Jesus Lord In Whom The Father – Hymn Lyric

Discover the immense love and sacrifice of Jesus

Jesus Lord In Whom The Father – Hymn Lyric

The title “Jesus Lord In Whom The Father” perfectly encompasses the content of this hymn, which explores the profound love and of Jesus, who acts as the bridge between humanity and the Father. Through His roles as Creator, Sacrificial Lamb, Intercessor, and Risen King, Jesus reveals the depth of God’s love for us and offers us hope, joy, and eternal fulfillment.


Jesus Lord In Whom The Father – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, Lord, in Whom the Father tells His heart to me-
Jesus, God Who made the Heavens, made the earth to be-
Jesus, Lamb of God once offered for the guilt of men,
In the Heavens interceding till come again-

Jesus, once by God abandoned, smitten, cursed for me,
Sentenced at the throne of judgment, dying on the tree-
Jesus, risen and ascended, on the Father’s throne,
All the Heaven of Heavens resounding with Thy Name alone-

There, beholding Thee, forgetting sorrow, sin, and care,
Know I not that earth is darkened; nor that Heaven is fair-
Songs and psalteries of Heaven hushed the while I hear
Thy beloved Voice that speaketh, sweet, and still, and near;

That entrancing Song that ever Thou shalt alone-
Joy that Thou hast sought and found me, won me for Thine own.
Barred to me that Heavenly Eden till the flaming Sword,
In God’s righteous wrath uplifted, smote Thee, O my Lord.

Led within those gates unguarded, is mine;
But the glory and the beauty is that love of Thine.
Therefore, O my Lord, I reckon all things else as loss;
More than Heaven itself is precious, memory of Thy Cross.

More than Heaven itself Thou givest in the desert now,
For the crown of my rejoicing, Jesus, Lord, art Thou.


Meaning of Jesus Lord In Whom The Father

Jesus Lord In Whom The Father Declares His Love

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the immense love and sacrifice of Jesus, who is not only our Lord but also the embodiment of God’s heart. Through the verses, we delve into the wondrous nature of Jesus as the Creator of the heavens and earth, the sacrificial Lamb who took away our guilt, the Intercessor in the heavenly realms, and the One who was , smitten, and cursed on our behalf.

Jesus, Lord, in Whom the Father tells His heart to me. What an incredible statement! The Father’s love for us is conveyed through Jesus, who acts as the direct communication channel between God and humanity. He reveals the Father’s heart, His desires, and His intentions towards us. It is through Jesus that we come to truly know the depth of God’s love for us.

Jesus, God who made the heavens, made the earth to be. Just ponder for a moment the magnitude of this truth. The same Jesus who walked among us, who healed the sick and performed , is the very same God who created the vast expanse of the heavens and the intricate beauty of the earth. He is the ultimate authority and power behind every aspect of creation.

Jesus, Lamb of God once offered for the guilt of men, in the heavens interceding till Thou come again. This verse highlights the dual role of Jesus as both sacrifice and intercessor. Through His sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus paid the price for our sins, taking upon Himself the guilt that rightfully belonged to us. But He didn’t stop there; He continues to intercede for us in the heavenly realms, mediating on our behalf until the day He returns.

Jesus, once by God abandoned, smitten, cursed for me, sentenced at the throne of judgment, dying on the tree. These lines point us to the excruciating suffering that Jesus endured on our behalf. He was not only abandoned by His Father but also subjected to the full weight of God’s righteous judgment. He willingly took our , bearing the punishment that was meant for us. This profound act of love and sacrifice cannot be fathomed or fully comprehended.

Jesus, risen and ascended, on the Father’s throne, all the Heaven of Heavens resounding with Thy Name alone. After the darkness of His crucifixion, Jesus triumphantly rose from the grave and ascended to the right hand of the Father. The entire heavenly realm resounds with the name of Jesus, acknowledging His victory and acknowledging Him as the ultimate authority and ruler.

There, beholding Thee, forgetting sorrow, sin, and care, know I not that earth is darkened; nor that Heaven is fair. When we fix our gaze upon Jesus, all our worries, sorrows, and sins fade into the background. In His presence, the darkness of this world seems insignificant, and the beauty of heaven becomes our focal point. Our hearts are filled with unwavering joy and peace as we surrender ourselves to Him.

Songs and psalteries of heaven hushed the while I hear, Thy beloved Voice that speaketh, sweet and still, and near. In the heavenly realm, even the most melodious songs and music are silenced in comparison to the sweetness and nearness of Jesus’ voice. As we listen to His voice, our hearts are captivated by His love and tenderness, bringing comfort and assurance in the midst of any storm.

That entrancing Song that ever Thou shalt sing alone, joy that Thou hast sought and found me, won me for Thine own. Jesus has a song that He sings, a unique melody that only He can produce. It is a song of joy and , for He has sought us out and claimed us as His own. What a beautiful thought to know that we are personally loved and chosen by the King of Kings!

Barred to me that Heavenly Eden till the flaming Sword, in God’s righteous wrath uplifted, smote Thee, O my Lord. Before Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, access to the heavenly Eden was closed to us, guarded by a flaming sword. Yet, in His infinite love, Jesus willingly faced God’s righteous wrath on our behalf, allowing the sword to strike Him so that paradise could be opened to us once again.

Led within those gates unguarded, paradise is mine; but the glory and the beauty is that love of Thine. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are led into the gates of paradise, a place of unending joy and beauty. But the true glory and splendor of this paradise lies not in the physical surroundings but in the overwhelming love of Jesus. It is His love that brings eternal fulfillment and satisfaction.

Therefore, O my Lord, I reckon all things else as loss; more than heaven itself is precious, memory of thy Cross. The apostle Paul eloquently expresses a similar sentiment in Philippians 3:8, declaring that everything else in this world pales in comparison to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ and the power of His resurrection. The memory of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is more valuable to us than anything this world can offer. It is a memory that fills us with gratitude, awe, and an unwavering desire to live our lives for His glory.

More than heaven itself Thou givest in the desert now, for the crown of my rejoicing, Jesus, Lord, art Thou. Jesus gives us so much more than the promise of heaven in a distant future. In the ups and downs of , when we find ourselves in the desert places of hardship and struggle, He gives us the comfort, strength, and guidance we need to press on. He becomes the crown of our rejoicing, our greatest source of joy and fulfillment amidst the challenges we face.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ love and sacrifice. It reminds us of His incredible role as our Lord, the One who reveals the Father’s heart, the Creator of all things, the sacrificial Lamb, the Intercessor, the forsaken and cursed One, the risen and ascended King, and the source of unending joy and beauty. As we reflect on these verses, may our hearts be filled with gratitude, adoration, and a renewed commitment to follow Jesus with all our being.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the immense love and sacrifice of Jesus, our Lord and the embodiment of God's heart, in this hymn. Learn how he reveals the Father's love, created the earth, intercedes in heaven, and triumphantly rose again. Experience the joy and beauty of Jesus in your life. Click here to dive into the depths of Jesus' love and sacrifice for you.


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