I Rejoice That I Cannot But Love Him – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the overwhelming joy & gratitude for God's unconditional love in the hymn "I Rejoice That I Cannot But Love Him." Explore the depth & sacrificial nature of His love for all of eternity.

I Rejoice That I Cannot But Love Him – Hymn Lyric

“I Rejoice That I Cannot But Love Him: Celebrating God’s Unconditional Love” is a heartfelt hymn that expresses overwhelming joy and gratitude for God’s love. The lyrics paint a picture of a love that knows no bounds – a love that is immeasurable, unchanging, and eternal. It calls for a response, asking if we are willing to love Him to the extent that He loved us. The hymn emphasizes that by living and dying for Christ, we honor and to His name, and it encourages us to reflect on our own response to God’s love.


I Rejoice That I Cannot But Love Him – Hymn Lyric

I rejoice that I cannot but love Him,
Because He first loved me;
I would that measureless, changeless,
My love might be;
A love unto death and for ever;
For, soul, He died for .

Give thanks that for thee He delighted
To leave His glory on high;
For thee to be humbled, ,
For thee to die.

Wilt render Him love for His loving?
Wilt thou die for Him who died?
And so by dying and living
Shall Christ be magnified.

And deep in the fiery stream that flows
From God’s high throne,
In the burning tide that for ever glows
Of the marvellous love unknown;

For ever, O soul, thou shalt burn and glow,
And thou shalt and say,
“I need no call at His feet to fall,
For I cannot turn away.

I am the captive led along
With the joy of His triumphal song;
In the depths of love do I love and move,
I joy to live or to die;

For I am borne on the tide of His love
To all eternity:”

The foolishness of the fool is this,
The sorrow sweeter than joy to miss.


Meaning of I Rejoice That I Cannot But Love Him

I Rejoice That I Cannot But Love Him: Celebrating God’s Unconditional Love

In this heartfelt hymn, the singer expresses their overwhelming joy and gratitude for God’s love. They cannot help but love Him, as He loved them first. The lyrics paint a picture of a love that knows no bounds – a love that is immeasurable, unchanging, and eternal. It is a love that is so deep and sacrificial that it led Jesus to die for the singer’s soul.

As the hymn continues, the singer encourages others to join in giving thanks for God’s willingness to leave His glory and become humbled and forsaken, all for the sake of humanity. It is a love that calls for a response – a love that asks if we are willing to render Him the same love that He has shown us. Are we willing to go to the extent of dying for Him, just as He died for us?

The hymn emphasizes that by living and dying for Christ, we bring honor and glory to His name. It is through our actions that His greatness is magnified. The singer envisions a future where their soul is forever burning and glowing in the fiery stream of God’s love, songs of praise and gratitude. They express that there is no need for a formal invitation to fall at His feet because their love for Him is unwavering and unchanging.

Throughout the hymn, there is a sense of surrender and submission. The singer acknowledges being led along as a captive of love, rejoicing in the triumphal song of Christ. They see themselves carried by the tide of His love, both in this life and the next, for all of eternity. It is a love that brings immense joy and purpose, making them willing to live or die for the sake of this love.

In the final lines of the hymn, the singer reflects on the foolishness of those who choose to miss out on the sorrow that comes from missing out on this love. They imply that the sorrow of not experiencing God’s love is even sweeter than worldly joy. The hymn concludes with a profound statement, highlighting the transformative power of God’s love and the incredible joy it brings.

The message of this hymn is simple yet profound – God’s love is all-encompassing, sacrificial, and eternal. It is a love that cannot be ignored or turned away from. The singer’s rejoicing and inability to do anything but love God is a powerful testament to the impact of His love in their life. It is a reminder for all who hear this hymn to reflect on their own response to God’s love and how they can truly live in a way that magnifies His greatness.

In a world where love can often be conditional and fleeting, this hymn serves as a beautiful reminder that God’s love transcends all boundaries and expectations. It is a love that invites us to respond with our whole hearts, to immerse ourselves in its depth and allow it to shape our lives. It is a love that gives us reason to rejoice, to be grateful, and to proclaim that we cannot help but love Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate the overwhelming joy & gratitude for God's unconditional love in the hymn I Rejoice That I Cannot But Love Him. Explore the depth & sacrificial nature of His love for all of eternity.


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