Who Can Tell The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incomprehensible love of Jesus

Who Can Tell The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

The title “Who Can Tell The Love Of ” poses a question that invites us to ponder the incomprehensible depth of Jesus’ love. This hymn reminds us that His love surpasses all understanding, reaching higher than the heavens and deeper than the sea. It is a love that brought Him from glory to suffering on the , so that sinners like us might know salvation.


Who Can Tell The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Who can tell the love of Jesus?
Love for you and me,
Higher than the highest heaven,
Deeper than the sea;

Bringing Him from brightest glory,
Down to Calv’ry’s woe,
That the sinner, lost and low,
Might salvation know.

Down, down, down to the uttermost depths,
His love will seek thee;
Down, down, down to the uttermost depths,
His arms can reach and save thee;
Love, love, boundless and wonderful love of Christ our ,
Higher than the heavens,
Deeper, deeper than the sea.

Doubt no more the love of Jesus,
Nor His saving pow’r;
Let His mighty arms enfold thee,
Yield to Him this hour;

He is , He is able,
For His grace exceeds
All our longings, all our needs,
Earnest pray’r He heeds. [Refrain]

Come and prove the love of Jesus,
Tender, true and strong;
Let Him lift thee to the sunshine,
Fill soul with song;

He for thee is interceding,
beyond the sky;
Let Him bring thee, by and by,
To His home on high. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Who Can Tell The Love Of Jesus

Who can tell the love of Jesus? It is a love that surpasses all understanding and goes beyond what words can express. It is a love that knows no bounds, reaching higher than the highest heavens and deeper than the sea. This hymn reminds us of the incredible depth of Jesus’ love for each and every one of us.

In this verse, we are reminded of Jesus’ journey from the brightest glory to Calvary’s woe. He willingly came down from heaven, leaving behind all the splendor and majesty, to endure suffering and ultimately give His on the cross. Why did He do this? His great love for us. The hymn tells us that Jesus did this so that sinners, lost and low, might know salvation.

The refrain emphasizes the depth of Jesus’ love. It describes how His love will seek us down to the uttermost depths, wherever we may be. His arms are always open, ready to reach out and save us. This is a comforting thought, especially for those who may feel unworthy or distant from God. No matter how far we think we have fallen, Jesus’ love can still reach us and bring us back to Him.

The second verse encourages us to have faith in Jesus’ love and power. We are told to doubt no more, as His saving power is real and mighty. We are invited to let His arms enfold us, to ourselves to Him completely. Jesus is not only willing to save us, but He is also able. His grace exceeds all our longings and needs. No matter what struggles or burdens we may face, we can bring them to Jesus in prayer, knowing that He hears and answers.

The third verse invites us to experience the love of Jesus for ourselves. It describes His love as tender, true, and strong. Just as the sun lifts us up and fills us with warmth and joy, Jesus wants to lift us to the sunshine and fill our souls with song. He is interceding for us, on our behalf far beyond the sky. And one day, He will bring us to His home on high.

The title of this hymn, “Who Can Tell The Love Of Jesus,” poses a question that invites us to ponder the depths of Jesus’ love. It suggests that His love is beyond what can be fully comprehended or put into words. This title serves as an intriguing SEO keyword, drawing people in who may be searching for answers about the love of Jesus.

In conclusion, the hymn “Who Can Tell The Love Of Jesus” reminds us of the incomprehensible love that Jesus has for us. His love knows no limits, going higher than the heavens and deeper than the sea. It is a love that brought Him from glory to suffer on the cross, so that we might know salvation. We are called to have faith in His love and power, to surrender ourselves to Him and let Him lift us up. Jesus’ love is boundless and wonderful. It is a love that seeks us in the depths and reaches out to save us. Let us never doubt the love of Jesus, but instead, let us embrace it and allow it to transform our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incomprehensible love of Jesus, higher than the heavens and deeper than the sea. Let His love reach and save you, embrace His boundless and wonderful love. Who Can Tell The Love Of Jesus?


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