Jesus A Child His Work Begun – Hymn Lyric

Discover inspiration and guidance from the life of Jesus Christ as a child

Jesus A Child His Work Begun – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus, A Child: Inspiring Us to Begin Our with Love” In the hymn “Jesus A Child His Work Begun,” we find inspiration from the life of Jesus to embark on our own journeys of love and service. Jesus’ early beginnings teach us the importance of starting our work early and embracing a of compassion and kindness. Through unconditional love for all mankind and cherishing His teachings, we can create a that reflects Jesus’ divine love and compassion for all. Let us be inspired by Jesus, who as a child, began His work with unwavering devotion and love.


Jesus A Child His Work Begun – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, a child, His work begun:
How radiant dawned His heavenly day!
And those who such a race would run
As early should be on their way.

His Father’s business was His care;
Yet in man’s favor still He grew;
O might we learn by thought and prayer,
Like Him a work of love to do!

For all mankind He came, nor yet
An infant’s visit would deny;
Nor friend nor mother did forget
In His last hour of agony.

O children, ask Him to impart
That spirit clear, that temper mild,
Which made the mother in her heart
Keep all the sayings of her Child.

Him Who said, of such as you
His Father’s kingdom is: and still,
His yoke to bear, His work to do,
Study His life to learn His will.


Meaning of Jesus A Child His Work Begun

“Jesus, A Child: Inspiring Us to Begin Our Work with Love”


In this beautiful hymn, titled “Jesus A Child His Work Begun,” we find inspiration and from the life of Jesus Christ. We learn of Jesus’ early beginnings and how His purpose was to spread love and do the work of His heavenly Father. Throughout His life, Jesus taught us the importance of embracing a spirit of compassion, kindness, and devotion to others. By reflecting on His example, we can discover how to embark on our own journeys of love and service.

Verse 1: The Radiant Dawn of His Heavenly Day

The hymn begins with the image of Jesus as a child, His divine mission already unfolding. Just as the dawn brings light and promise to a new day, Jesus’ presence brought hope and to humanity. As we envision the radiant dawn of His heavenly day, we are reminded that just as Jesus began His work early, we too should be on our way to follow in His footsteps.

Jesus grew in favor with man, showing us that even in His young age, He embraced the responsibilities and cares of His Father’s business. This teaches us an invaluable lesson: that learning to love and serve others is a lifelong journey. We should seek to learn from Jesus’ example, and by thinking deeply and praying , we can develop a heart and mindset that is to do a work of love.

Verse 2: Jesus’ Love for All Mankind

The hymn continues by emphasizing Jesus’ unconditional love for all humanity. From the very beginning, Jesus came to salvation to everyone, without exception. Even in His infancy, Jesus did not deny a visit from those seeking Him and He never forgot His friends and mother, even in the darkest hour of His agony. This teaches us that love knows no bounds and that there is no one unworthy of our care and compassion.

As children, we are encouraged to ask Jesus to grant us the same spirit of clarity and meekness that was found in the heart of His mother. Mary cherished and remembered every word spoken by her divine . Likewise, we should treasure Jesus’ teachings and strive to live by them every day. Connecting with Jesus enables us to develop a gentle temper and a pure heart, allowing us to keep His sayings within us.

Verse 3: Seeking the Father’s Kingdom and Learning His Will

The hymn concludes by reminding us that Jesus Himself proclaimed that His Father’s kingdom belongs to those with childlike faith. As we embrace this truth, we are invited to bear Jesus’ yoke and follow His example of love and service. By studying Jesus’ life, we gain insight into His divine will and purpose for our lives.

Just as Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” we too should strive to align our actions and intentions with God’s loving plan. We must examine Jesus’ life and seek to emulate His compassionate and selfless spirit. As we learn from Him, we can become instruments of His love, spreading kindness and making a positive impact on our world.


In this hymn, “Jesus A Child His Work Begun,” we find a beautiful message of love, service, and the importance of following in Jesus’ footsteps. Jesus’ early beginnings remind us of the need to begin our own journeys of love and service early in life. Through His life, Jesus showed us the significance of unconditional love for all mankind and the value of cherishing His teachings. By seeking the kingdom of God and learning His will, we can work towards creating a world that reflects Jesus’ divine love and compassion. Let us all be inspired by Jesus, who as a child, began His work with unwavering devotion and love for all.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover inspiration and guidance from the life of Jesus Christ as a child, inspiring us to begin our own work with love. Reflect on His example of compassion and learn how to spread kindness and make a positive impact on the world. Start your journey of love and service early, just as Jesus did. Embrace unconditional love for all mankind and treasure His teachings. Seek the kingdom of God and align your actions with His will. Be inspired by the unwavering devotion and love Jesus showed as a child, and make a difference in the world.


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