Cross Of Jesus Cross Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Find solace and blessing under the shadow of the Cross of Jesus

Cross Of Jesus Cross Of Love – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Cross of , Cross of Love” beautifully expresses the significance and power of the cross in the life of a believer. In this hymn, the cross is depicted as an emblem of our King above, symbolizing His love, , peace, and . As we delve further into the meaning behind these verses, we discover the deep spiritual truths that the cross holds for us.


Cross Of Jesus Cross Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Cross of Jesus, cross of Love,
Emblem of my King above;
Cross where Jesus shed His blood,
Where His love and mercy flowed.

Blessed cross, oh, let me rest
‘Neath thy shadow, and be blest,
Blessed cross, oh, let me rest
‘Neath thy shadow, and be blest.

Cross of Jesus, cross of Peace,
Where my finds sweet release;
Where He died to set me free,
Suffered pain and agony.


Cross of Jesus, cross of Hope,
Cross on which my Savior spoke
Words of comfort in the hour
When He conquered ‘s power.


Meaning of Cross Of Jesus Cross Of Love

The hymn “Cross of Jesus, Cross of Love” beautifully expresses the significance and power of the cross in the life of a believer. In this hymn, the cross is depicted as an emblem of our King above, symbolizing His love, mercy, peace, and hope. As we delve further into the meaning behind these verses, we discover the deep spiritual truths that the cross holds for us.

The first verse of the hymn speaks of the cross as a representation of Jesus’ sacrificial love. It reminds us of the profound act of love that Jesus displayed when He willingly shed His blood on the cross for our . It was on the cross where His love and mercy flowed abundantly, providing us with forgiveness and redemption. The cross, therefore, becomes a of rest and for those who seek shelter under its shadow.

When the refrain repeats the words “Blessed cross, oh, let me rest ‘Neath thy shadow, and be blest,” it emphasizes the idea of finding refuge and comfort in the cross. Just as a physical shadow provides relief from the scorching sun, the cross offers spiritual solace and peace to those who turn to it. It is a place where we can find rest for our weary and experience the that flow from the sacrificial love of Jesus.

In the second verse, the hymn describes the cross as a source of peace. It is at the cross where our troubled souls find sweet release from the burdens and anxieties of life. Jesus’ death on the cross was the ultimate act of sacrifice to set us free from the power of sin and offer us the gift of eternal peace. The cross becomes a symbol of hope and liberation, reminding us that we no longer have to carry the weight of our sins and worries alone.

Furthermore, the cross is portrayed as a place of hope in the third verse. It was on the cross that Jesus spoke words of comfort and assurance, even in the midst of His own suffering and agony. In that moment, Jesus conquered Satan’s power and brought hope to a broken world. The cross reminds us that no matter what trials or challenges we face, there is always hope in Christ. His victory on the cross assures us that He has overcome the powers of darkness and offers us a future filled with hope and redemption.

As we reflect on the lyrics of this hymn, we can understand why the title emphasizes the cross as both a symbol of love. The cross is the ultimate expression of love, as Jesus willingly endured unimaginable pain and suffering to demonstrate His love for humanity. It is through His sacrifice on the cross that we are able to experience the depth of God’s love and mercy.

From an SEO standpoint, the title “Cross of Jesus, Cross of Love” contains the keyword “Cross of Jesus,” which helps optimize the article for search engines. By utilizing this keyword throughout the content, search engines will recognize the relevance of the article to individuals searching for information relating to the cross of Jesus.

In conclusion, the hymn “Cross of Jesus, Cross of Love” beautifully portrays the significance of the cross in the life of a believer. It is a symbol of Jesus’ sacrificial love, a place of peace and rest, and a beacon of hope. The title of the hymn, “Cross of Jesus, Cross of Love,” aptly captures the essence of the lyrics and helps optimize the content for search engines. As we delve into the depth of what the cross represents, we are reminded of the immense love, mercy, and hope that Jesus offers us through His sacrifice. May we find solace and blessing under the shadow of the cross, knowing that it is through the cross that we experience God’s unconditional love and find our ultimate rest.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find solace and blessing under the shadow of the Cross of Jesus, a symbol of sacrificial love, peace, and hope. Experience the depth of His love and mercy through His ultimate sacrifice.


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