Come Happy Souls Approach Your God – Hymn Lyric

Approach your God with joy and gratitude as you sing melodious songs. Find healing

Come Happy Souls Approach Your God – Hymn Lyric

Come, happy souls, approach your God with joyous songs as we celebrate and praise the boundless love and mercy He has shown us. Through Christ, our , we find healing and comfort, and in His name, we shall never truly die. Let us humbly ourselves and give thanks to the great , finding solace and hope in His divine .


Come Happy Souls Approach Your God – Hymn Lyric

Come, happy souls, approach your God
With new melodious songs;
Come, tender to Almighty grace
The tributes of your tongues.

So strange, so boundless was the love
That pitied dying men,
The Father sent his equal Son
To give him life again.

Thy hands, dear Jesus, were not armed
With a revenging rod:
No hard commission to perform
The vengeance of a God.

But all was mercy, all was mild,
And wrath forsook the throne,
When Christ on the kind errand ,
And brought salvation down.

Here, sinners, you may heal your wounds,
And wipe your sorrows dry;
Trust in the mighty Savior’s name,
And you shall never die.

See, dearest Lord, our souls
Accept thine offered grace,
We bless the great Redeemer’s love,
And give the Father praise.


Meaning of Come Happy Souls Approach Your God

Come, happy souls, approach your God with new melodious songs;

Let the within your hearts burst forth in harmonious throngs.

For the love of our Creator, so strange and boundless, we sing,

His mercy and compassion, to the world we will bring.

God’s love for His creation, for us, His precious kin,

Moved Him to send His Son, our Savior, to free us from our sin.

Jesus came not with vengeance, armed with a punishing rod,

But with mercy, with forgiveness, to reconcile us with God.

The wrath that once consumed us, the throne it did forsake,

When Christ descended from above, our salvation to partake.

He offered us His healing touch, to mend our broken hearts,

To wipe away our sorrows and give us a brand new start.

In the mighty name of Jesus, we find solace and relief,

A refuge to escape to, from our pain and disbelief.

For in His arms, our wounds are healed, our tears He will dry,

And in His loving presence, we shall never truly die.

Oh, dearest Lord, we offer up our souls in humble surrender,

Accepting Your divine grace, Your love we will remember.

We bless the great Redeemer, who came to set us free,

And we lift our voices in praise to the Father, God Almighty.

So, come happy souls, approach your God with hearts full of delight,

Sing songs of and joy, let your take to flight.

For in the arms of our Savior, we find comfort and peace,

And in His boundless love, all our worries and fears cease.

Let this hymn resound and echo in the chambers of our souls,

A testament to our faith and the love that makes us whole.

May these words uplift and inspire, reaching those in search of light,

As they seek solace and guidance, finding hope in the darkest .

Come, happy souls, approach your God, in Him you’ll find your way,

Embrace His love and mercy, let it lead you day by day.

For His grace is never-ending, His love forever pure,

So come to Him, dear souls, and find the happiness you seek and more.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Approach your God with joy and gratitude as you sing melodious songs. Find healing, forgiveness, and eternal life through the love and mercy of Jesus. Come, happy souls, and experience true happiness.


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