O Where Is The Home For The Soul To Be Found – Hymn Lyric

Discover the search for a soul's sanctuary in the hymn "O Where Is The Home For The Soul To Be Found." Experience the longing for a celestial home beyond Earth

O Where Is The Home For The Soul To Be Found – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “O Where Is The Home For The To Be Found” invites us on a spiritual journey to find solace and for our . It prompts us to question if such a home can be found on Earth, and encourages us to look beyond the limitations of this . By focusing on and the joys that await us in the realm, the hymn invites us to prioritize our spiritual journey and seek a lasting home for our souls.


O Where Is The Home For The Soul To Be Found – Hymn Lyric

O where is the home of the soul to be found?
Who knows its true shelter where comforts abound?
What city of refuge will offer a place
That sin cannot enter, the soul to disgrace?

Nowhere, nowhere do we behold
On earth such a city of blessings untold.
So leave this poor earth if yon home thou wouldst see,
The home of the sainted from sorrow made free.

Jerusalem yonder, resplendent in gold,
Wilt thou to the soul all thy beauties unfold?
Truly, truly, no more to roam,
My soul with the shall there be at home.

How blissful to dwell in those regions of ,
Where death, sin and sorrow our joys cannot blight!
The sounding of harps by that heavenly throng
Will welcome the soul to glad music and song.

Sweet rest, deep rest, thou wilt be mine
When I in the arms of my Savior recline.


Meaning of O Where Is The Home For The Soul To Be Found

In our journey through , we often find ourselves searching for a place where our souls can find solace and peace. We long for a home, a refuge, where we can escape the troubles and trials of the world, and find comfort and blessings untold. The hymn “O Where Is The Home For The Soul To Be Found” beautifully captures this longing, and invites us to explore the possibilities of finding such a home.

The hymn begins with a question: “O where is the home of the soul to be found?” It immediately sparks curiosity and makes us ponder the existence of a place that can offer true shelter and abundant comforts. In our search for meaning and happiness, we often look for external sources of solace, but the hymn suggests that the true home for our souls may not be found on Earth.

The hymn urges us to consider the limitations of earthly cities and refuges, reminding us that sin can easily penetrate those places and tarnish our souls. It tells us that nowhere on Earth can we find a city that offers blessings and protection from the stains of sin. Therefore, it suggests that if we truly desire to find our soul’s home, we must look beyond the confines of this world.

“Leave this poor earth if yon home thou wouldst see,” the hymn proclaims, encouraging us to seek a higher realm where the souls of the sainted reside in freedom from sorrow. It presents Jerusalem as the epitome of this celestial city, resplendent in gold and ready to unveil its beauty to those who yearn for a true home. By emphasizing the need to depart from Earth and set our sights on Jerusalem, the hymn implies that our soul’s home is not a physical location, but rather a spiritual realm beyond our earthly existence.

The hymn paints a vivid picture of the joys that await us in this heavenly home. It speaks of regions filled with light, where death, sin, and sorrow cannot taint our joys. It evokes images of a heavenly throng, resonating with the sound of harps, ready to welcome our souls with glad music and song. This portrayal of a blissful existence free from pain and suffering sets a captivating scene, inviting us to yearn for that deep rest and ultimate fulfillment that can only be found in the arms of our Savior.

As we reflect on the hymn’s lyrics, we are reminded of the need to prioritize our spiritual journey and seek a lasting home for our souls. It encourages us to detach ourselves from the temporary pleasures and distractions of this world and set our eyes on the eternal realm where our souls truly belong. By focusing on Jerusalem, we are reminded that our ultimate home is not in the physical realm, but in the spiritual embrace of our Savior.

In conclusion, the hymn “O Where Is The Home For The Soul To Be Found” beckons us to explore the concept of a soul’s home beyond the confines of this earthly existence. It urges us to leave behind the limitations and transgressions of planet Earth in search of a heavenly city where our souls can find freedom from sorrow and bask in the blessings of eternal peace. May we heed its call and embark on a spiritual journey that leads us closer to our soul’s true home.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the search for a soul's sanctuary in the hymn O Where Is The Home For The Soul To Be Found. Experience the longing for a celestial home beyond Earth, where true solace and eternal bliss await.


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