Up For Jesus Up And Onward – Hymn Lyric

Join the noble Christian army

Up For Jesus Up And Onward – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Up for ! Up and !” encourages believers to unite as faithful in the Christian army. It reminds us to follow Jesus, defend what is right, and spread the light of Christ. By trusting in our leader and marching together with joyful songs, we are assured of eventual victory. Let us embrace this call to action: Up for Jesus! Up and onward!


Up For Jesus Up And Onward – Hymn Lyric

Up for Jesus! Up and onward!
Him saying, “Follow me;”
In the noble Christian army,
Faithful soldiers let us be.

Marching on with singing,
Sweetest music bringing
Unto Him that reign;
Let the world before us
Hear the joyful chorus,
, amen.

Up for Jesus! Up and onward!
In the early bright,
With the watchword on our banner,
Brave defenders of the right.

Marching on with singing,
Sweetest music bringing
Unto Him that shall reign;
Let the world before us
Hear the joyful chorus,
Hallelujah, amen.

Up for Jesus! Up and onward!
Through the conflict firmly stand;
For we cannot lose a battle
With our leader in command.

Marching on with singing,
Sweetest music bringing
Unto Him that shall reign;
Let the world before us
Hear the joyful chorus,
Hallelujah, amen.

Up for Jesus! Up and onward!
He will guide us with His eye;
He has promised if we trust Him,
We shall conquer by and by.

Marching on with singing,
Sweetest music bringing
Unto Him that shall reign;
Let the world before us
Hear the joyful chorus,
Hallelujah, amen.


Meaning of Up For Jesus Up And Onward

Up For Jesus Up And Onward – Marching in Faithful Unity


The hymn “Up for Jesus! Up and Onward!” is an uplifting call to action, inviting believers to unite as faithful soldiers in the Christian army. This hymn encourages us to follow Jesus and bravely defend the right. Each verse highlights the motivations and assurance we have in our leader, emphasizing the joy and victory that comes from marching together in faith. Let us delve deeper into the powerful message conveyed by these lyrics.

Verse 1: Following Jesus in the Christian Army

The first verse of the hymn sets the stage for our journey with Jesus. We are called to rise up and move forward, following His footsteps. As followers of Jesus, we become a part of the noble Christian army. This army is not one that uses weapons or violence but fights for righteousness, justice, and . By embracing this call, we become faithful soldiers in this army, each with a role to play. It is a beautiful depiction of unity and purpose.

Refrain: Marching with Joyful Songs

The refrain reminds us of the joy we bring to our march. As we march with singing, our voices carry the sweetest music, bringing honor and praise to Jesus, who reigns over all. Our hymns and melodies become a way to communicate our devotion and gratitude. The world can witness our joyful chorus and be touched by the love of Christ shining through us. This joyful proclamation of “Hallelujah, amen” echoes the victory we have in Christ.

Verse 2: Defending the Right and Spreading Light

In the early morning brightness, we hold our watchword high on our banner. This watchword represents the truth and righteousness that we stand for. It serves as a reminder not only to ourselves but to the world that we are brave defenders of the right. Like a of hope, we aim to illuminate the darkness around us with the light of Christ. This verse inspires us to boldly stand for what is good, just, and honorable.

Verse 3: Trusting in Our Leader’s Guidance

The third verse emphasizes our trust in Jesus as our leader. With Him guiding us with His eye, we can march forward with confidence and courage. Jesus promises us victory if we trust in Him. We may face trials and challenges along the way, but knowing that our leader is in command reassures us that we cannot lose the ultimate battle. In any spiritual conflict, our trust in Jesus becomes an anchor, ensuring our perseverance and final triumph.


“Up for Jesus! Up and Onward!” resonates deeply with believers of all ages. Despite its simple language suitable for a 7th-grade literacy level, its message is universal. This timeless hymn inspires us to rise up and follow Jesus, marching in faithful unity. It instills within us the importance of defending what is right and spreading the light of Christ to the world. By trusting in our leader and marching forward with joyful songs, we are assured of eventual victory. Let us embrace this call to action, living out the inspiring message of the hymn and proclaiming with unwavering faith: Up for Jesus! Up and onward!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join the noble Christian army, marching up for Jesus! Discover the uplifting hymn Up For Jesus Up And Onward that inspires unity, faith, and victory in following our leader.


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