Jesus Fix Thy Kingdom Here – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of Jesus' kingdom in "Jesus

Jesus Fix Thy Kingdom Here – Hymn Lyric

In the “Jesus, Fix Thy Kingdom Here,” we are reminded of the transformative power of Jesus’ kingdom. His kingdom is not established through power or might, but through love and grace. As followers of Jesus, we are called to actively work towards dismantling oppressive systems, advocating for justice and equality, and spreading His message of love and grace wherever we go. Only by doing so can we truly fix Jesus’ kingdom here and see His transformative power change lives and the .


Jesus Fix Thy Kingdom Here – Hymn Lyric

fix Thy kingdom here!
Thy kingdom is the stone,
Sent from Heav’n in man t’appear,
And on alone;

Let it now the image smite,
Break the iron and the clay,
Conquer, not by power or might,
And force the world t’obey.

By this stone to powder ground
The kingdoms all shall be:
Then their no more is found,
When earth submits to Thee;

Let Thy kingdom now prevail,
All opposing power disperse,
To a mountain swell,
And fill the universe.


Meaning of Jesus Fix Thy Kingdom Here

Jesus, Fix Thy Kingdom Here: Transforming the World with Love and Grace

In the hymn “Jesus, Fix Thy Kingdom Here,” we are reminded of the transformative power of Jesus’ kingdom. The verse speaks of a stone sent from Heaven, representing Jesus Himself, who came to earth to establish His kingdom. This kingdom is not one that conquers through power or might but rather through love and grace.

When we think about the phrase “Jesus, Fix Thy Kingdom Here,” it implies that there is something broken or in need of healing in our world. As followers of Jesus, we believe that His kingdom brings restoration and renewal to all areas of life. But how does this happen? How can we play a part in fixing His kingdom here?

Firstly, let’s explore the idea that Jesus’ kingdom is represented by a stone. We might wonder why a stone is used to symbolize His kingdom. A stone is solid and unmovable, representing the stability and permanence of Jesus’ reign. Just as a stone cannot be easily crushed or broken, Jesus’ kingdom cannot be shaken or destroyed.

But the hymn also points out an interesting aspect – the stone is meant to “break the iron and the clay.” This alludes to the power of Jesus’ kingdom to shatter the oppressive systems and structures of this world. It is a call to break down barriers of injustice, discrimination, and inequality. Jesus’ kingdom is a force that challenges the status quo and brings about true equality and freedom for all.

However, the hymn makes it clear that Jesus’ kingdom is not a kingdom that uses force or power to make others obey. It is a kingdom of love and grace that invites people to willingly submit to His reign. Jesus’ kingdom does not seek to dominate but to transform hearts and minds.

When we embrace Jesus’ kingdom, we become agents of transformation in the world. We are called to let His kingdom prevail and to disperse any opposing power. This means actively working towards dismantling systems of oppression and advocating for justice and equality. It means standing up against hatred, discrimination, and violence, and instead promoting love, acceptance, and peace.

It is often said that actions speak louder than words, and this holds true when it comes to fixing Jesus’ kingdom here. Our faith should not remain confined within the walls of our churches but should overflow into our everyday lives. It is through our actions, influenced by the teachings of Jesus, that we can spread His kingdom and make a real difference in the world.

Jesus’ kingdom is not limited to a specific place or time. It is boundless and knows no boundaries. As the hymn suggests, it should swell like a mountain and fill the universe. This is a call for us to take Jesus’ message of love and grace wherever we go.

In our schools, we can be advocates for and inclusivity. We can stand up for those who are marginalized and bullied. We can choose to befriend those who are lonely or feel left out.

In our communities, we can our time and resources to help those in need. We can support organizations that work towards social justice and equality. We can be a voice for the voiceless and advocate for positive change.

In our families and friendships, we can practice forgiveness, understanding, and compassion. We can create an environment where everyone feels loved and valued. We can prioritize love and care over selfishness and division.

By doing these things, we are actively fixing Jesus’ kingdom here. We are bringing about His transformative power in our own little corners of the world. And when every follower of Jesus does the same, the impact becomes exponential.

So let us the call of the hymn “Jesus, Fix Thy Kingdom Here.” Let us embrace the stone that shatters injustice and inequality. Let us be agents of change, spreading love and grace wherever we go. Together, we can truly fix Jesus’ kingdom here and see His transformative power change lives and the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the transformative power of Jesus' kingdom in Jesus, Fix Thy Kingdom Here. Learn how love and grace can break down barriers of injustice and bring about true equality. Let's fix Jesus' kingdom here, one act of kindness at a time.


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