Lo The Summer Sun Is Spreading – Hymn Lyric

Lo The Summer Sun Is Spreading: Answering the Call in the Fields

Lo The Summer Sun Is Spreading – Hymn Lyric

Lo The Summer Sun Is Spreading: A Call to Action in the Harvest Fields The rays of the summer sun have painted the fields in radiant gold, signaling the arrival of a fruitful season. As as the eye can see, countless fields are rolling like the waves of the mighty ocean. It is a magnificent sight that fills the air with a sense of urgency and purpose. The time has come, dear reapers, to heed the call and embark on the noble task that lies before us.


Lo The Summer Sun Is Spreading – Hymn Lyric

Lo! the summer sun is spreading gold upon the grain!
Countless fields are rolling like the billows of the main;
All the air is vibrant with a sharp and earnest call,
Rouse ye, reapers, there is work for all.

Behold! the fields are waving signal calls to thee!
Arise! Arise! A storm is brooding on the ,
And if you falter or delay,
And precious grain be swept away,
What will the Lord of harvest say?

Cries for are coming from the fields in foreign lands;
Oh, the work that must be done! where are the hands?
Halting while the Master calls is little short of crime,
Rouse ye, reapers, this is harvest time.


Soon for you the harvest time will pass beyond recall;
Soon a day of reckoning will come to one and all;
Bearing sheaves or empty handed is for you to say,
Rouse ye, reapers, harvest is today.


Meaning of Lo The Summer Sun Is Spreading

Lo The Summer Sun Is Spreading: A Call to Action in the Harvest Fields

The warm rays of the summer sun have painted the fields in radiant gold, signaling the arrival of a fruitful season. As far as the eye can see, countless fields are rolling like the waves of the mighty ocean. It is a magnificent sight that fills the air with a sense of urgency and purpose. The time has come, dear reapers, to heed the call and embark on the noble task that lies before us.

Amidst the golden sea of grain, a sharp and earnest call resounds, beckoning us to action. The fields are waving their signal, an undeniable plea for our attention. Can you not it, dear friends? Arise! Arise! For a storm is brooding on the sea, threatening to destroy the precious harvest. We must not falter or delay, for the fate of the grain rests in our hands.

The Lord of harvest looks down upon us with expectant eyes. What will He say if we fail to respond to His call? Will He not be disappointed if we allow the precious grain to be swept away by the storm? Let us not give Him any reason for sorrow. Instead, let us stand united as reapers, ready to face the challenges that lie ahead.

But it is not only within our own that cries for help can be heard. From foreign lands, a desperate call for assistance reaches our ears. Oh, the work that must be done! Where are the willing hands that can make a difference? We must not hesitate while the Master calls. To do so, dear reapers, would be little short of a crime. The harvest season is upon us, and we must rise to the occasion.

Time passes swiftly, and soon the harvest season will come to an end. We must be mindful of the day of reckoning that awaits each and every one of us. Will we be found bearing sheaves of abundance or empty-handed? The choice is ours to make. Rouse ye, reapers, for the harvest is today. Let us not waste a single moment but instead seize the opportunity to gather the blessings that lie within the fields.

In the grand tapestry of , each of us has a role to play. The fields are beckoning us to fulfill our purpose, to contribute to the greater good. Do not look upon the task as a burden but rather as a privilege bestowed upon us. With willing hearts and strong hands, let us embrace our roles as reapers and make every moment count.

As the hymn echoes its refrain, we are reminded of the urgency that surrounds us. The fields are waving signal calls to us, demanding our attention. A storm may be brewing, threatening to snatch away the fruits of our labor. This is not a time for hesitation or complacency, but for unwavering commitment and unwavering action.

Dear reapers, let us heed the call that resounds throughout the land. Let our hands be busy, our hearts be , and our spirits be buoyed by the knowledge that we are making a difference. In the end, when the Lord of harvest looks upon our efforts, may He say, “Well done, faithful reapers. You have fulfilled your purpose and brought forth a bountiful harvest.”

So, my friends, let us rise together and embrace the challenges that lie before us. Let us work diligently and with purpose, knowing that the time for action is now. The summer sun is spreading its rays of gold upon the grain, signaling that the harvest season is here. Let us not disappoint the fields, the Master, or ourselves, but instead, let us rejoice in the fulfillment of our duties as reapers in this great harvest of life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Lo The Summer Sun Is Spreading: Answering the Call in the Fields

Experience the golden glow of summer as the sun bathes the fields in radiant light. It's time to take action and embrace the harvest season. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a difference. Rise up, reapers, and let's make the most of this bountiful time. Harvest awaits us all.


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