Jesus Blessed Savior Help Us Now – Hymn Lyric

Experience the incredible love and grace of Jesus

Jesus Blessed Savior Help Us Now – Hymn Lyric

This hymn expresses a heartfelt plea to Jesus, our blessed Savior, for assistance and guidance. It highlights the love, , and favor He has shown us throughout the and acknowledges our shortcomings and need for His forgiveness. As we enter the new year, we our complete trust in Jesus, seeking His presence, protection, and blessings in all aspects of our lives.


Jesus Blessed Savior Help Us Now – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, blessed Savior,
help us now to raise
Songs of glad thanksgiving,
songs of holy .

Oh, how kind and gracious
hast always been!
Oh, how many blessings
every day has seen!

Jesus, blessed Savior,
now our praises hear,
For grace and favor
crowning all the year.

Jesus, holy Savior,
only Thou canst tell
How we often stumbled,
how we often fell!

All our sins (so many!)
Savior, Thou dost know:
In Thy blood most precious
wash us white as snow.

Jesus, blessed Savior,
keep us in Thy fear,
Let Thy grace and favor
pardon all the year.

Jesus, loving Savior,
only Thou dost know
All that may befall us
as we onward go;

So we humbly Thee,
take us by the hand,
Lead us ever upward
to the better land.

Jesus, blessed Savior,
keep us ever near,
Let Thy grace and favor
shield us all the year.

Jesus, precious Savior,
make us all Thine own,
Make us Thine forever,
make us Thine alone.

Let each day, each moment
of this glad new year,
Be for Jesus only,
Jesus, Savior dear.

Then, O blessed Savior,
never need we fear:
For Thy grace and favor
crown our bright New Year.


Meaning of Jesus Blessed Savior Help Us Now

Jesus, Blessed Savior: Help Us Now

In this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love and grace of Jesus, our Savior. It calls upon Him to assist us in raising songs of glad thanksgiving and holy praise. This heartfelt plea signifies our desire to express gratitude for all the blessings we have received. Throughout the year, Jesus has shown us kindness and grace, showering us with countless blessings every day.

Jesus, our blessed Savior, we implore you to hear our praises. Your grace and favor have crowned every aspect of our lives this year. We acknowledge that we have stumbled and fallen many times, but you alone know the depths of our shortcomings. Despite the multitude of our sins, you have cleansed us with your precious blood, washing us white as snow. We are eternally grateful for your forgiveness.

As we move forward in life, Jesus, our holy Savior, we recognize that we cannot foresee all the challenges and obstacles that may come our way. However, we humbly ask you to take us by the hand and lead us along the path of righteousness. With your guidance, we can navigate any tribulations that lie ahead. We place our trust in you, knowing that you will never forsake us.

Jesus, our loving Savior, we understand that you alone see what the future holds for us. We acknowledge that there may be struggles and hardships along the way, but we have faith in your unwavering love and care. We surrender ourselves to you, knowing that you will uplift us and guide us towards a better land. May your presence be with us always, and may we remain ever close to you.

Jesus, our precious Savior, we yearn to be completely yours. Make us your own, now and forever. We desire to belong to you alone, for you are the source of true joy and fulfillment in our lives. With each passing day, we commit ourselves to dedicating every moment to you. In this new year, may every thought, word, and action be for you, our dear Savior Jesus.

When we place our trust in you, Jesus, our blessed Savior, there is no need to fear. Your grace and favor will be our constant companions, upon us throughout this bright new year. With you at our side, we can face any challenge or trial that comes our way. Your love and blessings will continue to crown our lives, light and hope to every day.

In conclusion, Jesus, blessed Savior, we humbly ask for your help today and every day. Your love, grace, and favor are the foundations upon which we build our lives. We rejoice in the countless blessings you have bestowed upon us, and we give thanks for your continuous presence in our lives. As we embark on this new year, we surrender ourselves to you, trusting in your unwavering guidance. May our songs of glad thanksgiving and holy praise forever echo in your ears. Jesus, blessed Savior, help us now and always.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the incredible love and grace of Jesus, our blessed Savior. Raise songs of glad thanksgiving and holy praise, seeking His help and guidance in every aspect of your life. Trust in His unwavering presence and let His blessings crown your year. Jesus, blessed Savior, help us now and always.


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