Singing The Love Of Jesus Day By Day – Hymn Lyric

Singing The Love Of Jesus Day By Day: Celebrate the everlasting love of Jesus through joyful songs

Singing The Love Of Jesus Day By Day – Hymn Lyric

“Singing The Love Of Jesus Day By Day” is a hymn that celebrates the enduring and unwavering love of Jesus. It reminds us to trust in His love, even during difficult times, and to our to Him. Through our acts of love and sharing His love with others, we can bring joy and blessings into the world.


Singing The Love Of Jesus Day By Day – Hymn Lyric

Singing the love of Jesus day by day,
Happy the songs we raise him on the way;
He is the unfailing, kind and true,
Let all who know his mercy, sing anew.

Sing the Saviour’s everlasting love,
Let the happy music ring above;
Sing his love, O ransomed soul,
While the heav’nly roll.

the love of Jesus all the while,
Whether the skies above us frown or smile;
His is the light unfading, piercing ,
Bringing to dreary pathways Eden’s bloom. [Chorus]

Telling the love of Jesus, blest employ!
Bringing to those around us purest joy;
Showing his grace and beauty as we go,
Letting our cups of blessing overflow. [Chorus]    

Meaning of Singing The Love Of Jesus Day By Day

Singing The Love Of Jesus Day By Day: A Celebration of His Everlasting Love

There is a powerful and enduring love that surrounds us each and every day. It is a love that never fades, never fails, and never wavers. This love is the love of Jesus, and it is a love that deserves to be sung about and celebrated. In this hymn, we are reminded of the joy and happiness that comes from raising our voices in to Him.

Verse 1:

“Singing the love of Jesus day by day,

Happy the songs we raise him on the way;

He is the Friend unfailing, kind and true,

Let all who know his mercy, sing anew.”

Jesus is our constant companion, our unfailing friend who is always by our side. His love is kind and true, never wavering even in the darkest of times. When we know the depth of His mercy, we cannot help but sing His praises with joy and gratitude.


Sing the Saviour’s everlasting love,

Let the happy music ring above;

Sing his love, O ransomed soul,

While the hallelujahs roll.

The love of Jesus is everlasting and unchanging. It is a love that deserves to be heard and acknowledged through our joyful songs. As ransomed souls, we are set free by His love, and it is our privilege to join the chorus of heavenly voices in singing His praises.

Verse 2:

Trusting the love of Jesus all the while,

Whether the skies above us frown or smile;

His is the light unfading, piercing gloom,

Bringing to dreary pathways Eden’s bloom.

When we place our trust in the love of Jesus, it sustains us through both the good times and the bad. The skies may be filled with uncertainty, but His unfailing love shines brightly, illuminating our and bringing a glimmer of even in the darkest moments. With His love, even the dreariest of pathways can be transformed into a beautiful garden of Eden.


Sing the Saviour’s everlasting love,

Let the happy music ring above;

Sing his love, O ransomed soul,

While the heavenly hallelujahs roll.

The chorus reminds us once again to lift our voices in praise to the Savior. His love is eternal, and it brings us joy and happiness. As ransomed souls, we are called to join the heavenly choir, adding our voices to the hallelujahs that resound throughout the heavens.

Verse 3:

Telling the love of Jesus, blest employ!

Bringing to those around us purest joy;

Showing his grace and beauty as we go,

Letting our cups of blessing overflow.

Once we have experienced the love of Jesus, it becomes our mission to share it with others. This is our blessed duty, to spread His love and bring joy to those around us. By living out His grace and beauty, we become vessels of His love, allowing the blessings in our lives to overflow and touch the lives of others.


Sing the Saviour’s everlasting love,

Let the happy music ring above;

Sing his love, O ransomed soul,

While the heavenly hallelujahs roll.

In conclusion, the hymn “Singing The Love Of Jesus Day By Day” serves as a powerful reminder of the everlasting and unfailing love bestowed upon us by Jesus. It encourages us to trust and celebrate His love, regardless of the circumstances we face. Through our songs and acts of love, we have the opportunity to share this love with others and bring joy and blessings into their lives. Let us join together in singing His praises, so that the heavenly hallelujahs may roll and fill the world with the love of Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Singing The Love Of Jesus Day By Day: Celebrate the everlasting love of Jesus through joyful songs, trust, and acts of love. Join the heavenly chorus and let His love fill your life.


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