Dear Is The Story Of Wonderful Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of "Dear Is The Story Of Wonderful Love." This hymn tells of a Savior's sacrifice

Dear Is The Story Of Wonderful Love – Hymn Lyric

“Dear Is The Story Of Wonderful : A Message of and Redemption” tells the powerful story of a Savior who sacrificed everything for a lost world. Despite facing hatred and rejection, this Savior’s love knows no bounds and can brighten even the darkest days. This hymn encourages us to share this remarkable story, knowing that it has the power to transform lives and joy to those who hear it.


Dear Is The Story Of Wonderful Love – Hymn Lyric

Dear is the story of wonderful love
Told of a Savior, who came from above,
Bore all our sins, and in and shame,
Suffered and died a lost world to reclaim.

Tell it today, it will brighten the way,
Tell it today, tell it today;
No other theme can such blessing bestow;
Joy will come to someone if you tell it today.

Hated, despised and rejected was He,
Whose word commanded the wind and the ;
By whose compassion the hungry were fed,
Who healed the living, whose voice raised the dead.


Torn were His feet by the briars of scorn;
Pierced was His forehead by many a thorn;
Wounded for us were His hands and His side,
Broken the heart of the Lord crucified.


When, with the loved ones who’ve gone on before,
Ransomed we stand on that beautiful shore;
When in His beauty our Savior we see,
O what a glorious day that will be!


Meaning of Dear Is The Story Of Wonderful Love

Dear Is The Story Of Wonderful Love: A Message of Hope and Redemption

In a world filled with turmoil and , it is easy to lose sight of the love and grace that surround us. Amidst all the chaos, there is a story that shines like a of hope – a story of wonderful love. This hymn reminds us of the incredible made by a Savior who came from above to bear all our sins and suffer in order to reclaim a lost world.

The opening verse of the hymn sets the stage for the story of this Savior. It tells us that this Savior’s love is so dear, so precious, that it is worth recounting again and again. This wonderful love is not just a mere tale, but a powerful truth that resonates with the depths of our hearts. It is a love that knows no bounds, a love that can brighten even the darkest days.

The refrain encourages us to tell this story today, to share it with the world. Why? Because this story has the power to transform lives. No other theme can bestow such upon those who hear it. When we share the story of this wonderful love, joy will come to someone, perhaps even to ourselves. So, let us not keep this remarkable message to ourselves, but proclaim it with enthusiasm and fervor.

The hymn then vividly describes the mistreatment and rejection faced by the Savior. Despite having the ability to calm the wind and the sea with just a word, He was despised and hated. His compassion led Him to feed the hungry and heal the sick, yet He found himself scorned and mocked. This juxtaposition of His power and His suffering is a testament to His incredible love for humanity.

The second refrain reminds us of the physical pain and suffering the Savior endured for our sake. His feet were torn by the briars of scorn, His forehead pierced by thorns, His hands and side wounded. The image evoked here is one of a heartbroken Savior, suffering on our behalf. It is a powerful reminder of the magnitude of His sacrifice and the depth of His love.

But the story does not end with suffering and sorrow. The final verse looks forward to a future where we will stand on a beautiful shore with our loved ones who have gone before us. It paints a picture of a glorious day when we will see our Savior in all His beauty. This is a day of ultimate redemption, where the pain and suffering of this world will be no more. It is a day we long for, a day that fills our hearts with hope and anticipation.

In conclusion, the hymn “Dear Is The Story Of Wonderful Love” beautifully encapsulates the story of a Savior who came to earth to bear our sins, suffer, and die in order to reclaim a lost world. It reminds us of the incredible love and grace that surround us, even in the midst of turmoil and suffering. This story has the power to bring joy, hope, and transformation to those who hear it. So, let us not withhold this message, but share it with others, that they too may find solace and redemption in this wonderful love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of Dear Is The Story Of Wonderful Love. This hymn tells of a Savior's sacrifice, redemption, and the love that brightens even the darkest days. Share this message of hope today and transform lives with its blessings.


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