When Jesus Comes Again – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Promise of Heaven When Jesus Comes Again. Discover the joy of being welcomed into His presence and sharing the story of His love with others. Will you be ready?

When Jesus Comes Again – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “When Jesus Comes Again,” we are reminded of the joy and anticipation of the day when Jesus returns to His own. It speaks of the desire to hear Him say, “My servant, well done, thy know the joys of heaven.” These words resonate deep within our hearts, as we long for assurance that we will be welcomed into the presence of our Savior. The hymn also emphasizes the importance of sharing the story of Jesus’ love with others, so that they too may receive the crown of victory in heaven.


When Jesus Comes Again – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus comes again to gather His own,
And to the true a crown is giv’n,
I want to hear Him say, “My servant, well done,
Thy soul shall know the joys of ‘n.”

I want to know that He will welcome me there,
I do not want to be denied;
I want to meet Him in that city so fair,
And ever there with Him abide.

I want to tell to all the story of love,
That they may know His pardon free,
And there before His throne in glory above,
Receive a crown of victory.

He’s coming back again, His jewels to claim,
They shall receive rest;
‘Tis sweet to know that all who come in His name
Shall there be numbered with the blest.

I do not know the day my Savior will come,
But I must be prepared to go;
If I am ready, He will call me His own,
And that’s enough for me to know.


Meaning of When Jesus Comes Again

When Jesus Comes Again: The Promise of Heaven

In the hymn “When Jesus Comes Again,” we are reminded of the joy and anticipation of the day when Jesus returns to gather His own. It speaks of the desire to hear Him say, “My servant, well done, thy soul shall know the joys of heaven.” These words resonate deep within our hearts, as we long for assurance that we will be welcomed into the presence of our Savior.

The idea of heaven can sometimes feel distant and intangible, especially for young minds. But in this hymn, we find comfort in knowing that we can have a personal relationship with Jesus and that He desires to welcome us there. We can imagine a city so fair and a place where we can abide with Him forever. Such a thought fills our hearts with hope and wonder.

But it’s not just about our own salvation. The hymn reminds us of another important aspect – the responsibility to share the story of love with others. We are called to tell others about Jesus and the forgiveness and grace that He offers freely. Every opportunity we have to share the good news is an opportunity to bring someone closer to receiving their own crown of victory in heaven.

The hymn also reminds us that Jesus is coming back to claim His jewels, his faithful followers. Those who have accepted Him as their Savior can look forward to eternal rest in His presence. It’s a reassurance that all who come in His name will be numbered with the . This gives us a sense of belonging and purpose, knowing that we are part of something greater and that our on earth will be rewarded in heaven.

As the hymnpoints out, we may not know the exact day when our Savior will return, but that should not stop us from being prepared. We must always strive to live in a way that reflects our devotion to Him, so that when the day comes, we can confidently say, “I am ready, Lord. Call me your own.” This commitment is all we need to know, for in it lies the assurance of salvation.

When we think about the promise of heaven and the return of Jesus, it’s essential to approach the topic with a sense of awe and wonder. Heaven is a place of unimaginable beauty and perfection, where every tear will be wiped , and every pain will be healed. It’s a place where we will be in the presence of God, experiencing His love and glory in full measure.

While describing heaven in words can feel limiting, it’s important to help young readers grasp the concept in a way that sparks their curiosity and excitement. We can talk about heaven as a place where there is no sadness or pain, where we will be reunited with loved ones and live in harmony with God and one another. As we engage their imagination, we can encourage them to dream about what heaven might look like for them.

It’s also important to emphasize that heaven is not just a reward for the future; it’s a present reality that begins here on earth. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we experience a taste of heaven through the peace and joy that only He can provide. This knowledge can inspire young readers to seek a personal relationship with Jesus and live a life that reflects His love and teachings.

In conclusion, the hymn “When Jesus Comes Again” beautifully captures the longing and anticipation we have for the day when Jesus returns. It reminds us of the importance of being prepared and in a way that reflects our devotion to Him. We are called to share the story of His love and forgiveness with others, so that they too may receive the crown of victory in heaven. May this hymn serve as a reminder of the promise of heaven and the joy that awaits us when Jesus comes again.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Promise of Heaven When Jesus Comes Again. Discover the joy of being welcomed into His presence and sharing the story of His love with others. Will you be ready?


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