O Lord Of Life, And Love, And Power – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Joy of Serving the Lord | Start Fresh & Break Free from Sin | Praying for Faithful Souls | Spread His Truth & Light

O Lord Of Life, And Love, And Power – Hymn Lyric

“O Lord of Life, and Love, and Power” is a hymn that inspires change and devotion to our Lord. It emphasizes the and fulfillment found in serving alongside Him and highlights the importance of renewing our commitment to live a life dedicated to His service. The hymn also calls for unity among believers and prayers for the of our Lord to be hastened, spreading His truth throughout the world.


O Lord Of Life, And Love, And Power – Hymn Lyric

O Lord of life and love and power,
How joyful life might be,
If in service every hour,
We lived and moved with ;
If youth in all its bloom and might
By Thee were sanctified,
And manhood found its chief
In working at Thy side!

‘Tis ne’er too late, while life last,
A new life to begin;
‘Tis ne’er too late to leave the past,
And break with self and sin;
And we this day, both old and young,
Would earnestly aspire
For hearts to nobler purpose strung,
And purified desire.

Nor for ourselves alone we ,
But for all faithful souls
Who serve Thy cause by word or deed,
Whose names Thy book enrolls:
O speed Thy work, victorious King,
And give Thy workers might,
That through the world Thy truth may ring,
And all men see Thy light.


Meaning of O Lord Of Life, And Love, And Power

O Lord of Life, and Love, and Power: A Hymn That Inspires Change and Devotion

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the immense joy and fulfillment that can be found in serving and living alongside our Lord. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a world where every hour is dedicated to His service, where youth and adulthood alike find their greatest delight in working at His side.

It is never too late to embark on a new path, to leave behind the mistakes and regrets of the past, and to break free from the chains of self and sin. Each day is an opportunity for renewal, a chance to start afresh and pursue a life of purpose and righteousness. This hymn reminds us that this desire for change and purity transcends age – both the old and the young can aspire to hearts strung with nobler purpose and purified desires.

But the plea expressed in this hymn goes beyond individual transformation. We are called to for all faithful souls who serve the cause of our Lord, whether through their words or their actions. The hymn acknowledges the importance of these dedicated servants and asks for their strength to be renewed so that they may continue to spread His truth throughout the world. We join in this prayer, asking for our Lord to speed His work and grant His workers the might to carry out His mission.

As we delve deeper into the meaning of this hymn, we recognize that it speaks to the profound impact that a life lived in service to God can have on both the individual and the community. When we align our hearts with His purpose, we experience a joy and fulfillment that surpasses any worldly pleasure or achievement. In dedicating ourselves to His work, we find a higher calling that gives meaning to our existence.

The hymn also highlights the importance of unity among believers. It emphasizes that we are not alone in our journey; there are countless others who have also committed their lives to serving our Lord. This shared bond of faith creates a network of support and encouragement. We lift each other up, we strengthen one another, and we strive together towards a common goal – to make His truth resound throughout the world.

In an age where distractions and seem to be in abundance, it can be easy to lose sight of our devotion to God. This hymn serves as a gentle reminder that it is never too late to come back to Him, to renew our commitment, and to rekindle the fire in our hearts. No matter our age or past mistakes, we are always welcome to return to His embrace.

As we reflect on the powerful message conveyed in this hymn, it becomes clear that the words hold significance not only for the present but also for the future. By praying for the work of our Lord to be expedited and for His truth to be seen by all, we are expressing our for a brighter tomorrow. We long for a world where His light shines brightly and touches the lives of every individual.

In conclusion, “O Lord of Life, and Love, and Power” truly encompasses the essence of devotion and change. It serves as a reminder that it is never too late to embark on a new path, to break free from the chains of self and sin, and to fully commit oneself to the service of our Lord. We pray not only for ourselves but also for all faithful souls who tirelessly work towards spreading His truth. May His work be hastened, may His workers be granted strength, and may His light truly illuminate the world.


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