Have You Heard The Invitation Jesus Says Come to Me – Hymn Lyric

Answer Jesus' invitation and find solace and salvation in His loving embrace. Discover the profound meaning behind His call to "Come unto Me" and embrace a life of purpose

Have You Heard The Invitation Jesus Says Come to Me – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever received an invitation that made your heart skip a beat with excitement? Well, imagine receiving an invitation from someone so important and powerful that it could change your life forever. This is exactly the kind of invitation Jesus extends to us in the hymn, “Come unto Me.” Jesus is reaching out to each and every one of us, offering His and grace. He urges us to come to Him, to come unto Him, with open hearts and minds. Let us not ignore this invitation, but instead, let us respond wholeheartedly, eagerly embracing the abundant life that Jesus offers us.


Have You Heard The Invitation Jesus Says Come to Me – Hymn Lyric

Have you heard the invitation?
Jesus says, “Come to Me,
Come unto Me, O, come unto Me;
‘Tis the message of ,
That the Master brings to Thee:
Come unto Me, O, come to Me.

Come unto Me, O come unto Me;
Jesus says: Come unto me.
heart, for refuge flee
Unto Christ, who calleth thee.

There are blessed many mansions
Waiting for the pure and true;
Come unto Me, O, come unto Me;
There in heaven’s green expansions
Hear the call to you,
Come unto Me, O, come to Me.

Come unto Me, O come unto Me;
Jesus says: Come unto me.
Weary heart, for refuge flee
Unto Christ, who calleth thee.

Heavy laden, or a-weary,
Jesus says: In Me find rest,
Come unto Me, O, come to Me;
Does your path in life seem dreary?
By His love you may be blest;
Come unto me, O, come to me.

Come unto Me, O come unto Me;
Jesus says: Come unto me.
Weary heart, for refuge flee
Unto Christ, who calleth thee.

Time is short, and days are fleeting.
the message: Come to me,
Come unto Me, O, come to Me;
O the joy of yonder greeting,
In the home beyond the sea;
Come unto me, O, come to me.

Come unto Me, O come unto Me;
Jesus says: Come unto me.
Weary heart, for refuge flee
Unto Christ, who calleth thee.


Meaning of Have You Heard The Invitation Jesus Says Come to Me

Have You Heard the Invitation? Jesus Says, Come to Me!

Have you ever received an invitation that made your heart skip a beat with excitement? Well, imagine receiving an invitation from someone so important and powerful that it could change your life forever. This is exactly the kind of invitation Jesus extends to us in the hymn, “Come unto Me.”

In this beautiful hymn, Jesus beckons us to come to Him, to seek refuge in His loving embrace. He invites us to find solace and salvation in His presence. Let’s take a closer look at the verses and uncover the profound meaning behind this invitation.

The hymn begins by asking a simple question: “Have you heard the invitation?” Jesus is reaching out to each and every one of us, offering His love and grace. It is up to us to listen and respond to His call. He urges us to come to Him, to come unto Him, with open hearts and minds.

In the refrain, we are reminded of the urgency of Jesus’ invitation. He says, “Come unto Me, O come unto Me.” This repetition emphasizes the importance of accepting His offer without delay. Jesus longs to welcome us into the abundant life He has prepared for us. He wants to provide us with shelter and comfort, just like a weary heart seeking refuge.

The hymn goes on to explain that there are many mansions waiting for the pure and true. This reference to heaven’s green expansions paints a vivid picture of the joy and peace that awaits us when we heed Jesus’ call. It reminds us that this world is just a temporary home, and our true destination lies beyond the sea in the loving arms of our Savior.

We often find ourselves burdened and weary by the challenges and struggles of life. Jesus acknowledges this, and He offers Himself as a source of rest and renewal. He invites us to our heavy burdens to Him, as He says, “In Me find rest.” It is through His love and grace that we can find true peace and stillness amidst the chaos that surrounds us.

Even though the hymn speaks directly to the individual, it also acknowledges the fleeting nature of time and the urgency to respond to Jesus’ call. “Time is short, and days are fleeting,” it says. These words serve as a gentle reminder that life is precious and that we should not postpone our decision to answer Jesus’ invitation. The joy and fulfillment we find in His presence cannot be measured, and we shouldn’t waste any more time in embracing His love.

Imagine the sheer joy of meeting Jesus face-to-face, of finally reaching our eternal home. The hymn describes this moment as a glorious greeting in the home beyond the sea. It is a reunion with our Creator, a celebration of a life well-lived in His service. This vision of the future fills us with hope and encourages us to accept Jesus’ invitation with eagerness and enthusiasm.

Having understood the profound message behind the hymn, it is crucial for us to think about how we can apply this invitation to our daily lives. Jesus’ invitation is not limited to a one-time event; it is an open invitation that we should accept every single day. We are called to come to Jesus, to seek His guidance, comfort, and love in everything we do.

In practical terms, responding to Jesus’ invitation means entrusting our worries and anxieties to Him each day. It means seeking His wisdom and direction through prayer and studying His Word, the . It means living a life that reflects His teachings of love, kindness, and . Jesus’ invitation is an invitation to a life of purpose, meaning, and eternal significance.

So, dear friends, have you heard the invitation? Jesus says, “Come unto Me.” It is a call that transcends time and space, a call that is filled with love and grace. Let us not ignore this invitation, but instead, let us respond wholeheartedly, eagerly embracing the abundant life that Jesus offers us. May we find rest, joy, and fulfillment in His presence today and for all eternity.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Answer Jesus' invitation and find solace and salvation in His loving embrace. Discover the profound meaning behind His call to Come unto Me and embrace a life of purpose, love, and eternal significance.


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