Should Jesus Come At Early Morning – Hymn Lyric

Get Ready for Jesus: Should Jesus Come At Early Morning? Reflect on your readiness to meet Jesus and be prepared for His glorious return.

Should Jesus Come At Early Morning – Hymn Lyric

“Should Come At Early : Are You Ready?” This thought-provoking hymn challenges us to consider our readiness for Jesus’ arrival, whether it be in the present or in the future. It emphasizes the importance of constant readiness, living according to His teachings, and prioritizing our relationship with Him. Let us reflect on our own preparedness and strive to be among His followers eagerly awaiting His glorious return.


Should Jesus Come At Early Morning – Hymn Lyric

Should Jesus come in the early morning,
Or should He come at night,
Say, will He find us waiting and watching
With lamps all burning bright?

O can you say you are ready, brother,
Ready either day or night!
O will He find us waiting and watching,
Ready for the glorious sight!

Should Jesus come with His holy angels,
With shoutings in the air,
O who will then be waiting and watching,
Who will His glories share?

When Jesus comes will He find us faithful,
With garments pure and white,
With precious sheaves all garner’d and ready,
To hail Him with delight?

Yes, I am waiting and ever watching,
Hoping to see Him come,
That I may see Him in all His glory,
Gath’ring His jewels .

Meaning of Should Jesus Come At Early Morning

Should Jesus Come At Early Morning: Are You Ready?

In this hymn, the songwriter poses a thought-provoking question – should Jesus come at the early morning or at night, will He find us ready and waiting? This question challenges us to reflect on our own readiness to meet Jesus, whether it be in the present moment or in the future. It prompts us to consider the state of our hearts, our faithfulness, and our aspirations as followers of . Let’s explore these themes further and inspire ourselves to be prepared for the day Jesus comes.

The verse suggests that Jesus may come at any time – in the early morning or at night. It highlights the importance of being watchful and prepared, always ready to welcome Him. This idea of readiness emphasizes our need to constantly align ourselves with the teachings of Jesus, to exhibit the fruits of the , and to grow in our relationship with Him.

The chorus repeats the question, urging us to examine our own preparedness for that glorious sight. It brings to mind the parable of the ten virgins, where five were wise and kept their lamps trimmed and burning, while the other five were foolish and unprepared. We are reminded that being ready for Jesus’ arrival goes beyond mere words; it requires a genuine commitment to live according to His will and to prioritize our relationship with Him.

The hymn then shifts to wondering who will be waiting and watching with anticipation when Jesus comes with His holy angels, surrounded by shouts of joy. This raises the question of our own faithfulness and devotion. Will we be found among the faithful, eagerly waiting to partake in the glories of His kingdom?

The subsequent verse poses another challenge – will Jesus find us not only waiting but also faithful? This raises the importance of nurturing our and living lives that reflect our commitment to Christ. Just as a garment signifies our outward appearance, the hymn asks if our spiritual garments, representing the righteousness bestowed upon us by Jesus, will be pure and white. This emphasizes the need for personal holiness and integrity in our daily lives.

The imagery of precious sheaves, or bundles of harvested grain, all gathered and ready, is used to describe those who are eager to welcome Jesus. It captures the idea that our lives should bear fruit that can be offered to Him. We are encouraged to diligently on our spiritual growth, aligning ourselves with His purpose and seeking to fulfill His plans for our lives.

The final verse states the resolve of the singer, affirming that they are waiting and ever watching for Jesus to come. It expresses the heartfelt desire to witness Jesus in all His glory and to be among the precious jewels that He gathers home. This verse reinforces the importance of our for His return and our anticipation of being in His presence.

As we reflect on the hymn “Should Jesus Come at Early Morning,” we are challenged to examine our own readiness for the Lord’s coming. It prompts us to consider whether we are truly prepared, faithfully living out our Christian walk, and eagerly waiting for His return.

In conclusion, let us embrace the message of this hymn and ensure that our hearts are always ready to welcome Jesus. May we be found faithful and watchful, eagerly awaiting the glorious sight of His return. Let our lives bear fruit that honors Him, living in a way that reflects our commitment to Christ. May we be found among His precious jewels, eagerly awaiting His gathering of His faithful followers.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Get Ready for Jesus: Should Jesus Come At Early Morning? Reflect on your readiness to meet Jesus and be prepared for His glorious return.


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