If You Want The World To Love The Blessed Lamb of Calvary – Hymn Lyric

Spread the love of the blessed Lamb of Calvary to the world by sharing His goodness

If You Want The World To Love The Blessed Lamb of Calvary – Hymn Lyric

If you want the world to love the blessed of , there are simple yet powerful actions you can take. Spread His goodness, share the gospel , and let His love overflow in your heart. By living as a testament to His love, you can make a lasting impact and guide others towards the precious Savior.


If You Want The World To Love The Blessed Lamb of Calvary – Hymn Lyric

If you want the world to love
the blessed Lamb of Calvary,
You should make his goodness known
to those who rove;
Spread the gospel light around
you wheresoever you may be,
Sing and tell the tender story
of his love.

If you want the world to love
the precious Savior,
Strive to do your best for him
each passing day;
Let his love your heart oe’rflow,
praise him everywhere you go;
Be a blessing for the Master
all the way.

If you want the world to love him
you should let the wayward know
That He keeps you all the while
from and strife;
By your speech and by your actions
to the world around you show
That his precious love is gladdening
your life.


If you want the world to love him,
lesson sorrow, sin, and doubt,
Show the wanderer the pathway
to his feet;
From your soul each hour and moment
let the gospel sunshine out,
Show your love for him to every
one you meet.


Meaning of If You Want The World To Love The Blessed Lamb of Calvary

If You Want The World To Love The Blessed Lamb of Calvary

In a world full of confusion and darkness, it can sometimes be challenging to know how to make a positive impact. However, this hymn reminds us that if we want the world to love the blessed Lamb of Calvary, there are simple yet powerful actions we can take.

One of the essential ways to spread the love of the Savior is by making His goodness known to those who wander aimlessly through life. These individuals may be searching for something meaningful, something that can fill the void in their hearts. By sharing the gospel light, we can offer them a guiding that leads them to the love and redemption found in .

But how can we make His goodness known? It begins with and telling the tender story of His love. Through our words and actions, we can touch the lives of those around us. Whether it’s through joyful melodies or heartfelt conversations, we have the power to reveal the beauty and salvation found in the blessed Lamb of Calvary.

To truly make a difference, we must strive to do our best for Him each passing day. This means living our lives in a way that reflects His love and teachings. When our hearts overflow with His love, it becomes contagious, spreading to those we interact with. By consistently embodying the love of Christ, we can become a blessing for the Master in every aspect of our lives.

Sometimes, it’s not enough to simply say that we love Him. We must show that love through our actions and words. Letting the wayward know that He keeps us from sin and strife is a powerful demonstration of the transformative power of His love. Our speech and behavior should be a testament to how His precious love is gladdening our lives, serving as a beacon of for those who may have lost their way.

In a world filled with sorrow, sin, and doubt, it is our responsibility to show the wanderer the pathway to His feet. Whether it’s through acts of kindness, offering a listening ear, or sharing our own personal experiences, we can help others find solace and in the arms of the Savior. By allowing the gospel sunshine within us to shine brightly, we can illuminate the darkness that surrounds us, offering a ray of hope to those who desperately need it.

But how do we begin this journey of spreading love? It starts with our own hearts. As we let His love fill us, it will naturally overflow, radiating outwards towards everyone we encounter. By continuously seeking His presence and allowing His love to transform us, we become instruments of His grace, sharing that love with all those we meet.

In conclusion, if we want the world to love the blessed Lamb of Calvary, we must take deliberate actions to make His goodness known. From singing and telling the story of His love to showing love through our speech and actions, there is much we can do to be a blessing for the Master. Let us strive each day to let His love overflow in our hearts, praising Him everywhere we go. By living our lives as a testament to His love, we can make a lasting impact on those around us, guiding them towards the precious Savior.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread the love of the blessed Lamb of Calvary to the world by sharing His goodness, singing His praises, and showing His love through your actions. Be a blessing and guide others to the precious Savior.


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