Jesus Satisfies My Soul For I Am Saved – Hymn Lyric

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Jesus Satisfies My Soul For I Am Saved – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “ Satisfies My Soul For I Am Saved” celebrates the author’s faith in Jesus Christ, emphasizing the fulfillment and contentment they find in Him. Through Jesus, they have been freed from and experience a sense of and reassurance. The hymn encourages others to embrace this relationship with Jesus, highlighting His promise of life and the He brings.


Jesus Satisfies My Soul For I Am Saved – Hymn Lyric

Jesus satisfies my soul, for I am sav’d
From the sin that caus’d unrest;
He has broken all the chains that once enslav’d,
Bringing heaven to my breast.

Oh! He satisfies, satisfies my soul,
For He is my constant friend;
And He promises the sunshine of His smile
In the life that has no end.

Jesus satisfies my soul when press
Like a thorn-crown on my brow;
There are pledges in His word that soothe distress,
And His arm sustains me now.


Jesus satisfies my soul when trials keen
Aim their weapons at my heart;
I am shielded by a mighty hand unseen,
That can turn each fiery dart.


Jesus satisfies my soul while changing years
Steal away life’s cherish’d bloom;
Tho’ the valley of the shadow swiftly nears,
There’s no terror in its .


Meaning of Jesus Satisfies My Soul For I Am Saved

In this hymn, titled “Jesus Satisfies My Soul For I Am Saved,” the author expresses the joy and contentment they find in their faith in Jesus Christ. The hymn highlights the idea that through Jesus, they have been freed from the of sin and have experienced a sense of peace and fulfillment that only He can provide.

The verse begins by stating, “Jesus satisfies my soul, for I am saved from the sin that caused unrest.” The author acknowledges that before accepting Jesus into their life, they were burdened by the weight of sin, which caused them distress and turmoil. However, through Jesus’ saving grace, they have been set free from this bondage and now find satisfaction in Him alone.

The refrain of the hymn repeats the idea that Jesus satisfies the author’s soul and is their constant friend. This refrain serves as a reminder to the listener or reader of the hymn that Jesus offers a lasting, fulfilling relationship that brings joy and contentment. The refrain also mentions the promise of Jesus’ smile, which represents His love and approval. This promise is a source of hope and assurance for the author, reminding them that their relationship with Jesus brings eternal life.

The second verse of the hymn explores the idea that Jesus continues to satisfy the author’s soul even in times of . The author compares their sorrows to a thorn crown, referencing the crown of thorns placed on Jesus’ head during His crucifixion. Despite facing difficulties, the author finds comfort in the promises of God’s word, which solace and strength. They also rely on Jesus’ sustaining arm to uphold them during challenging times.

The third verse speaks to the faithfulness of Jesus in the face of trials. The author acknowledges that trials may come their way, aiming to inflict harm on their heart. However, they are reassured by the unseen hand of Jesus, which shields them from the onslaughts of the enemy. This verse emphasizes the belief that Jesus is a powerful protector and defender against any weapon that may be aimed at the believer.

The fourth verse reflects on the passage of time and the inevitability of aging. The author acknowledges that as the years go by, life’s cherished bloom may fade. They understand that mortality is approaching, symbolized by the phrase “the valley of the shadow” drawing nearer. Despite this, there is no fear or terror in this approaching gloom because of the assurance and satisfaction that Jesus brings to their soul.

Overall, this hymn serves as a declaration of the author’s faith and the deep contentment they find in Jesus Christ. It conveys the message that no matter the circumstances or challenges in life, Jesus provides lasting fulfillment, sustenance, and protection. By proclaiming the title of the hymn, “Jesus Satisfies My Soul For I Am Saved,” the author encourages others to embrace the same relationship with Jesus, assuring them that He is the ultimate source of satisfaction and salvation.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Satisfies My Soul For I Am Saved” expresses the author’s gratitude and joy in their relationship with Jesus. Through the verses and refrain, the hymn conveys the message that Jesus brings satisfaction, peace, and contentment to the author’s soul. It encourages others to embrace this same relationship, offering hope and assurance that Jesus’ love and grace are available to all who seek it. May this hymn inspire and uplift those who sing or hear its words, reminding them of the deep fulfillment that can be found in Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find fulfillment and salvation in Jesus Christ. Experience satisfaction, peace, and contentment for your soul. Embrace the joy and love He offers. Jesus satisfies.


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