Why Should I Vex My Soul And Fret – Hymn Lyric

Find peace and solace in a troubled world by shifting focus away from the wicked. Commit to righteousness and trust in the Lord for true peace.

Why Should I Vex My Soul And Fret – Hymn Lyric

Why Should I Vex My Soul And Fret: Finding in a Troubled World is a that reminds us to find solace in the teachings of the Lord. It urges us not to become consumed by envy or anger towards the wicked, but rather to trust in God and practice righteousness. By doing so, we can find true peace and inherit the abundant riches that come with living a humble and just .


Why Should I Vex My Soul And Fret – Hymn Lyric

Why should I vex my soul and fret
To see the wicked ?
Or envy waxing great
By violence and lies?

As flow’ry grass cut down at noon
Before the ev’ning fades,
So shall their glories vanish soon
In everlasting shades.

Then let me make the Lord my trust
And practice all that’s good;
So shall I dwell among the just
And he’ll provide me food.

I to my God my ways commit
And cheerful wait his will;
Thy hand which guides my doubtful feet
Shall my desires fulfill.

Mine innocence shalt display
And make thy judgments known,
Fair as the of dawning day
And glorious as the noon.

The meek at last the earth possess
And are the heirs of heav’n;
True riches, with abundant peace,
To humble souls are given.

Rest in the Lord and keep his ,
Nor let your anger rise,
Though Providence should long delay
To punish haughty vice.

Let sinners join to break your peace,
And plot, and rage, and foam;
The Lord derides them, for he sees
Their day of come.

They have drawn out the threatening sword,
Have bent the murderous bow,
To slay the men that fear the Lord,
And bring the righteous low.

My God shall break their bows and burn
Their persecuting darts,
Shall their own swords against them turn,
And pierce their stubborn hearts.


Meaning of Why Should I Vex My Soul And Fret

Why Should I Vex My Soul And Fret: Finding Peace in a Troubled World

In our daily lives, it is all too easy to become consumed by the actions and successes of those around us. We see the wicked rise and watch as sinners seemingly prosper through violence and lies. It can be disheartening to witness this, but instead of allowing ourselves to become consumed by envy or anger, we should turn to the teachings of the Lord and find solace in His ways.

The hymn begins by acknowledging the fleeting nature of worldly glories. Just as flowery grass is cut down at noon and withers away before the fades, so too shall the worldly successes of the wicked vanish in everlasting shades. This serves as a reminder that we should not place our value or happiness in the temporary gains and triumphs we see around us.

Instead, the hymn urges us to make the Lord our trust and to practice all that is good. By doing so, we can dwell among the just and find comfort in knowing that He will provide for us. It is a call to commit our ways to God and to patiently wait for His will to be revealed. We are reminded that His guiding hand will fulfill our desires and lead us along the right path.

The hymn also speaks to the notion of innocence and justice. It suggests that by trusting in God and living a righteous life, our innocence will be displayed for all to see. In doing so, God will make His judgments known and our actions will be as fair as the light of dawning day and as glorious as the noon. It is a powerful reminder that righteousness and humility are valued far more than worldly success.

Moreover, the hymn reveals that the meek shall inherit the earth and become heirs of heaven. It emphasizes that true riches—riches of the soul—are given to those who remain humble in their actions and thoughts. In a world obsessed with material wealth and personal gain, this reminder is a breath of fresh air. It encourages us to seek a different kind of treasure, one that brings abundant peace and everlasting joy.

Even when faced with challenges and adversity, the hymn advises us to rest in the Lord and keep His way. It reminds us not to let anger rise within us, even if we feel that Providence is taking longer than expected to punish haughty vice. Instead, we are called to have faith and trust in God’s plan, knowing that His timing and ways are beyond our understanding.

It is important to note that the hymn acknowledges the existence of sinners who actively seek to disrupt our peace and plot against us. They may rage and foam with hatred, but the Lord sees their actions and derides them. Their day of vengeance will come, and we need not concern ourselves with seeking retribution or allowing their actions to determine our sense of peace.

In fact, the hymn reassures us that God will intervene on our behalf. He will break the bows and burn the persecuting darts of our enemies. Their own swords will turn against them, piercing their stubborn hearts. This serves as a powerful reminder that we need not engage in a battle of anger and retaliation. Instead, we should trust in God’s justice and allow Him to defend and protect us.

In conclusion, “Why Should I Vex My Soul And Fret” offers a profound message of finding peace and solace in a troubled world. It reminds us to shift our focus away from the temporary gains of the wicked and instead place our trust in the Lord. By committing our ways to Him and practicing righteousness, we can find true peace and inherit the abundant riches that come with living a humble and just life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find peace and solace in a troubled world by shifting focus away from the wicked. Commit to righteousness and trust in the Lord for true peace.


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