Jesus Only Jesus Only – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power and love of Jesus in the hymn "Jesus Only". Find comfort

Jesus Only Jesus Only – Hymn Lyric

In times of trouble, despair, pain, and , there is one name we can turn to for comfort and salvation: Jesus. The hymn “Jesus Only” beautifully captures the power and love of our Savior, emphasizing why we should love and praise Him and how He helps us in our times of need. He alone can lift the heavy burden of sin, bring relief to our wounded hearts, make us conquerors over temptation, and lead us towards an everlasting reward. Let us join together in praising Jesus, only Jesus, for all He has done and continues to do in our lives.


Jesus Only Jesus Only – Hymn Lyric

Jesus only, Jesus only,
Lifts the heavy load of sin;
By His Spirit, Holy Spirit,
Gives abiding peace within.

Do you wonder why I love Him,
When He to save my soul?
I will praise Him always praise Him,
While eternal years shall roll.

Jesus only, Jesus only,
In the hour of pain and grief,
By His mercies, tender mercies,
Brings the wounded heart relief. [Refrain]

Jesus only, Jesus only,
‘Mid temptations dark as night,
Makes His people more than conqu’rors,
Thro’ His everlasting might. [Refrain]

Jesus only, Jesus only,
When we reach the valley lone,
Will be with us, faithful ,
Leading to the radiant . [Refrain]    

Meaning of Jesus Only Jesus Only

In times of trouble and despair, there is one name that we can turn to for comfort and salvation: Jesus. The hymn “Jesus Only” beautifully captures the essence of this message, emphasizing the power and love of our Savior. With each verse, the hymn reveals the reasons why we should love and praise Him, how He helps us in our times of need, and the assurance of His presence in our lives.

The hymn begins with the powerful declaration that Jesus alone can lift the heavy load of sin from our shoulders. As human beings, we often find ourselves burdened by the weight of our mistakes and regrets. We struggle to find a to ourselves from the chains of guilt and shame. However, this hymn reminds us that it is Jesus and only Jesus who can provide true and redemption. Through His sacrificial death on the cross, He paid the price for our sins and offers us the gift of eternal .

This realization prompts the question, “Do you wonder why I love Him when He died to save my soul?” It may seem odd to some that we can have such deep affection for someone who experienced such anguish for our sake. However, it is precisely because of His selfless act of love that we are able to experience the freedom and that comes from a relationship with Him. We have every reason to praise Him, not just now, but for all eternity.

As we go through life, we inevitably face moments of pain and grief. It is during these challenging times that we truly realize how much we need Jesus. In our brokenness, He extends His and offers us solace. His tender mercies bring comfort to our wounded hearts, reminding us that we are never alone in our pain. Rather than dwelling in despair, we can find hope and healing in His presence.

Furthermore, the hymn reminds us that Jesus is not only with us in our times of sorrow but in the midst of temptation as well. The darkness may surround us, and we may feel overwhelmed by the lure of sin. Yet, Jesus provides us with the strength and power to overcome these temptations. With Him by our side, we become more than conquerors; we become victorious over the forces that seek to pull us away from Him. Through His everlasting might, we can find the courage to resist temptation and live a life that honors Him.

As we journey through life, there are moments when we may feel lost and alone. The valley lone represents such times of confusion and uncertainty. However, the hymn assures us that Jesus will be with us, our faithful Shepherd, guiding us towards the radiant throne. He will never abandon us or leave us to fend for ourselves. Instead, He walks alongside us, protecting and leading us towards the ultimate destination of eternal happiness in His presence.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Only” reminds us of the profound love and power of our Savior. Jesus alone can lift the heavy burden of sin, provide solace in times of pain and grief, strengthen us in the face of temptation, and lead us towards an everlasting reward. His sacrifice on the cross demonstrates His incredible love for us, and it is through Him that we find eternal peace and joy. So, let us join together in praising Jesus, only Jesus, for all He has done and continues to do in our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power and love of Jesus in the hymn Jesus Only. Find comfort, forgiveness, and guidance in His presence. Praise Jesus, only Jesus, for His eternal impact.


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