No Future But Glory Lord Jesus Have We – Hymn Lyric

No Future But Glory: The Promise of Home with Jesus – Experience the joy and hope of an eternal home with Jesus. Discover the path to glory and the fulfillment of being with Him.

No Future But Glory Lord Jesus Have We – Hymn Lyric

“No Future But Glory Lord Jesus Have We” is a hymn that reminds us of the incredible promise of a home with Jesus. The hymn emphasizes that for those who have accepted Jesus, there is no future but glory. It encourages us to forward towards our ultimate goal of knowing Him and eagerly anticipate the day when we will be with Him in our eternal home.


No Future But Glory Lord Jesus Have We – Hymn Lyric

No future but glory, Lord Jesus, have we,
How bright is the prospect of being with Thee!
O Home of all homes, with the Father above,
O wonderful dwelling of infinite love!

Home, Home, bright, bright Home!
How blessed the prospect, Lord Jesus, of Home!
The path to the glory would seem to be long
If Thou didst not us and lead us in ;
Whatever the suff’rings we meet on the road,
Our future is glory, our home is with God.

Home, Home, bright, bright Home!
How sweet are the foretastes, Lord Jesus, of Home!
No future but glory, Lord Jesus, have we,
For man is in glory already, in Thee;
The brighter the glory that shines in face,
The clearer our title to glory, thro’ .

Home, Home, bright, bright Home!
Our future is glory, in Thy blessed Home!
“This one thing” we’d do, we would press t’ward the goal,
Thyself, Lord, in glory the prize of our ;
Forget what’s behind, for the bright things before,
Since all they who know Thee would know Thee still more.

Home, Home, bright, bright Home!
We’d press on to know Thee and reach Thee at Home!
In heaven alone is our city and state,
From thence, Lord, as Savior, Thyself we await;
Our bodies to change, and conform them to Thine,
That we in Thine image and glory may .

Home, Home, bright, bright Home!
We soon shall be with Thee, and like Thee, at Home!


Meaning of No Future But Glory Lord Jesus Have We

No Future But Glory: The Promise of Home with Jesus

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to get caught up in our worries and anxieties. We may often find ourselves asking, “What does the future hold for us?” But as we reflect on the beautiful words of this hymn, we are reminded of a glorious truth – for those who have embraced Jesus, there is no future but glory.

The hymn opens with the joyful exclamation, “No future but glory, Lord Jesus, have we”. What a remarkable statement! It is a declaration of utmost confidence in the promise of eternal life with Jesus. The prospect of being with Him is described as “bright” – a source of hope and joy that shines like a beacon in the . How extraordinary it is to imagine a home of infinite love, a place where we will find ultimate fulfillment and belonging.

As we journey through life, there may be challenges and struggles along the way. The path to glory can indeed seem long and arduous. Yet, the hymn reassures us that we are not alone. Jesus is our constant companion, cheering us on and leading us in song. His presence and guidance bring comfort and strength, reminding us that no matter what sufferings we may endure, our future is filled with glory and our ultimate home is with God.

In fact, the hymn boldly proclaims that for those who have accepted Jesus, the future of glory has already begun. “For man is in glory already, in Thee,” it asserts. Our relationship with Jesus grants us a taste of the home that awaits us. The more we are drawn into His presence, the clearer our understanding of our eternal destiny becomes. Each foretaste of this glory fills our hearts with joy and gratitude.

But what does it mean to “press toward the goal” as mentioned in the hymn? It means to eagerly pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus, to continually seek after Him. The prize of our souls is not earthly wealth or success, but rather the presence of Jesus Himself. We are encouraged to forget what lies behind us – past mistakes, regrets, and failures – and to set our sights on the bright and beautiful things that are yet to come. As we press on, our of Jesus deepens and our love for Him grows.

The hymn reminds us that our ultimate home is in heaven. It is a city and a state found in the presence of Jesus. We eagerly anticipate His return as our Savior, longing for the day when our bodies will be transformed to be like His. We yearn to shine with His glory and to be conformed to His image. This is our hope, our ultimate destination – to be in the presence of Jesus, in our true and eternal home.

In conclusion, this hymn fills our hearts with hope and anticipation. It reminds us that our future is not filled with uncertainty and fear but rather with glory and joy. Our home is with Jesus, the source of infinite love and comfort. As we press toward the goal, seeking after Him with all our hearts, we are assured that the path may be challenging, but the destination is worth every step. Let us hold on to the promise of no future but glory, and eagerly await the day when we will be with Him in our eternal Home.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image No Future But Glory: The Promise of Home with Jesus – Experience the joy and hope of an eternal home with Jesus. Discover the path to glory and the fulfillment of being with Him.


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