Come Souls That Long For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Come Souls That Long For Jesus: Find hope

Come Souls That Long For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover Hope and Redemption in the Grace of Jesus: “Come Souls That Long For Jesus” is a powerful hymn that invites those seeking solace and freedom from and sin to come together and celebrate the boundless and mercy of Jesus Christ. It encourages us to embrace His grace and find even in our darkest moments, as we turn to Him with longing hearts, finding true peace and fulfillment in His loving arms.


Come Souls That Long For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Come souls that long for Jesus,
Come listen while we sing,
The hand that hath redeemed us
From sorrow and from sin,

O come and taste the sweetness
That from a flows,
The grace of true repentance
That Christ on him .

Though tears and bitter mourning
May seem to cast us down,
It shows we are returning
To our eternal home,

What tho’ we are dejected,
And find a darksome night,
We shall not be rejected,
For Christ will give us light.

These thirsty longing mourners
Are blessed with the word,
Which proves they are returners
To Christ the living Lord,

Who many wants discover,
And long for ,
Declare that they are lovers
Of Christ the Prince of peace.

The now invites you
To fly into his arms,
Where you shall find rescue
From all the law’s alarms,

There mercy’s charms are witnessed
To all that are distressed,
Flowing in all its sweetness
From Jesu’s loving breast.

And ye that now are wandering
In sin’s forbidden way,
Ye simple and ye scorning,
Who love to go astray,

Hear Jesu’s voice inviting
O sinner turn to me.
There’s sweetness in returning
From sin’s forbidden way.

My invitation freely
And kindly I address
To those who are stout-hearted,
And far from righteousness,

Lo, here’s a flowing fountain,
For whosoever will,
My grace is still abounding,
O come and drink your fill.


Meaning of Come Souls That Long For Jesus

Come Souls That Long For Jesus: Finding Hope and Redemption in His Grace

In this beautiful hymn, we are invited to come together and celebrate the boundless love and mercy of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It beckons to all souls that long for Jesus, those who are seeking solace and redemption from the burdens of sorrow and sin.

As we gather to sing these words, we are reminded of the power of Christ’s hand in redeeming us, pulling us out from the depths of darkness and guiding us towards the light. He offers us the sweetest of joys, the grace of true repentance that only He can bestow upon us.

Sometimes, we may find ourselves overwhelmed with tears and bitter mourning. We may feel cast down by the weight of our own mistakes and shortcomings. However, in these moments, it is important to remember that our sorrow is not in vain. It is a sign that we are returning to our eternal home, that we are turning back to the loving arms of our Savior.

Even though we may feel dejected and lost in the darkness of our own failures, we can find solace in the fact that Christ will never reject us. His light will always shine upon us, even in the darkest of times. His love is unwavering and His arms are always open wide, ready to embrace us and guide us back onto the right .

The hymn refers to us as thirsty, longing mourners. This imagery paints a vivid picture of our souls yearning for something greater, something beyond the fleeting pleasures of this world. It is through the Word of God that our longing is fulfilled, as it confirms our return to Christ, the living Lord.

In our longing, we also become aware of our many wants and our deep for righteousness. The hymn reminds us that these longings, these thirsts for righteousness, are a testament to our love for Christ, the Prince of peace. It is through Him that we can find true peace and fulfillment in our lives.

The gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, invites us to fly into His loving arms. In Him, we find rescue from the alarms and burdens of the law. His mercy and grace are boundless, and they are witnessed by all who are distressed and seek His comfort. From Jesus’ loving breast flows a sweetness beyond measure, a sweetness that can quench the deepest longing of our souls.

To those who are currently wandering in sin’s forbidden way, the hymn extends an invitation from Jesus Himself. Regardless of how simple or scornful we may have been, He calls out to us, urging us to turn from our sinful ways and find solace in His forgiving embrace. In returning from sin’s forbidden way, we find genuine sweetness and fulfillment that can only be found in Christ.

The invitation is not limited to a select few. It is freely and kindly addressed to all, including those who consider themselves to be stout-hearted and far from righteousness. Jesus offers Himself as a flowing fountain, overflowing with an abundance of grace and love. Whoever is willing to accept His invitation and drink from this overflowing well will find that His grace knows no bounds.

So, let us come, dear souls that long for Jesus, and gather together to sing His praises. Let us drink from the well of His grace and find hope and redemption in His loving embrace. May these words resonate in our hearts and guide us on our journey towards Him, the source of everlasting joy and peace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Come Souls That Long For Jesus: Find hope, redemption, and solace in the boundless love and mercy of our Savior. This hymn invites all searching souls to turn towards Jesus, experience the sweetness of His grace, and find true peace in His loving embrace.


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