Deep In The Love Of My Savior Dear – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Unconditional Love of My Savior: Deep In the Love and Joy In God's Presence. Find Happiness and Strength in His Grace and Protection.

Deep In The Love Of My Savior Dear – Hymn Lyric

“Deep In The Of My Savior Dear: Finding Happiness and Joy in ‘s Unconditional Love” explores the profound relationship between believers and their Savior. This hymn reflects the deep love and grace of Jesus Christ, highlighting the comfort and companionship we have in Him. It emphasizes the joy and contentment that comes from being constantly together with our Savior, even in the face of challenges, and ultimately looks forward to the eternal hope we have in Christ.


Deep In The Love Of My Savior Dear – Hymn Lyric

Deep in the love of my Savior dear,
Kept by His grace so happy and free,
Helping the lost the glad message to hear,
Always together are we.

Always together, my Lord and I,
Nearing the beautiful goal;
More and more, as the days go by,
He is the joy of my soul.

Shielding my when the foe appears,
Causing my life a blessing to be,
Making me His evermore thro’ the years,
Always together are we.


So that where joy- forever ring
His face at last I may see,-
So that forever His praise I may sing,
Always together are we.


Meaning of Deep In The Love Of My Savior Dear

Deep In The Love Of My Savior Dear: Finding Happiness and Joy in God’s Unconditional Love

In a world full of uncertainties and challenges, it is a comforting thought to know that we are not alone. We have a constant companion who loves us deeply and unconditionally – our Savior, Jesus Christ. The hymn, “Deep in the love of my Savior dear,” beautifully captures the essence of this profound relationship.

The first verse begins by emphasizing the love and grace of our Savior. It says, “Deep in the love of my Savior dear, Kept by His grace so happy and free.” This line reminds us that we are forever kept and protected by God’s amazing grace. It is through His love that we find true happiness and freedom. Imagine a love so deep and unconditional that it fills our hearts and overflows in our lives. This love is what keeps us and content, no matter the circumstances.

The refrain of the hymn reinforces the idea of being always together with the Lord. It says, “Always together, my Lord and I, Nearing the beautiful goal; More and more, as the days go by, He is the joy of my soul.” This refrain beautifully encapsulates the journey of a believer. As we walk with God day by day, our relationship with Him deepens. We draw nearer to the beautiful goal, which is eternal life with Him. The more we experience His presence, the more joy fills our souls.

The second verse of the hymn highlights another aspect of this special relationship. It says, “Shielding my heart when the foe appears, Causing my life a blessing to be, Making me His evermore thro’ the years, Always together are we.” In this verse, we see how our Savior becomes our protector and guide. When we face challenges or when the enemy tries to bring us down, God shields our hearts and leads us through. He turns our lives into blessings, transforming us into vessels of His love and grace. This continuous journey with Him ensures that we are always by His side, no matter the circumstances.

The final verse of the hymn looks forward to the eternal hope we have in Christ. It says, “So that where joy-bells forever ring His blessed face at last I may see,- So that forever His praise I may sing, Always together are we.” This verse reminds us of the ultimate goal of our – to be with our Savior for . We long to see His face and join the chorus of joy and praise in His presence. It is this unwavering hope that keeps us anchored in His love and strengthens our resolve to live for Him.

In conclusion, “Deep in the love of my Savior dear” encapsulates the beautiful relationship we have with God. It reminds us that we are forever kept and protected in His love and grace. As we walk with Him daily, our joy and contentment grow, and we become vessels of His blessings and grace. Our Savior becomes our shield and guide, leading us through life’s challenges. And ultimately, our hope lies in being reunited with Him for eternity. So let us embrace this amazing love and walk in hand with our Savior, knowing that we are always together.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Unconditional Love of My Savior: Deep In the Love and Joy In God's Presence. Find Happiness and Strength in His Grace and Protection.


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