Have You Found The Great Physician Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Have You Found The Great Physician Jesus? | Discover Healing & Abundant Life

Have You Found The Great Physician Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Have You Found the Great Physician Jesus? In this engaging , we are reminded of Jesus Christ’s greatness and faithfulness as our Great Physician. He bore our pain and sorrow on the cross, and even today, He continues to heal the sick and suffering. This powerful message emphasizes the unchanging nature of Jesus, implying that He is just the same today as He was before He ascended to heaven. If you haven’t found the Great Physician Jesus, this hymn invites you to seek Him and experience His touch and abundant life.


Have You Found The Great Physician Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Have you found the great Physician,
Jesus Christ of Galilee,
He who bore our pain and sorrow,
On the shameful, cruel tree?

Still He heals the sick and suff’ring,
As before He went ;
For His word most plainly tells us,
“He is just the same to-day.”

He is just the same to-day,
As before He went away.
Look to Him, believe and ;
Trust His word and then obey.
“Praise God, He’s just the same to-day.”

Consecrate your life to Jesus,
Spirit, soul, and body too;
For the “ is for the body,”
Ev’ry pow’r He to you.

Let there be no reservation,
Give the Lord full right of way;
He will come and heal His temple,
For He’s just the same to-day.

Do you doubt God’s will to heal you?
Take His word and ask for light;
If you seek in deep contrition,
He will guide your heart aright.

Do not fear to claim His promise,
He will not your trust betray;
When on earth He gladly healed them,
And He’s just the same to-day.


Oh! I’m glad to tell you, suff’rer,
Christ has more than healing too;
Life abundant, overflowing,
He will gladly give to you.

Step out boldly, claim His fulness,
Let your sadness flee away;
When on earth He made them ,
And He’s just the same to-day.


Meaning of Have You Found The Great Physician Jesus

Have You Found the Great Physician Jesus?

In this hymn, we are reminded of the greatness and faithfulness of Jesus Christ, our Great Physician. He willingly bore our pain and sorrow on the cross, and even today, He continues to heal the sick and suffering. This powerful message is a reminder of Jesus’ unchanging nature, highlighting the fact that He is just the same today as He was before He ascended to heaven.

Throughout the verses, we are called to consecrate our lives to Jesus, surrendering our spirit, soul, and body to Him. We are reminded that the Lord is not only concerned with our spiritual well-being, but He also cares for our physical bodies. All power has been given to Him, and by giving Him full right of way in our lives, we open ourselves up to His healing touch.

There is an encouragement to trust in God’s promises and not doubt His will to heal. We are reminded that when we seek God with a contrite heart, He will guide us and light our way. We are urged to claim His promises without fear, knowing that He will not betray our trust. Just as Jesus gladly healed those who to Him while He walked on earth, we can trust that He is just the same today.

Beyond healing, we are also reminded that Jesus offers us abundant life. He has so much more to give us than just physical healing. He offers us fullness and overflowing . We are encouraged to step out boldly and claim His in our lives, allowing our sadness to flee away. Jesus made people happy while He was on earth, and He continues to do so even now.

Have you found the Great Physician Jesus? If not, this hymn serves as an invitation to seek Him and experience His healing touch and abundant life. Jesus is not a distant figure but a present and active force in our lives. We can look to Him, believe in Him, and pray to Him. We can trust His word and then obey it. When we surrender our lives to Him, we open ourselves up to His healing power and experience the truth that He is just the same today.

This message is not just for those who are physically sick or suffering. It is a reminder to all of us that we need Jesus in every aspect of our lives. We should continually consecrate ourselves to Him, giving Him full access to every area. By doing so, we can experience His healing and live in the joy and abundance that He offers.

Whether we are in seventh grade or beyond, the simplicity and power of this message resonate with all of us. It speaks to the deepest longings of our hearts for healing and wholeness. It reminds us of the unchanging nature of God and the faithfulness of Jesus, our Great Physician.

So, the next time you find yourself in need of healing, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, remember the words of this hymn. Look to Jesus, the Great Physician, who bore our pain and sorrow. Trust in His word, believe in Him, and pray to Him. Consecrate your life to Him, surrendering spirit, soul, and body. And in doing so, experience the truth that He is just the same today. Praise God for His faithfulness and the healing and abundant life that He offers us!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Have You Found The Great Physician Jesus? | Discover Healing & Abundant Life

 Seek and find the Great Physician Jesus Christ, who heals the sick and offers abundant life. Trust His word, surrender, and experience His unchanging power today.


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