Hark For Tis Gods Own Son That Calls – Hymn Lyric

Experience true freedom and life with God's own Son. Break free from sin’s chains and embrace His pardon. Shake off your bonds and proclaim His grace. Seek true liberty and find it in Jesus' name. Hark!

Hark For Tis Gods Own Son That Calls – Hymn Lyric

Hark! For ’tis God’s own Son that calls us to true life and freedom. breaks the chains of sin and offers the gift of forgiveness and liberation. Let us and respond to His call, embracing the transformative power of His love and sharing this message with others.


Hark For Tis Gods Own Son That Calls – Hymn Lyric

Hark! for ’tis God’s own Son that calls
To life and liberty;
Transported, fall before his feet,
Who makes the prisoners free.

The cruel bonds of sin he breaks,
He sunders ‘s chain:
And, smiling, deals those pardons round
Which free from endless pain.

Into the captive he pours
His Spirit from on high;
We lose the terrors of the slave,
And “Abba, Father,” cry.

Shake off your bonds and sing his ,
The sinner’s Friend proclaim,
And call on all around to seek
True freedom by his name.


Meaning of Hark For Tis Gods Own Son That Calls

Hark! For ’tis God’s own Son that calls

In this hymn, we are called to listen closely, for it is the voice of God’s own Son that beckons us. Imagine hearing the voice of Jesus, calling out to us, inviting us to come to Him and experience true life and freedom. It is a powerful image that fills our hearts with and gratitude.

“To life and liberty” is what Jesus offers to us. Just as He broke the bonds of sin and shattered Satan’s chains, Jesus wants to set us free from the things that bind us. Sin, with its cruel grip, keeps us captive and separated from God’s love. But Jesus, with a smile on His face, extends His hand to us, offering us the gift of forgiveness and a pardon that frees us from the endless pain of living in sin.

When we to Jesus, when we fall before His feet, something wondrous happens. He pours His Spirit into our hearts from on high. Can you imagine what this means? It means that the power of God Himself comes to dwell within us. The fear and terror of being slaves to sin are replaced by an overwhelming sense of peace and . We can then confidently call out to God, saying “Abba, Father,” recognizing that we are His children, loved and cherished by Him.

It is such a powerful and transformative experience that it becomes hard to contain our excitement. The hymn invites us to shake off our old bonds and sing of the grace that Jesus has bestowed upon us. He is not our judge or our oppressor; He is our friend, our advocate, and our . We are urged to proclaim His friendship and love to all, inviting them to seek true freedom by embracing His name.

The hymn reminds us that Jesus is the key to true freedom. Our society often emphasizes external sources of liberation – wealth, success, popularity. But Jesus tells us that true freedom is found in knowing Him, in accepting His love and forgiveness. It is a freedom that transcends material possessions and worldly achievements. It is a freedom that gives us the peace and assurance that nothing else can provide.

In a filled with chains and bonds that seek to imprison us, the hymn reminds us that Jesus is the one who can break those chains. Simply accepting His offer of freedom is not enough; we are also called to share this message with those around us. We are invited to call on all those we encounter to seek true liberty in Jesus’ name.

Imagine a world where everyone is set free from the burdens of sin and shame. Imagine a world where love, forgiveness, and compassion reign supreme. This is the vision that the hymn invites us to embrace, as we journey together in proclaiming the transformative power of Jesus’ love.

Let us heed the call of this hymn. Let us pause and truly listen to the voice of God’s Son calling out to us. Let us embrace the freedom and life that Jesus offers, and let us share this message with those around us. In doing so, we become messengers of hope, agents of change in a world that so desperately needs to experience the liberation that only Jesus can bring. Hark! The voice of God’s own Son is calling – will you respond?


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience true freedom and life with God's own Son. Break free from sin’s chains and embrace His pardon. Shake off your bonds and proclaim His grace. Seek true liberty and find it in Jesus' name. Hark!


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