Since I Found That Faith In Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of faith in Jesus. This hymn explores the longing to go deeper in our faith

Since I Found That Faith In Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Since I Found That Faith In Jesus” is a hymn that speaks to the theme of and trust in our spiritual journey. It highlights how finding faith in Jesus not only saves us from sin but also ignites a to venture deeper into God’s love and grace. The hymn encourages us to sail farther out upon the waves, longing for the day when we will meet Jesus face to face in our soul’s eternal home.


Since I Found That Faith In Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Since I found that faith in Jesus
Saves from sin, and sweetly saves,
Heart and soul have join’d in crying,
“Farther out upon the waves.”

Farther out upon the ocean
Of God’s wondrous love and grace;
“Farther out” shall be my watchword
Till I meet him face to face.

There’s no safety for my vessel
Where the breakers dash and roar,
But I find the smoothest
Farther out, away from shore,


Here the sunlight falls from ,
All is peace within, without,
While each day celestial breezes
Drive my vessel farther out.


Tho’ life’s storms may sweep around me,
In my soul I and shout,
For I know that ev’ry
Will but drive me farther out.


Farther out, till I have safely
Reached that land across the foam,
Farther out, till I have
In the soul’s eternal home.


Meaning of Since I Found That Faith In Jesus

Since I Found That Faith in Jesus: Expanding on the Theme of Hope and Trust

When we find that faith in Jesus, a remarkable transformation takes place within us. Not only does it save us from the grip of sin, but it also fills our hearts and souls with an unyielding desire to venture farther out upon the waves of God’s wondrous love and grace. This hymn beautifully expresses the longing we feel to go deeper in our faith and to experience the fullness of God’s presence in our lives.

The first verse sets the stage for our journey. It tells us that since we have found that faith in Jesus, not only has it saved us from sin, but it has also given us a desire to explore the vastness of God’s love. We join our hearts and souls in crying out, “Farther out upon the waves!” This cry is an expression of our yearning to go deeper, to go beyond the shore and experience a more intimate connection with our Savior.

The chorus echoes this sentiment, reiterating that our watchword shall be “Farther out” until the day we meet Jesus face to face. It becomes our guiding principle, reminding us that our ultimate goal is to be fully immersed in the ocean of God’s love and grace.

The second verse uses the metaphor of a vessel on the sea. It tells us that safety cannot be found where the breakers dash and roar, where the storms of life threaten to overwhelm us. However, we find the smoothest water farther out, away from the shore. This is a powerful message of hope and trust. It tells us that when we venture deeper into our faith, away from the distractions and trials of the world, we find peace and tranquility. The sunlight falls from heaven, bathing us in its warm embrace, and all is peaceful within and without. As we sail farther out, we are carried by celestial breezes, moving us closer to the presence of God.

Life’s storms may sweep around us, and challenges may our way, but the third verse reminds us that even in the midst of it all, we can still sing and shout for joy. Why? Because we know that these very storms will only serve to drive us farther out. Instead of allowing the trials to discourage us, we see them as opportunities for growth and deepening our trust in God. Each tempest becomes a stepping stone, pushing us closer to our destination.

And what is our ultimate destination? The final verse answers this question. We long to reach that land across the foam, a place much like the Promised Land of the Bible. It is the soul’s eternal home, where we will find true rest and security, anchored firmly in God’s presence. As we journey farther out, we anticipate the day when we will finally reach this destination, and until then, our watchword remains the same.

In conclusion, “Since I Found That Faith in Jesus” beautifully captures the essence of our spiritual journey. It invites us to venture deeper into our faith, to embrace the vastness of God’s love and grace. Our ultimate goal is to be anchored in the soul’s eternal home, but until then, we continue to sail farther out, trusting that every storm will only push us closer to our destination. Let us embrace the hope and trust that comes with this hymn, and may it inspire us to continue seeking a deeper connection with Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the transformative power of faith in Jesus. This hymn explores the longing to go deeper in our faith, seeking God's love and grace. Join the journey of hope and trust Farther out upon the waves.


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