Jesus In Thy Great Name I Go – Hymn Lyric

"Jesus In Thy Great Name I Go" - A Hymn of Faith and Hope  Discover the power of faith in Jesus Christ in the hymn "Jesus In Thy Great Name I Go." Conquer fear of death and find reassurance in eternal life.

Jesus In Thy Great Name I Go – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “ In Great Name I Go,” we are reminded of the power and strength that comes from having faith in Jesus Christ. The lyrics express the speaker’s confidence in Jesus as they face the daunting reality of death, providing hope and reassurance. This hymn serves as a comforting reminder that through our faith in Jesus, we can face death without fear, knowing that our are destined for eternal life.


Jesus In Thy Great Name I Go – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, in Thy great name I go,
To conquer death, my final foe;
And when I quit this cumbrous clay,
And soar on wings ,
My the second death defies,
And reigns eternal in the skies.


Meaning of Jesus In Thy Great Name I Go

In this hymn, titled “Jesus In Thy Great Name I Go,” we are reminded of the power and strength that comes from having faith in Jesus Christ. The lyrics express the speaker’s confidence in Jesus as they face the daunting reality of death. Through the use of angelic imagery and an unwavering belief in the afterlife, the hymn fills us with hope and reassurance.

The hymn begins with the line, “Jesus, in Thy great name I go,” which sets the tone for the entire piece. By addressing Jesus directly, the speaker acknowledges their reliance on Him and their trust in His abilities. This opening line also emphasizes the personal connection the speaker feels with Jesus, as if they are speaking to a close or mentor.

The second line, “To conquer death, my final foe,” speaks to the universal fear and uncertainty surrounding death. Death often feels like an insurmountable obstacle that we must face alone. However, by placing their faith in Jesus, the speaker finds the strength to overcome this fear. Jesus is portrayed as a triumphant conqueror who has the power to defeat death and lead the speaker into the next phase of existence.

Moving forward, the hymn highlights the speaker’s confidence as they prepare to leave their earthly body behind. The line, “And when I quit this cumbrous clay,” refers to the speaker shedding their physical form, symbolizing the moment of death. This metaphorical language enables the hymn to resonate with listeners on a deeper level, as it captures the universal experience of leaving behind our mortal bodies.

The continues with the phrase, “And soar on angel wings away,” which implies a sense of liberation and freedom. The image of soaring on angel wings evokes a feeling of weightlessness and joy, as if the speaker is being lifted up into the heavens. This imagery also reinforces the belief in an afterlife, where the soul can transcend the earthly realm and experience eternal .

What stands out in the next line is the speaker’s defiance in the face of the “second death.” The line states, “My soul the second death defies,” which suggests a rejection of the idea that death is the end. The “second death” refers to the spiritual death that some religious beliefs teach exists after physical death. However, the speaker’s faith in Jesus grants them eternal life, allowing their soul to “eternal in the skies.”

These lyrics convey a powerful sense of hope and assurance that resonates with listeners of all ages. The hymn reminds us that through our faith in Jesus Christ, we can face death without fear, knowing that our souls are destined for eternal life. This message is particularly comforting for those who have lost loved ones or are grappling with their own mortality.

The title of the hymn, “Jesus In Thy Great Name I Go,” serves as a reminder that our actions and choices are guided by our faith in Jesus. By using this title as an SEO keyword, we can ensure that those seeking solace, reassurance, and inspiration through this hymn will find it easily in search results. In doing so, we are providing helpful resources for individuals during moments of spiritual reflection and questioning.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Jesus In Thy Great Name I Go - A Hymn of Faith and Hope  Discover the power of faith in Jesus Christ in the hymn Jesus In Thy Great Name I Go. Conquer fear of death and find reassurance in eternal life.


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