Jesus Jesus Jesus Only – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Power and Grace of Jesus - A Hymn of Devotion. Long for Jesus and surrender your heart to His will in this beautiful hymn. Rediscover the transformative love and sacrifice of Jesus Jesus Jesus Only.

Jesus Jesus Jesus Only – Hymn Lyric

In the Jesus Jesus Only,” the author expresses deep longing and devotion to Jesus . They acknowledge Jesus as the answer to their sadness and loneliness, surrender their will to His rule, and strive to live according to God’s will. This hymn is a testament to the power and grace of Jesus in the author’s life and encourages believers to surrender their hearts and live a life that brings to Him.


Jesus Jesus Jesus Only – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus only
Can my heart’s deep longing still.
Him I crave when sad and lonely,
He alone shall rule my will.

With my hopes on Jesus built,
Cries my heart, , as Thou wilt.

‘Tis for Him that I am living,
Him I love and wish to see,
Him I am but giving
What in love He to me.

In His blood I hide my guilt,
Saying, lead me as Thou wilt.

Let me earnestly endeavor
good pleasure to fulfill;
In me, through me, with me ever,
Lord, accomplish Thou Thy will.

Call me not until I’m built
In Thy likeness, as Thou wilt.

With my voice to Thee uplifted,
I would Thy wondrous love.
Take my heart and make it gifted
With sweet music from above.

Landing Thee, whose blood was spilt,
Saying ever, as Thou wilt.


Meaning of Jesus Jesus Jesus Only

The Power and Grace of Jesus: A Hymn of Devotion

In this beautiful hymn, titled “Jesus Jesus Jesus Only,” we find expressions of deep longing and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. The verses paint a picture of a heart that seeks solace and fulfillment in the presence of Jesus. It is a heartfelt plea for guidance, a declaration of love, and an aspiration to live according to God’s will. Let us explore the profound ideas conveyed in this hymn.

The hymn begins with the repetition of the name “Jesus” three times, emphasizing the centrality of Christ in the author’s life. By doing so, the hymnwriter calls attention to the importance of Jesus and acknowledges that only He can satisfy the deepest longings of the heart. This repetition serves as a reminder that Jesus alone is the answer to their sadness and loneliness.

The next verse reveals the author’s unyielding desire to have Jesus rule over their will. Placing their hopes solely on Jesus, the author seeks to surrender their own desires and submit to His divine plan. It reflects a humble recognition that true fulfillment can only come from aligning one’s will with the teachings and commandments of Jesus.

The hymn continues with an expression of love and a longing to see Jesus face-to-face. The author understands that their entire existence is devoted to Jesus, and they gladly offer themselves to Him. This reciprocal relationship between Jesus and the author is a beautiful example of the love and grace bestowed upon believers. It is a reminder that our ability to love others is rooted in the unconditional love we have received from Jesus.

The following verse emphasizes the weight of Jesus’ . The author sees their actions as a response to the immeasurable love shown to them through His blood. By hiding their guilt in His blood, they find redemption and forgiveness. This humility before Christ is a reminder of the transformative power of His sacrifice and invites us to follow His example.

As the hymn progresses, the author seeks to fulfill God’s good pleasure. They recognize the importance of aligning their actions with God’s will and aspire to be vessels through which His work is accomplished. This verse serves as a reminder for believers to actively pursue obedience and seek God’s guidance in every aspect of their lives.

The hymn concludes with a plea for the author’s heart to be transformed into an instrument of praise to God. They long to offer their heart to Jesus, allowing it to be filled with beautiful music that emanates from above. By surrendering their heart to Jesus, they acknowledge His ability to transform and use them for His divine purpose.

In summary, “Jesus Jesus Jesus Only” is a devotional hymn that expresses the profound longing and devotion of the author’s heart towards the Lord Jesus Christ. It demonstrates a deep understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice, an acknowledgement of the need to align oneself with God’s will, and a desire to live a life that brings glory and honor to Him.

As we reflect on this hymn, let us also be reminded of the power and grace of Jesus in our lives. May we, like the author, surrender our hearts, align our will with His, and strive to fulfill His good pleasure. May our lives be a testament to the transformative love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Let us continue to lift our voices in praise, proclaiming, “Jesus Jesus Jesus Only.”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Power and Grace of Jesus - A Hymn of Devotion. Long for Jesus and surrender your heart to His will in this beautiful hymn. Rediscover the transformative love and sacrifice of Jesus Jesus Jesus Only.


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