All The World For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Spread the love - "All The World For Jesus" hymn inspires us to share the teachings of Jesus with everyone. Let's make a difference and bring hope to the world.

All The World For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “All The World for Jesus” urges us to spread the message of Jesus Christ to every part of the globe. It reminds us of the importance of prayer, giving, service, and being a living example of our faith. Let us embrace our mission and make a difference in the world, all for the of Jesus.


All The World For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

All the world for Jesus!
Be this our earnest aim;
To spread the blessèd tidings
Of Him Who once was slain.

All the world for Jesus,
Let ev’ry creature sing;
All the world for Jesus,
Our great eternal King.

All the world for Jesus!
Let each one pray and give,
Until remotest nations
look to Him and live.

All the world for Jesus!
We’ll give, at His behest,
To raise the poor and ,
Till all have Christ confessed.

All the world for Jesus!
And Jesus for the world!
Forever be His banner
Of victory unfurled.


Meaning of All The World For Jesus

In the hymn “All The World for Jesus,” the message is clear – of Jesus Christ to every corner of the globe. The hymn inspires us to make it our foremost goal, to dedicate our lives to sharing the and teachings of Jesus with everyone we encounter.

The opening verse of the hymn sets the tone for our mission. It tells us that our aim in should be to spread the blessed tidings of Jesus, who sacrificed Himself for us. This verse encourages us to see the world as a vast congregation, where every person, every creature, has a role to play in proclaiming the message of Jesus.

The second verse of the hymn reminds us of our responsibility to pray and give. It tells us that until the furthest corners of the earth have heard the message of Jesus and embraced Him, our work is not complete. We are called to support missions, to facilitate the spreading of God’s love to all nations, until every person looks to Him and finds true life.

The hymn goes on to emphasize the importance of service. It tells us that we must give, just as Jesus commanded us to, in order to uplift the poor and the helpless. Our mission is not just about sharing words, but also about making a tangible difference in the lives of others. By reaching out to those in need, we can demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus, drawing them closer to Him.

The final verse of the hymn gets to the heart of our purpose. It proclaims that our mission is all about Jesus. We are to be His banner, forever unfurled in victory. Spreading the message of Jesus is our ultimate goal, for in doing so, we hope, salvation, and eternal life to those who have yet to experience His love.

So, how can we bring these ideas to life? How can we spread the message of Jesus in a world that is often filled with doubt, fear, and indifference? Here are some practical ways to make a difference:

1. Share your faith: Talk to your friends, family, and classmates about your beliefs. Share how Jesus has impacted your life and the difference He has made. Be open to questions and engage in respectful discussions about faith.

2. Volunteer: Engage in service projects that help those in need. Participate in charitable organizations or start your own initiatives to support the disadvantaged. By doing so, you will be demonstrating the love of Jesus in action.

3. Pray: Pray for the world, pray for those who have yet to Jesus. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel. Pray for your own growth and understanding of God’s Word. Prayer is a powerful tool that can help transform lives and bring people closer to God.

4. Support missionaries: Consider supporting missionaries who are working tirelessly to spread the message of Jesus in areas where the gospel is not readily accessible. Financially supporting their work allows them to continue their mission and reach more people with the love and teachings of Jesus.

5. Be a living example: Live out your faith every day. Let your words, actions, and attitudes reflect the values and teachings of Jesus. By being a positive and presence in the world, you can attract others to the message of Jesus without saying a word.

In conclusion, the hymn “All The World for Jesus” reminds us of our mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all corners of the earth. It emphasizes the importance of prayer, giving, service, and personal example in fulfilling this mission. Let us be inspired by these words and strive to make a difference in the world, all for the glory of Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread the love - All The World For Jesus hymn inspires us to share the teachings of Jesus with everyone. Let's make a difference and bring hope to the world.


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