Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light – Hymn Lyric

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Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light – Hymn Lyric

Experience the hope and trust of Lord Jesus , My Life, My , a beautiful hymn that reminds us of His guidance and comfort. As temporary guests on earth, we find solace in His and grace, knowing that our true home is with our heavenly Father. Through His sacrifice, we have the power to face the darkest moments and find refuge in His wounds. Let this hymn be a source of encouragement and a reminder of the eternal joy that awaits us in His presence.


Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus Christ, my Life, my Light,
My Strength by day, my Trust by night,
On earth I’m but a passing guest
And sorely with my oppressed.

Far off I see my Fatherland,
Where through Thy I hope to stand.
But I reach that paradise,
A weary way before me lies.

My heart sinks at the journey’s length,
My wasted flesh and little strength;
My soul alone still cries in me:
Lord, take me home, take me to Thee!”

Oh, let Thy sufferings give me power
To meet the last and darkest hour!
Thy blood refresh and comfort me;
Thy bonds and fetters make me free.

Oh, let Thy wounds for me
Clefts in the rock forever be
Where as a dove my soul can hide
And safe from Satan’s rage abide.

And when my spirit flies away,
Thy dying words shall be my stay.
Thy cross shall be my staff in life,
Thy holy grave my rest from strife.

Lord, in Thy nail prints let me read
That to save me hast decreed
And grant that in Thine opened side
My troubled soul may ever hide.

Since Thou hast died, the Pure, the Just,
I take my homeward way in trust.
The gates of Heav’n, Lord, open wide
When here I may no more abide.

And when the last great day shall come
And Thou, our Judge, shalt speak the doom,
Let me with joy behold the light
And set me then upon Thy right.

Renew this wasted flesh of mine
That like the sun it there may shine
Among the angels pure and bright,
Yea, like Thyself in glorious light.

Ah, then I’ll have my heart’s ,
When, singing with the angels’ choir,
Among the ransomed of Thy grace,
Forever I’ll behold Thy face!


Meaning of Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light

Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light: A Hymn of Hope and Trust

Oh, what a beautiful hymn this is! It speaks of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is our life and light. He guides us through each day, giving us strength and comfort during the day and night. The hymn reminds us that we are only temporary guests here on earth and that our true home is with our heavenly Father.

As we journey through life, we can sometimes feel burdened by our sins. We recognize that we are not perfect and make mistakes, but we take solace in the fact that through the blood of Jesus, we have hope of standing in our Fatherland, our eternal home. However, we must acknowledge that there is a long and weary way before us before we can reach that paradise.

Sometimes, the length of this journey can be overwhelming. Our bodies may feel tired, and our strength may feel depleted. It is during these moments that our soul cries out to the Lord, asking Him to take us home to be with Him. We long for His presence, to be free from the trials and tribulations of this world.

But in the midst of our struggles, let us find comfort in the sufferings of Jesus. His sacrifice gives us the power to face the darkest hours of our lives. His blood refreshes and comforts us, reminding us of His love and grace. His bonds and fetters set us free from the chains of sin and bondage.

We can find solace and refuge in the wounds of Jesus. They are like clefts in the rock, offering us a safe hiding place from the attacks of the enemy. Satan may rage against us, but in Jesus, we are secure. We can trust in Him to protect us and keep us safe.

When our spirit finally leaves this world behind, we find peace in the dying words of Jesus. They become our hope and comfort, assuring us that He has prepared a place for us in His Father’s house. We can lean on His cross as our staff, guiding us through the ups and downs of life. And when it is time to rest from the struggles of this world, we can find peace in His holy grave.

In the nail prints on Jesus’s hands, we see the undeniable proof of His love for us. It is through His sacrifice that we can be saved. We take solace in the fact that His opened side is a place where our troubled souls can always find refuge. His love and mercy are limitless, and we can always find shelter in Him.

Because of Jesus’s perfect sacrifice, we can journey homeward with confidence. We can trust that the gates of Heaven will open wide for us when our time on earth comes to an end. And when the final day arrives, and Jesus, our righteous Judge, speaks the final judgment, we can rejoice in the light. We can rest assured that He will set us on His right side, among the redeemed.

Lord, as we wait for that glorious day, we ask that You renew our weary bodies. May we shine like the sun among the angels, reflecting Your glory and grace. Our ultimate desire is to join the heavenly choir, singing praises to You for all eternity. We long to behold Your face, to bask in Your love, and to experience the fullness of joy in Your presence.

This hymn, Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light, serves as a powerful reminder of the hope and trust we have in You. May it comfort and encouragement to all who sing it. And as we continue on our journey here on earth, may we always look forward to the day when we will be forever in Your presence. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the inspiring hymn, Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light. Find hope and trust in Jesus as your guide through life, giving you strength and comfort. He is the source of light in the darkness and the assurance of eternal life.


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