Beloved Of Jesus Go Forth – Hymn Lyric

Unleash your calling! Embrace your role as a servant and ambassador of God's love. Join the ranks of the redeemed and save souls for His glory.

Beloved Of Jesus Go Forth – Hymn Lyric

“Beloved of Jesus Go ” is a powerful call to action, urging us to embrace our role as servants of God and ambassadors of His love. The hymn emphasizes the importance of being swift and relentless in carrying out God’s work, reminding us that we are not alone in this journey. It highlights the urgency of our mission and the power and protection we have through our faith in God. So let us go forth, shining the of Christ and bringing hope to a world in need.


Beloved Of Jesus Go Forth – Hymn Lyric

Beloved of Jesus,
go forth and God speed thee!
Be swift in His name
till the end of the days!
Let Christ, the great leader,
omnipotent lead thee-
His kingdom thy boast,
and His glory thy !

Arise and be doing!
Above and around thee,
The ranks of the ransomed
in panoply teem;
Be valiant in service,
for Jesus hath crowned thee,
A servant of many,
to save and redeem.

To action! delay not!
thy mission, ;
The of thy going
each gateway unbars;
Win souls for the day
of the King’s coronation;
The ones who turn many
shine as the stars. [Refrain]

O, haste thee, nor tarry!
stay not for the morrow!
Jehovah, our God,
thy defense and thy might;
Bear light into darkness,
and joy unto sorrow;
Be firm and be fearless,
for God and the right. [Refrain]

O, faint not, nor falter,
tho’ burdens oppress thee;
Thy buckler and shield
the immaculate word;
His power and the
of conquest possess thee,
Thy war cry and watchword-
The world for the Lord. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Beloved Of Jesus Go Forth

Beloved of Jesus, go forth and God speed thee! These powerful words with a call to action, urging us to embrace our role as servants of God and ambassadors of His love. Let us unpack the meaning behind this hymn and explore how we can apply its message in our everyday lives.

The opening verse encourages us to be swift in carrying out God’s work, to be relentless in our dedication till the end of days. Just as Christ, our great leader, is omnipotent, His power and guidance can lead us through any challenge or obstacle we may face. By making His kingdom our boast and His glory our praise, we align ourselves with His purpose and become vessels of His grace.

The refrain this sentiment, urging us to arise and be doing. It reminds us that we are not alone in this journey; the ranks of the ransomed, the redeemed, are all around us, ready to support and encourage us. As we engage in valiant service, we can find strength in knowing that Jesus Himself has crowned us with a purpose to save and redeem many. This realization should embolden us to step out in faith and share the love of Christ with those around us.

The hymn continues by emphasizing the urgency of our mission. It admonishes us to not delay or tarry, but rather to seize the present moment to fulfill our calling. We are reminded that Jehovah, our God, is our defense and our strength. This assurance should give us confidence as we enter into the darkness of the world, bringing the light of Christ’s love and joy to those who are in sorrow.

In times when burdens may press upon us, the hymn encourages us to not faint or falter. We are reminded that the Word of God is our buckler and shield, providing us with the strength and protection we need to persevere. Through His power and the spirit of conquest, we are equipped to overcome any obstacle that stands in our way. Our war cry and watchword should be “The world for the Lord,” as we passionately strive to extend His kingdom and bring others into a saving relationship with Him.

As we reflect on these inspiring lyrics, we can draw several key themes. Firstly, we are called to action. Christianity is not just a passive belief system, but an active faith that requires us to engage with the world around us. We are called to be doers of the Word, extending kindness, love, and compassion to all we encounter.

Secondly, the hymn reminds us that we are not alone in this mission. The Christian journey is not a solitary one, but a communal experience. As members of the body of Christ, we are part of a vast network of believers, united in purpose and support. We can draw strength and encouragement from one another as we seek to fulfill our calling.

Thirdly, the hymn emphasizes the urgency of our mission. We are not to procrastinate or wait for the perfect moment to act. Rather, we are to seize the opportunities presented to us and make a difference in the lives of others. Time is precious, and each day offers chances to bring the hope and salvation of Christ to the world.

Lastly, the hymn reminds us of the power and protection we have through our faith in God. We can find strength, courage, and resilience in His Word, knowing that He is with us every step of the way. As we trust in Him and align ourselves with His purpose, we can overcome challenges and become beacons of His light in a dark world.

In conclusion, the hymn “Beloved Of Jesus Go Forth” is a beautiful call to action, urging us to embrace our role as servants of God and ambassadors of His love. It encourages us to be swift and relentless in carrying out His work, reminding us that we are not alone in this journey. The urgency of our mission is highlighted, along with the power and protection we have through our faith. Let us heed the message of this hymn and go forth, shining the light of Christ and bringing hope to a world in need.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Unleash your calling! Embrace your role as a servant and ambassador of God's love. Join the ranks of the redeemed and save souls for His glory.


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