O My Soul With All Thy Powers – Hymn Lyric

"Bless the Lord with all your soul's powers! Reflect on His healing

O My Soul With All Thy Powers – Hymn Lyric

“O My With All Thy Powers” is a hymn that calls upon the reader’s soul to bless the Lord’s holy name with all its abilities. The hymn emphasizes the Lord’s healing, loving-kindness, and mercy, and encourages us to trust in His provision and seek refuge in His care. As we reflect on the words of this hymn, we are reminded to dedicate our entire being to praising and worshiping the Lord.


O My Soul With All Thy Powers – Hymn Lyric

O my soul! with all thy powers,
Bless the Lord’s most holy name;
O my soul! till life’s last hours,
Bless the Lord, His praise proclaim;

Thine infirmities He heal’d,
He thy and pardon seal’d.
He with loving-kindness crown’d ,
Satisfied thy mouth with good,
From the snares of death unbound thee,
Eagle-like thy youth renew’d:

Rich in tender mercy He,
Slow to wrath, to favour free.
He will not retain displeasure,
Though awhile He hide His face,
Nor His -like bounty measure
By our merit, but His grace:

As the heaven the earth transcends,
Over us His care extends.
Far as east and west are parted,
He our sins hath sever’d thus;
As a , loving-hearted,
Spares his , He spareth us;

For He knows our feeble frame.
He remembers whence we .
From eternity enduring,
To eternity, the Lord,
Still His people’s bliss insuring,
Keeps His covenanted word:

Yea, with truth and righteousness,
‘s children He will bless.
As in heaven, His throne and dwelling,
King on earth He holds His sway;
Angels! ye in strength excelling,
Bless the Lord, His voice obey:

All His works beneath the pole
Bless the Lord, with thee, my soul!


Meaning of O My Soul With All Thy Powers

O My Soul With All Thy Powers: the Lord’s Holy Name

In this hymn, the writer implores their soul to bless the Lord’s most holy name with all its powers. It is a call to praise the Lord throughout all of life’s moments, until the very last hours. The writer reminds their soul of the Lord’s healing power, as He has healed their infirmities and sealed their peace and pardon.

The Lord’s loving-kindness is highlighted in this hymn, as He has crowned the writer’s soul with His goodness. The Lord has satisfied their mouth with good, delivering them from the snares of death and renewing their youth like that of an eagle. It is emphasized that the Lord is rich in tender mercy and slow to anger, freely giving favor to His people.

The hymn reassures that the Lord will not hold onto displeasure for long, even when He hides His face. His bountiful mercy and grace are not dependent on our own merit, but rather on His unending love and kindness. The Lord’s care extends over His people, beyond what the heavens transcend over the earth.

The hymn draws a beautiful comparison between the Lord’s love and that of a loving-hearted father. Just as a father spares his son, the Lord spares us knowing our feeble frames and remembering where we came from. The Lord’s love and mercy endure from eternity to eternity, and He faithfully keeps His covenanted word.

The writer encourages all of creation to bless the Lord’s name. As the King on earth, the Lord holds His sway and His angels, who excel in strength, obey His voice. All of His works beneath the pole, which encompasses the earth, join together with the writer’s soul in blessing the Lord.

The hymn reminds us that the Lord is not only worthy of our praise, but that it is our duty to bless His name with all our powers. It encourages us to continually remember the Lord’s healing, loving-kindness, and forgiveness. We are urged to trust in His provision and seek refuge in His care. Despite our shortcomings, the Lord’s mercy is abundant, and we can rest assured that His love will endure.

As we reflect on the words of this hymn, let us also remember the SEO keyword, “O My Soul With All Thy Powers.” This phrase not only serves as the title but also as a reminder that our soul, with all its faculties, should be dedicated to the praise and worship of the Lord.

In conclusion, may we all be inspired to bless the Lord’s most holy name with all our powers. Let us acknowledge His healing, loving-kindness, and sparing mercy. As we go through life, may we never forget the Lord’s faithfulness and His enduring love. And in doing so, we join with all of creation in proclaiming, “Bless the Lord, O my soul!”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Bless the Lord with all your soul's powers! Reflect on His healing, loving-kindness, and forgiveness. Trust in His care and seek refuge in His provision. Join in proclaiming, 'Bless the Lord, O my soul!' (159 characters)


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