Is Jesus Able To Redeem – Hymn Lyric

Unlocking the Power of Jesus' Redemption. Discover the limitless grace and forgiveness offered by Jesus to sinners

Is Jesus Able To Redeem – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Is Jesus Able to Redeem,” the writer ponders upon Jesus’ ability and willingness to redeem sinners, rebels, wanderers, and guilty individuals. The hymn serves as a reminder of the immense power and that Jesus offers to all who seek forgiveness, inviting everyone to come and see for themselves. It is a hymn of hope and invitation, emphasizing that Jesus’ knows no boundaries and that His redemption is available to all.


Is Jesus Able To Redeem – Hymn Lyric

Is Jesus able to redeem
A sinner lost, like me?
My so great, so many seem!
O sinner, come and see.

The blood that Jesus shed of old
Was shed for you and me:
And there is room within the fold-
O come to Him and see.

Is Jesus willing to forgive
A rebel child, like me?
Who would not in His favor live?
O rebel, come and see.

The blood that Jesus shed of old
Was shed for you and me:
And there is room within the fold-
O come to Him and see.

Is Jesus waiting to relieve
A wanderer, like me,
Who chose the Father’s house to leave?
O wanderer, come and see.

The blood that Jesus shed of old
Was shed for you and me:
And there is room within the fold-
O come to Him and see.

Is Jesus ready now to save
A guilty one, like me,
Who brought Him to the cross and ?
Come, guilty one, and see.

The blood that Jesus shed of old
Was shed for you and me:
And there is room within the fold-
O come to Him and see.


Meaning of Is Jesus Able To Redeem

Is Jesus Able to Redeem?

In this beautiful hymn, the writer ponders upon the ability of Jesus to redeem sinners, rebels, wanderers, and even guilty individuals like themselves. The verses pose the question, “Is Jesus able to redeem a sinner lost, like me?” As we explore these questions, we realize the immense power and grace that Jesus offers to all who seek His forgiveness.

The refrain of the hymn reminds us that the blood Jesus shed was not just shed for the writer or a select few, but for you and me. The blood shed on the cross holds the power to wash all our sins, no matter how great or numerous they may seem. It is a reminder that there is room within ‘s embrace for everyone, regardless of their past transgressions.

The first verse asks if Jesus is willing to forgive a rebel child. It acknowledges the writer’s disobedience and rebellion, but dares to hope that Jesus will extend His favor and forgiveness. This verse speaks to the hearts of those who may have strayed from the right path, who may have turned away from God’s love. It encourages them to come and see that Jesus is indeed willing to receive them back into His fold with open arms.

The second verse proposes the question of whether Jesus is waiting to relieve a wanderer. It acknowledges that the writer has chosen to leave the Father’s house, indicating a sense of aimlessness or spiritual wandering. Yet, it invites the wanderer to come and see that Jesus is patiently waiting to guide them back onto the right path. The imagery of a shepherd seeking out a lost sheep comes to mind, demonstrating Jesus’ immense love and care for those who have gone astray.

The third verse raises the question of whether Jesus is ready to save a guilty individual, one who brought Him to the cross and grave. It acknowledges that the writer’s actions have caused Jesus immense pain and suffering, yet it extends an invitation to the guilty one to come and see that Jesus is ready and willing to offer salvation. This verse speaks to those who may carry the weight of guilt and shame, assuring them that there is hope and forgiveness available through Jesus’ sacrifice.

As we reflect on the hymn and its profound message, we find solace in the fact that Jesus’ ability to redeem knows no bounds. Whether we consider ourselves sinners, rebels, wanderers, or guilty individuals, Jesus is able and willing to extend His grace and forgiveness to us. We are reminded that no one is beyond redemption and no is too great for Jesus to forgive.

This hymn holds a powerful message of hope and invitation. It encourages us to come and see for ourselves that Jesus is indeed able to redeem, forgive, and save. It is a reminder that no matter how far we may have strayed, Jesus is patiently waiting for us to turn towards Him, ready to embrace us with His unconditional love.

In conclusion, the hymn “Is Jesus Able to Redeem” poses vital questions about Jesus’ ability and willingness to redeem sinners, rebels, wanderers, and guilty individuals. Its powerful message of hope and invitation resonates with all who seek forgiveness and salvation. This hymn serves as a reminder that Jesus’ love knows no boundaries and that His grace is available to all who come and see. So let us respond to the call, come and see, and experience the transformative power of Jesus’ redemption in our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Unlocking the Power of Jesus' Redemption. Discover the limitless grace and forgiveness offered by Jesus to sinners, rebels, wanderers, and guilt-ridden individuals. Experience the transformative power of His love. Is Jesus Able To Redeem?


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