Jesus Has Promised Me A Home In Heaven – Hymn Lyric

Discover the comfort and hope of Jesus' promise of a home in heaven. Reflect on the significance of these promises and find solace in God's love.

Jesus Has Promised Me A Home In Heaven – Hymn Lyric

Discover the comfort and assurance of ‘ promise of a home in heaven in this inspiring hymn. From the safety of a mansion with loved ones to receiving a crown of gold and a robe of , these words remind us of the hope and that await us in our eternal home. Embrace the promises of Jesus and find solace in the knowledge that we are loved and cared for, with a place prepared for us in heaven.


Jesus Has Promised Me A Home In Heaven – Hymn Lyric

Jesus has promised me a home in ‘n,
Safe with the loved ones in his mansion fair;
O ’twill be sweet when earthly ties are riv’n,
Resting with Jesus over there.

Home in my ‘s kingdom fair,
Home that my Saviour will prepare;
Home, where the blessed angels are,
Jesus has promised me over there.

Jesus has promised me a crown of gold,
When by and by I join the ransomed throng;
Then shall I taste the joys of heav’n untold,
Then shall I sing the glad New Song.

Jesus has promised me a robe of white,
Washed in the blood that flowed on Calvary;
O I shall praise him in that world of light,
When to my home he beckons me.

Jesus has promised me eternal life,
There in the Home-land, on the golden shore,
I shall be done with all the pain and strife,
Safe with my Lord forevermore.

Meaning of Jesus Has Promised Me A Home In Heaven

Jesus Has Promised Me a Home in Heaven: Finding Comfort in God’s Promises

In times of uncertainty and despair, it is comforting to know that Jesus has promised us a home in heaven. This beautiful hymn reminds us of the hope and assurance we can find in the words of our . Let us delve deeper into the verses of this hymn and reflect on the significance of these promises.

The first verse of the hymn speaks of the promise of a home in heaven where we will be safe with our loved ones. This imagery brings the notion of a peaceful and beautiful mansion, where earthly worries and sorrows cease to exist. The idea of being reunited with our loved ones is one that resonates deeply within our hearts. In a world that often feels chaotic and divided, the promise of being together with those we cherish brings a sense of peace and joy that cannot be measured.

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes this promise even further. It speaks of a home in our Father’s kingdom, prepared by our Savior himself. This reinforces the idea that our heavenly home is not a place of chance or luck, but a place that is intentionally prepared for us by a loving God. As we reflect on these words, we are reminded that our worthiness or accomplishments here on earth do not determine our eligibility for this heavenly home. It is a gift bestowed upon us through the and love of Jesus Christ.

In the second verse, the hymn speaks of a crown of gold that us in heaven. This symbolizes the rewards and that we will receive when we join the ransomed throng. The idea of a crown signifies honor and victory. It reminds us that as children of God, we are heirs to his kingdom and will partake in the joys of heaven. This promise gives us hope, especially during times when we may feel discouraged or overwhelmed by the trials of life.

The hymn continues to paint a vivid picture of the joys of heaven in the third verse. It describes a robe of white, washed in the blood of Jesus shed on Calvary. This powerful imagery signifies our redemption and purification through the sacrifice of Christ. It is a reminder that all our are forgiven and we are made pure in the eyes of God. As we don this robe of righteousness, we are free to enter into the world of light and praise our Savior for eternity.

The final verse of the hymn speaks of the promise of eternal life in the homeland, on the golden shore. It assures us that we will be done with all pain and strife, and will find everlasting safety and peace in the presence of our Lord. This promise provides solace to those who have experienced loss, suffering, and heartache. It reassures us that our current earthly struggles are temporary and that there is a better, eternal life awaiting us.

In conclusion, “Jesus Has Promised Me a Home in Heaven” is a hymn that beautifully captures the hope and assurance we find in God’s promises. It speaks of a home where we will be safe, a crown that we will receive, a robe of righteousness that cleanses us, and an eternity of joy and peace. These promises give us comfort in times of trial and remind us that our ultimate hope and destination lie in the loving arms of our Savior. May we hold onto these promises and live each day with the assurance that we are loved and cared for by the One who has prepared a home for us in heaven.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the comfort and hope of Jesus' promise of a home in heaven. Reflect on the significance of these promises and find solace in God's love.


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