How Sweet To Trust In Jesus In The Hour – Hymn Lyric

"How Sweet to Trust in Jesus: Find comfort and strength in Him during times of struggle. Place your trust in His goodness and rely on His word for joy and peace. Trust in Jesus in your hour of bitter need."

How Sweet To Trust In Jesus In The Hour – Hymn Lyric

How Sweet To Trust In In The Hour of Bitter Need Trusting in Jesus brings comfort and strength in times of struggle and hardship. This hymn reminds us of the joy and that comes from relying on Him and His word. From walking beside Him in peace to finding solace and support in temptation, placing our trust in Jesus brings hope and reassurance in our hour of bitter need.


How Sweet To Trust In Jesus In The Hour – Hymn Lyric

How sweet to trust in Jesus,
I the hour of bitter need;
To walk in peace beside Him,
Wheresoever He may lead.

How sweet to trust in Jesus;
Oh, what joy it doth afford,
Confiding in His goodness,
Just relying on His word.

How sweet to trust in Jesus,
With our ev’ry doubt and fear.
To that in the Savior,
We have still a helper near.

How sweet to trust in Jesus;
Oh, what joy it doth afford,
Confiding in His goodness,
Just relying on His word.

How sweet to trust in Jesus,
In temptation’s trying hour;
To tell Him of our weakness,
And to feel His love and pow’r.

How sweet to trust in Jesus;
Oh, what joy it doth afford,
Confiding in His goodness,
Just relying on His word.

How sweet to trust in Jesus,
Whatsoever be our care;
He never will forsake us,
In the hour of deep despair.

How sweet to trust in Jesus;
Oh, what joy it doth afford,
Confiding in His goodness,
Just relying on His word.


Meaning of How Sweet To Trust In Jesus In The Hour

How Sweet To Trust In Jesus In The Hour of Bitter Need

In times of struggle and hardship, it is truly comforting to place our trust in Jesus. The hymn “How Sweet to Trust in Jesus” beautifully captures this sentiment, reminding us of the joy and peace that comes from relying on Him and His word. Regardless of the challenges we may face, knowing that we have Jesus as our guide and helper gives us hope and reassurance.

When we trust in Jesus, we can walk in peace beside Him, no matter where He may lead us. It is in those moments of bitter need that we can find solace and strength in Him. In this world, filled with uncertainty and trials, having the assurance that we are not alone brings a sense of comfort and security. The trust we place in Jesus allows us to navigate through ‘s difficulties with a sense of peace and confidence.

Confiding in His goodness, we find joy. Trusting in Jesus means believing in His character – that He is good, loving, and faithful. This belief brings immense joy because we know that He has our best interests at . When we rest in His goodness, we release our worries and anxieties, replacing them with a deep-seated trust in His divine plan for our lives.

Relying on His word strengthens our faith. The hymn emphasizes the importance of relying on Jesus’ word. By studying and meditating on His teachings, we can find , encouragement, and inspiration. The Bible is not just a book of stories; it is a living testament of God’s love and promises. When we trust in His word, we are reminded of His unwavering throughout history, giving us faith for our own journey.

In moments of doubt and fear, we can find solace in the Savior. Trusting in Jesus means recognizing that He is always with us, even in our darkest moments. When doubts cloud our minds and fears consume our hearts, we can turn to Him for comfort and strength. Just as a helper is always nearby to lend a hand, Jesus stands to provide the guidance and support we need. In His presence, fear dissipates and confidence arises.

Temptation is a part of life, but when we trust in Jesus, we can overcome its allure. We all face moments of weakness when temptation lures us towards destructive paths. However, by confiding in Jesus and sharing our struggles with Him, we open the door for His love and power to transform our lives. His presence empowers us to resist temptation and choose righteousness, leading us to a life of joy and fulfillment.

No matter what cares and burdens we carry, Jesus will never forsake us. Trusting in Jesus means recognizing that He is always there, even in our deepest despair. Life can sometimes feel overwhelming, but in those moments, we can find comfort in the knowledge that Jesus will never leave us alone. He is the anchor that holds us steady, even when the storms of life threaten to overwhelm us.

In conclusion, the hymn “How Sweet to Trust in Jesus” eloquently expresses the beauty and peace that comes from placing our trust in Him. In our hour of bitter need, we can find solace and strength in walking beside Him. By confiding in His goodness, relying on His word, and seeking His help, we navigate through life’s challenges with joy and confidence. Temptation may try to lure us , but with Jesus, we have the power to resist and live in righteousness. Amidst our cares and burdens, Jesus will never forsake us, providing the comfort and hope we need in our darkest moments. Truly, how sweet it is to trust in Jesus in the hour of bitter need.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image How Sweet to Trust in Jesus: Find comfort and strength in Him during times of struggle. Place your trust in His goodness and rely on His word for joy and peace. Trust in Jesus in your hour of bitter need.


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