love and sacrifice.


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