Ye Servants Of Jesus To Battle Away – Hymn Lyric

Join the call to battle as servants of Jesus in this inspiring hymn. Conquer your adversaries with courage and determination

Ye Servants Of Jesus To Battle Away – Hymn Lyric

“Ye Servants of Jesus: Rising up to the Challenge” is an inspiring hymn that encourages us to face our battles with courage and determination. We are reminded that even in the face of defeat, we are assured of victory through Christ. With love, the example of martyrs, and the guidance of Jesus, we can overcome any obstacle and find strength in prayer.


Ye Servants Of Jesus To Battle Away – Hymn Lyric

Ye servants of Jesus, to battle ,
The foe now you in martial array:
Tho’ your forces may be small,
Ye shall conquer tho’ ye fall,
Ye are Christ’s own soldiers all,
Away, away.

Let mem’ries of martyrs, whose glories we’ll share,
Let love of our Lord, whose dear cross we will bear,
Be our glory and our shield,
As the sword of faith we wiled,
Then to doubt we ne’er shall yield,
On, on, fight on.

Then faint not at dangers, your Captain is near,
With His Spirit within, His presence will ;
With His eye He’ll safely guide,
‘Neath His shield He will thee never leave side,
On, on, on.


Meaning of Ye Servants Of Jesus To Battle Away

Ye Servants of Jesus: Rising up to the Challenge

In this inspiring hymn, we are reminded of the call to battle as servants of Jesus. The words encourage us to face our adversaries with courage and determination, knowing that even in the face of defeat, we are assured of victory through Christ. Let us explore this hymn further and draw inspiration from it for our own lives.

The opening verse sets the tone by calling us to battle as servants of Jesus. It paints a picture of a battlefield, with the enemy awaiting our arrival in martial array. Despite the size of our forces, the hymn reassures us that we shall conquer even if we fall. This reminds us that our strength doesn’t come from our own abilities, but from being part of Christ’s army.

As we reflect on the words of this hymn, we are invited to remember the martyrs who have gone before us. Their dedication and sacrifice should be a source of inspiration for us as we face our own battles. Their glories now become our own as we continue to carry the dear cross of our Lord. It is through their example that we learn to embrace both the challenges and the victories that come with being a follower of Jesus.

The hymn also emphasizes the importance of love in our journey as soldiers of Christ. The love of our Lord should be our glory and our shield. Love has the power to transform our hearts and give us the strength to fight for what is right. As we wield the sword of faith, guided by love, doubt will never be able to take hold of us. Love is not only a powerful weapon against the enemy but also a unifying force that binds us together as a community of believers.

It is crucial not to lose heart when faced with dangers and obstacles. The hymn reminds us that our Captain, Jesus himself, is near. He walks alongside us, empowering us with His Spirit and cheering us on. With His guidance, we can traverse any battlefield with confidence. His presence is our constant source of comfort and reassurance.

Furthermore, the hymn highlights the importance of prayer in our journey as servants of Jesus. Prayer becomes our lifeline, connecting us to . Through prayer, we can seek His guidance, wisdom, and protection. As we pray, we stay connected to our source of strength and power. It is through prayer that we find the courage and resilience to keep fighting, even in the face of adversity.

As we delve into the empowering message of this hymn, we can draw valuable lessons for our own lives. Firstly, we are called to embrace the challenges that come our way. We are not meant to live a life of complacency and comfort, but rather to up and confront the battles that lie before us. Whether these battles are personal struggles, injustices in society, or temptations that seek to lead us astray, we are called to face them head-on.

Secondly, we need to remember the sacrifice and dedication of those who have come before us. Their faithfulness and perseverance should inspire us to press forward, even when the seems difficult or unclear. Our connection to the broader community of believers helps us to stay focused and motivated in our own journey.

The hymn reminds us that we are not alone in our battles. Jesus walks with us, providing guidance and support every step of the way. He sees our struggles and stands as our shield, with His eye safely guiding us. We can take comfort in the knowledge that we are never abandoned or . In every battle, Jesus is by our side, equipping us with the strength we need to overcome.

Finally, this hymn underscores the importance of prayer as a communication channel with God. Through prayer, we can seek His will and align our hearts with His purpose. It is in the stillness of prayer that we find answers, find peace, and find the courage to keep going. Rather than relying solely on our own strength, we are called to rely on God and trust in His provision.

In conclusion, this hymn serves as a rallying cry for us, the servants of Jesus. It urges us to rise up and face the battles that come our way. Like the martyrs before us, we are called to carry the dear cross of our Lord and rely on His strength to see us through. As we confront the challenges, it is crucial to remember that we are not alone. Jesus, our Captain, walks with us, empowering us with His Spirit and guiding our every step. Through prayer, we stay connected to our Source of strength and draw from His wisdom and guidance. So let us take up the call, dear brothers and sisters, and fight on in the name of Jesus. Together, we shall conquer, even if we fall.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join the call to battle as servants of Jesus in this inspiring hymn. Conquer your adversaries with courage and determination, knowing victory is assured through Christ. Find strength, inspiration, and guidance in this empowering message.


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