There Is No Room For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover how to make room for Jesus in the midst of life's busyness. Prioritize your spiritual well-being

There Is No Room For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

There Is No Room For : Finding Space for the in Our Busy Lives In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to neglect our relationship with Jesus. The hymn “There Is No Room For Jesus” reminds us of the importance of making time and space for Him in our hearts. By setting aside dedicated moments, minimizing distractions, and prioritizing acts of love and service, we can invite Jesus to dwell within us and find fulfillment beyond worldly pursuits.


There Is No Room For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

There is no room for Jesus in life’s busy way,
No place for Him amid ‘s toil and stress,
No time to love and serve Him thro’ each passing day,
Who gave Himself our lives to bless.

Dear Saviour, come to me,
I’ll ever welcome Thee,
Within this heart of mine
Thy dwelling place shall be;
O Saviour come to me,
For there is room for Thee,
Within my heart there’s room for Thee.

“No room for Jesus,” oh how sad that this should be,
“No room” for Him whom angel hosts adore,
Throw open wide the heart’s door, bid Him come to thee,
And welcome Him forevermore. [Refrain]

Within each heart should ever be a dwelling place,
Kept sacred for the loving Lord ,
That life He will illumine with His wondrous grace,
And make of it a holy shrine. [Refrain]    

Meaning of There Is No Room For Jesus

There Is No Room For Jesus: Finding Space for the Savior in Our Busy Lives

In the hustle and bustle of our daily routines, it is easy to get caught up in the toil and stress of life. We often find ourselves consumed by responsibilities, deadlines, and commitments, leaving no room for anything else. Unfortunately, one of the casualties of our busy lives is often our relationship with Jesus.

The hymn “There Is No Room For Jesus” poignantly captures the lament of a heart that realizes it has neglected its connection with the Savior. It paints a picture of a world so preoccupied with its own concerns that it has no place for the ever-loving presence of Jesus. How can we, as individuals, ensure that our hearts make room for Him?

The refrain of the hymn echoes a plea to the Savior, inviting Him to find a within our hearts: “Dear Savior, come to me, I’ll ever welcome Thee, within this heart of mine, Thy dwelling place shall be; O Savior come to me, for there is room for Thee, within my heart there’s room for Thee.” These heartfelt words highlight the importance of creating a space within our hearts where Jesus can reside.

When our lives are filled to the brim with tasks and distractions, it is imperative to deliberately make time for Jesus. Just as we schedule appointments and set reminders for important events or activities, we to prioritize our spiritual well-being. Setting aside dedicated moments for prayer, contemplation, and reflection allows us to reconnect with our Savior and nourish our relationship with Him.

We must also be mindful of the distractions that vie for our attention. We live in a world where technology constantly clamors for our focus, beckoning us to scroll endlessly through social media feeds or binge-watch the latest trending show. While these activities can bring temporary enjoyment, they often leave us feeling empty and disconnected. Making conscious choices to limit our screen time and actively seek moments of solitude and silence can help create space for Jesus in our lives.

Furthermore, finding room for Jesus involves not only setting aside time but also carving out a special place within our hearts where He can reside. The hymn reminds us that within each heart should be a dwelling place kept sacred for the loving Lord divine. This sacred space is where Jesus can illumine our lives with His wondrous grace and transform us into vessels of His love.

As we cultivate this sacred space within, we need to nurture our relationship with Jesus through acts of love and service. The hymn reminds us that Jesus gave Himself to bless our lives, and it is our privilege to reciprocate by loving and serving Him. Acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity toward others not only God but also deepen our connection with our Savior.

Creating room for Jesus also involves examining our priorities and reevaluating what truly matters. It is easy to get caught up in the pursuit of worldly success, material possessions, or societal validation. However, when we take a step back and consider the transient nature of these pursuits, we realize that they do not ultimately satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts. Jesus, on the other , offers us lasting , , and fulfillment. Making Him the center of our lives and aligning our pursuits with His teachings can bring a sense of purpose and contentment that surpasses worldly achievements.

In conclusion, the hymn “There Is No Room For Jesus” serves as a reminder to us all. In the midst of life’s busyness, it is crucial that we consciously create space for Jesus in our hearts and lives. By setting aside dedicated time for Him, minimizing distractions, cultivating a sacred space within us, and prioritizing acts of love and service, we can invite Jesus to dwell within us. Let us embrace the welcoming plea of the hymn, asking the Savior to come to us, for within our hearts, there is indeed room for Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover how to make room for Jesus in the midst of life's busyness. Prioritize your spiritual well-being, limit distractions, and create a sacred space in your heart. Embrace the plea of the hymn There Is No Room For Jesus and invite Him to dwell within you.


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