Once I Was Far From Jesus A Stranger To His Grace – Hymn Lyric

Once I Was Far From Jesus A Stranger To His Grace: Discover the transformative power of God's love and journey toward His all-encompassing grace. Trust

Once I Was Far From Jesus A Stranger To His Grace – Hymn Lyric

“Once I Was Far From Jesus: A Journey to His Grace” is a hymn that tells the story of a soul who was once distant from Jesus but was found and brought into His fold. It reminds us that no matter how lost we feel, Jesus seeks us out and offers us His unmerited and grace. This hymn encourages us to trust in Him and allow His grace to transform our lives.


Once I Was Far From Jesus A Stranger To His Grace – Hymn Lyric

Once I was far from Jesus, a stranger to His grace,
But o’er the mountains bleak and cold He sought my steps to trace;
One day, praise God, He found me, and brought me to His fold,
And now I feel His wondrous grace can ne’er be fully told.

Yes, by grace alone, God helping me, I’ll stand.
True and faithful till I reach the Glory land,
Just trusting Him each moment for His divine,
Confessing Jesus, my blessed Saviour.

He’s filled my with blessing, and chang’d my ‘s desire,
To witness for Him day by day my soul is all on fire,
Full well I know that dangers lie thickly round my way,
But keeping sight of Jesus Christ I cannot go astray.

So more and more of Jesus I’m learing ev’ry day,
With such a precious Friend and Guide I’ll follow all the way;
I can reflect His image, and ev’ry one around
My testimony clear shall know to the Saviour I have found.



Meaning of Once I Was Far From Jesus A Stranger To His Grace

Once I Was Far From Jesus: A Journey to His Grace

In life, we often find ourselves through unfamiliar territory, feeling lost and disconnected. Our hearts ache for something greater, something that can meaning and purpose to our existence. We search for answers, sometimes in the most desolate and cold places. But little do we know that even in those bleak moments, there is someone who seeks to find us and lead us back into the light.

The hymn “Once I Was Far From Jesus” beautifully depicts this journey of transformation and . It tells the story of a soul who was once distant from the love and grace of Jesus, but through His persistent pursuit, was brought into the comforting embrace of His fold.

When reading these words, I am reminded of the countless stories of individuals who have experienced the life-changing power of God’s grace in their own lives. It is a reminder that no matter how far we believe ourselves to be from Jesus, His love and mercy can bridge the widest gaps and bring us home.

The hymn speaks of the moment when the author was found by Jesus, when the light of divine love pierced through the darkness surrounding their soul. It is a moment of profound gratitude to God for bringing them back into the fold of His grace. It serves as a testament to the transformative nature of encountering the love of Christ, a love that has the power to mend our brokenness and heal our wounded hearts.

But what does it mean to be brought into the fold of God’s grace? To understand this, we must first grasp the concept of grace itself. Grace is the unmerited favor and love that God extends to us, despite our shortcomings and failures. It is His freely given gift to humanity, a gift that we can never earn or deserve.

When the author sings of feeling God’s wondrous grace, they are expressing the awe and wonder that comes from experiencing such unfathomable love. It is a love that cannot be fully comprehended or measured, for it surpasses human understanding. The hymn celebrates this grace and recognizes it as the guiding force in the author’s life.

Upon receiving this grace, the author’s desires and aspirations are transformed. They speak of their heart being changed and a newfound passion for witnessing to others about the love they have discovered. This newfound purpose becomes the driving force in their life, filling them with an unquenchable fire to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

In the journey of faith, dangers are bound to appear along the way. The author acknowledges this reality, but finds solace in keeping sight of Jesus Christ. By fixing their gaze on Him, they find the strength and guidance to navigate through the treacherous paths of life. It is a testament to the power of faith, and the understanding that with Jesus as our constant companion, we can never go astray.

As the author continues to grow in their relationship with Jesus, they become more like Him each day. They reflect His image in their words, actions, and interactions with others. This transformation serves as a witness to those around them, a clear testimony of the they have found. It is a reminder to us all that as followers of Jesus, our lives should reflect His love and grace in everything we do.

The hymn wraps up beautifully with the chorus, a statement of unwavering commitment to stand by God’s grace. The author acknowledges their dependence on God’s help and declares their trust in Him. It is a pledge to remain true and faithful until the day they reach the glory land – the ultimate destination where they will dwell with God for all .

In conclusion, “Once I Was Far From Jesus: A Journey to His Grace” is a hymn that beautifully captures the transformative power of God’s love and the journey towards His all-encompassing grace. It reminds us that no matter how lost or disconnected we may feel, Jesus actively seeks us out and longs to bring us back into His loving embrace. It encourages us to trust in Him, follow Him, and allow His grace to shape and transform our lives. May we be inspired by this hymn to embark on our own personal journey to encounter the grace of Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Once I Was Far From Jesus A Stranger To His Grace: Discover the transformative power of God's love and journey toward His all-encompassing grace. Trust, follow, and be transformed by His unwavering grace.


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