Praise The Lord Theres Sunlight In My Happy Soul Today – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy of God's presence with "Praise The Lord Theres Sunlight In My Happy Soul Today." This uplifting hymn celebrates the brightness and happiness that comes from a relationship with God. Join in praising the Lord and bask in the precious sunlight of his love.

Praise The Lord Theres Sunlight In My Happy Soul Today – Hymn Lyric

The uplifting hymn, “ The Lord Theres Sunlight In My Happy Soul Today,” rejoices in the presence of and the joy that fills the author’s . Through metaphorical language and vivid imagery, the hymn conveys the warmth, brightness, and happiness that comes from a deep relationship with God. It invites others to join in praising and magnifying the Lord, seeking the precious sunlight that fills their souls.


Praise The Lord Theres Sunlight In My Happy Soul Today – Hymn Lyric

Praise the Lord, there’s sunlight in my happy soul today,
Brighter than the glorious noon;
Christ, the Light, is in my heart and on the way,
I shall rise to glory soon.

Oh, the precious sunlight,
Oh, the precious sunlight,
Shining as the morning in my soul;
Let its crystal rays inspire our hearts with praise;
Oh, there’s sunlight in my soul!

Praise the Lord, there’s in my happy soul today,
Precious music to my Lord,
Cheering me with rapture as I pass along the way,
, oh, sing in sweet accord.


Praise the Lord, there’s springtime in my happy soul today,
All is evergreen and fair,
Where the flow’rs are blooming and the dove of peace doth stay,
Oh, what treasures rich and rare!


Praise the Lord, there’s sweetness in my happy soul today,
“Taste and see the Lord is good”;
For His peace and glory I would ever live, and
That my life be as it should.


Praise the Lord, there’s gladness in my happy soul today,
Oh, what pleasure I have found!
From His sacred presence I would never, never stray,
In His love I would abound.


Meaning of Praise The Lord Theres Sunlight In My Happy Soul Today

Praise The Lord, There’s Sunlight In My Happy Soul Today

In this uplifting hymn, the author rejoices in the presence of God and the joy that fills their heart. The metaphor of sunlight is used to convey the warmth, brightness, and happiness that the Lord brings into their life. Let’s explore the different verses and understand the deeper meaning behind them.

Verse 1:

“Praise the Lord, there’s sunlight in my happy soul today,

Brighter than the glorious noon;

Christ, the Light, is shining in my heart and on the way,

I shall rise to glory soon.”

The first verse sets the tone for the entire hymn. The author’s soul is filled with sunlight, a metaphorical representation of the abundant joy and happiness that God bestows upon them. The mention of Christ as the Light symbolizes the presence of God in their heart and life. This eternal light gives them and the promise of a glorious future.


“Oh, the precious sunlight,

Oh, the precious sunlight,

Shining as the morning in my soul;

Let its crystal rays inspire our hearts with praise;

Oh, there’s sunlight in my soul!”

The refrain emphasizes the preciousness of the sunlight in the author’s soul. It’s compared to the beauty of a morning sunrise, inspiring both praise and admiration. This radiant light symbolizes the spiritual enlightenment that comes from a deep and intimate relationship with God. The author invites others to join them in celebrating and praising God together.

Verse 2:

“Praise the Lord, there’s singing in my happy soul today,

Precious music to my Lord,

Cheering me with rapture as I pass along the way,

Sing, oh, sing in sweet accord.”

In the second verse, the author describes the singing that resonates in their happy soul. This music represents the joy and gratitude they feel towards God. The melodies and harmonies of their heart uplift and encourage them as they journey through life. The author encourages others to join in this sweet accord, spreading happiness and unity through praise and worship.

Verse 3:

“Praise the Lord, there’s springtime in my happy soul today,

All is evergreen and fair,

Where the flow’rs are blooming and the dove of peace doth stay,

Oh, what treasures rich and rare!”

In the third verse, the author uses the imagery of springtime to describe the state of their soul. Just as spring brings renewed life and beauty to nature, their soul becomes evergreen and fair. The blossoming flowers represent the growth and abundance that comes from a flourishing relationship with God. The dove of peace symbolizes the tranquility and serenity that resides in their soul. They recognize and appreciate the rich and rare treasures that God has bestowed upon them.

Verse 4:

“Praise the Lord, there’s sweetness in my happy soul today,

“Taste and see the Lord is good”;

For His peace and glory I would ever live, and pray

That my life be as it should.”

In the fourth verse, the author expresses the sweetness that fills their soul. They invite others to experience the goodness of the Lord for themselves – to taste and see the undeniable that come from a life lived in God’s presence. They proclaim their to live in peace and bring glory to God through their actions and prayers. Their soul, touched by God’s sweetness, desires to live a life aligned with God’s will.

Verse 5:

“Praise the Lord, there’s gladness in my happy soul today,

Oh, what pleasure I have found!

From His sacred presence, I would never, never stray,

In His love, I would abound.”

The final verse of the hymn highlights the gladness and pleasure that fills the author’s soul. They have found immense joy and fulfillment through their relationship with God. The presence of God is declared as sacred, and the author vows to never stray from that presence. They desire to live in God’s love and experience an abundant life.

In conclusion, “Praise The Lord, There’s Sunlight In My Happy Soul Today” is a hymn that celebrates the joy, peace, and blessings that come from a relationship with God. Each verse portrays a different aspect of the author’s spiritual journey, using metaphorical language to convey their happiness and gratitude. Through the vibrant imagery of sunlight, singing, springtime, sweetness, and gladness, the author invites others to join them in praising and magnifying the Lord. May this hymn inspire and encourage all who sing it to seek the precious sunlight that fills their souls.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy of God's presence with Praise The Lord Theres Sunlight In My Happy Soul Today. This uplifting hymn celebrates the brightness and happiness that comes from a relationship with God. Join in praising the Lord and bask in the precious sunlight of his love.


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