I Bring Thee Dear Jesus My All – Hymn Lyric

Surrender your heart and life to Jesus with the hymn "I Bring Thee

I Bring Thee Dear Jesus My All – Hymn Lyric

The “I Thee, Dear Jesus, My All” is a heartfelt plea for , guidance, and transformation. The singer offers their entire heart and to Jesus, promising to obey His will without reservation. This hymn resonates with believers who long to live a life dedicated to serving and aligning their will with His.


I Bring Thee Dear Jesus My All – Hymn Lyric

I bring thee, dear Jesus, my all,
Nor hold back from thee any part;
Obedient to welcome call,
I yield thee the whole of my heart.

O speak, O speak while before thee I pray!
And, O Lord, just what seemeth thee good
Reveal, and my heart shall obey.

Perverse, stubborn once was my will,
My feet ran in self-chosen ways;
Thy pleasure henceforth to fulfil,
I’ll spend all the rest of my days.

The doubts that have darkened my soul,
The shame and the fears that I hate,
O banish, and bid me be whole,
A clean heart within me create!

O give me a heart that is true,
Unspotted and pure in thy sight,
A love that would anything do,
A life given up to the fight!


Meaning of I Bring Thee Dear Jesus My All

In the hymn “I Bring Thee, Dear Jesus, My All,” the singer expresses their deep devotion and commitment to Jesus, offering their entire heart and life to Him. The refrain emphasizes the desire for God to speak and reveal His will, promising to obey without reservation. This heartfelt plea for guidance and transformation resonates with many believers, who long to align their will with God’s and live a life dedicated to His service.

The first verse of the hymn states, “I bring thee, dear Jesus, my all, nor hold back from thee any part.” This line serves as a reminder that surrendering ourselves fully to Christ means withholding nothing. It requires giving up our own desires and ambitions, trusting that God’s plan is far superior to anything we could dream of. For a seventh-grade student, this idea can be compared to being part of a team. Just as each member must contribute their skills and commit to following the coach’s instructions for the greater good of the team, we are called to give our all to Jesus for the greater good of His kingdom.

The refrain of the hymn pleads, “O speak, O speak while before thee I pray! And, O Lord, just what seemeth thee good reveal, and my heart shall obey.” This demonstrates a desire for guidance and direction from God, trusting that His wisdom surpasses our own. When we pray to God and seek His will, we can have confidence that He will lead us in the right direction. This can be likened to using a map or following GPS instructions when we are lost. We trust that the map or GPS will guide us to our destination, just as we trust that God will reveal His plans for us and guide us along the path He has set before us.

The second verse acknowledges the sinful nature of humanity and the need for transformation. It says, “Perverse, stubborn once was my will, my feet ran in self-chosen ways.” This line recognizes that we often allow our own desires and selfishness to lead us astray. However, through surrendering our lives to Jesus, we commit to living according to His will and not our own. This can be understood by thinking about making a choice to follow the rules set by our parents rather than acting out of our own self-interest. We realize that our parents’ rules are for our own good and that obedience allows us to live a life of greater joy and fulfillment.

The following lines state, “Thy pleasure henceforth to fulfill, I’ll spend all the rest of my days.” This reflects the commitment to living a life dedicated to serving God’s purposes. It is an acknowledgment that our lives are not our own but are to be used for God’s glory and the advancement of His kingdom. Think of this as a student joining a club or organization and committing to participate and contribute to the best of their ability. By dedicating themselves fully, they are able to make a meaningful impact and help achieve the goals of the group.

The third verse of the hymn acknowledges the doubt, shame, and fear that hinders our relationship with God. It calls for these negative emotions to be banished and for a clean heart to be created within us. This is a plea for and restoration, recognizing our need for God’s and mercy. It is like asking for a clean slate after making mistakes or wrong choices. We long for a fresh start and the opportunity to live in a way that is pleasing to God.

The final lines of the hymn express a desire for a true and pure heart in God’s sight, filled with a love that is willing to do anything and a life dedicated to the fight for what is right. This demonstrates a sincere desire to live according to God’s commandments and to serve Him faithfully. It is an aspiration to love unconditionally, just as God us, and to live a life marked by integrity and righteousness.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Bring Thee, Dear Jesus, My All” speaks to the deep desire to surrender ourselves fully to God, to seek His will, and to live a life dedicated to His service. It expresses the plea for guidance, forgiveness, and transformation, acknowledging our own limitations and recognizing God’s infinite wisdom and grace. It is a hymn that resonates with believers, urging them to live in obedience and to love unconditionally. May we all strive to bring our all to Jesus, trusting in His goodness and grace as we seek to follow Him faithfully.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Surrender your heart and life to Jesus with the hymn I Bring Thee, Dear Jesus, My All. Find guidance, transformation, and a life dedicated to God's service.


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