Lord Jesus I Have Found In Thee – Hymn Lyric

Discover abundant life

Lord Jesus I Have Found In Thee – Hymn Lyric

“Lord Jesus I Have Found In Thee” is a hymn that beautifully describes the abundance of found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Through the lyrics, we are reminded of the unlimited gifts of abundant , eternal peace, unclouded light, exceeding joy, and unfailing love that can be found in Him. This hymn serves as a reminder of the richness and blessings that can be experienced through a personal connection with the Lord Jesus.


Lord Jesus I Have Found In Thee – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus, I have found in Thee abundant Life;
Life that as a river floweth, life that deeper, fuller groweth ‘Mid earth’s .

Lord Jesus, I have found in Thee eternal Peace;
Peace which passeth understanding, peace, which day by day expanding, shall not cease.

Lord Jesus, I have found in Thee unclouded Light;
Light in rays of guidance gleaming, thro’ the days of darkness streaming, clear and bright.

Lord Jesus, I have found in Thee exceeding Joy;
In Thy Presence, joy for ever, joy which even Satan never can destroy.

Lord Jesus, I have found in Thee the Love of God;
Perfect Love that never faileth, love which availeth by Thy Blood.


Meaning of Lord Jesus I Have Found In Thee

Lord Jesus I Have Found In Thee: Discovering Abundant Life, Eternal Peace, Unclouded Light, Exceeding Joy, and Unfailing Love

In this beloved hymn, “Lord Jesus I Have Found In Thee,” the lyrics paint a beautiful picture of the countless blessings and gifts that can be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Through these verses, we are reminded of the abundant life, eternal peace, unclouded light, exceeding joy, and unfailing love that are available to us through Him.

The first verse begins with the words, “Lord Jesus, I have found in Thee, abundant life.” Abundant life is a phrase that encompasses the idea of a life that is overflowing with blessings, joy, and purpose. It is like a river that continuously flows with goodness, refreshing and sustaining us throughout our journey on Earth. This abundant life is not something that can be found in worldly possessions or achievements, but only through a personal connection with Jesus.

As we move on to the second verse, the hymn speaks of eternal peace. This peace is not the absence of conflict or troubles, but rather a deep sense of tranquility and security that surpasses human understanding. It is a peace that can only be obtained through a relationship with Jesus Christ. This peace is not temporary or fleeting; it is and unchanging, providing solace and comfort in even the darkest of times.

The third verse introduces the concept of unclouded light. Light has always been associated with knowledge, wisdom, and guidance. In a filled with darkness and confusion, Jesus serves as the ultimate source of light, illuminating our paths and showing us the way to live a righteous and fulfilling life. His light shines through the pages of scripture, His teachings, and through the presence of the Holy , guiding us through the complexities of life and offering clarity and direction.

Moving on to the fourth verse, we encounter the theme of exceeding joy. Joy, unlike happiness, is not dependent on external circumstances or material possessions. Instead, it is an inner sense of contentment and that flows from having a deep connection with Jesus. This joy surpasses any temporary happiness that the world can offer, as it is rooted in the eternal love and grace of our Savior. It is a joy that remains unshaken even in the midst of trials and tribulations, bringing a sense of peace and fulfillment that cannot be taken .

Finally, the hymn concludes with the theme of the love of God. The love of God, as depicted in this hymn, is perfect and unchanging. It never fails or disappoints, always extending mercy, forgiveness, and grace to all who seek it. This love was fully demonstrated through the sacrifice of Jesus on the , where His blood was shed to redeem and reconcile humanity to God. It is a love that knows no bounds, embraces all, and offers eternal life to those who accept it.

In conclusion, “Lord Jesus I Have Found In Thee” is a hymn that encapsulates the essence of a deeply personal and transformative relationship with Jesus Christ. Through its verses, we are reminded of the abundant life, eternal peace, unclouded light, exceeding joy, and unfailing love that can be found in Him. These gifts are not limited to a select few, but rather available to all who seek and surrender their lives to Jesus. May this hymn serve as a reminder and an invitation to experience the richness and blessings that can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ.


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